Second Chances

Chapter 10

So, I’m still dealing with my separation issues, but things are seeming to get a little better. I’m hanging out with pretty much everyone, though I refuse to stay on the BVB bus. I don’t quite trust Ash when he’s drunk, or even tipsy. Oh, so fun note…Jazz and I are fighting. Over stupid shit I might add. He got all pissed that I recorded music on my own, without consulting him. It’s like: dude, this is my band too. If I want to record something I will. I mean Hello! All the guys record shit before they show everyone else, why does it have to be so different for me? He’s just starting to piss me off now. Yeah we’ve been friends for about five years or so, but he’s acting like I’m a fucking child. He’s saying that he’ll kick me out of the band. Well I can be a bitch too. Kick me out and he’s out of a place to live. I turned my home into my tattoo parlor, and Jashire is just staying there. Heh, the entire band would have to find somewhere else to practice as well. I think the only one who’d stay with me would be Elk, well maybe Kaim by default but still…Ugh, Jinxx, Elk and Ash are getting suspicious…

I shut my notebook and looked across the hotel room we were staying in at three of the five people who would be sharing the room with me. The show earlier was amazing, and there was an even better turnout than the first one. I guess it’s just because word travels fast with it comes to BVB tours and who is with them. “Is there a reason I’m being stared at like I’m doing something completely illegal?”

“Not really, you’ve just been extremely quiet since the show.Anything you want to talk about?” It was almost scary how well Ashley could read me. I glared at him before getting up from the bed.

“I’m going to shower.” I grabbed my bag and my notebook before going into the bathroom. I only brought my notebook because I knew they’d try to read it. And that wasn’t allowed, I had all of my song ideas written down along with my ‘diary’ entries. I locked the door, stripped and got into the shower, turning on only the hot water. My shower took about fifteen minutes, but I stayed under the scalding jets of water for as long as I dared before changing it to just cold water to allow my body temp to go back down.

I quickly dried my hair and changed into my pajamas. Even though I would never admit it to him, I was in love with Ashely’s fashion line. Everything was just simply perfect. I slipped my notebook into my bag before I quickly brushed my hair and exiting the bathroom. I crawled back onto the bed I picked and pulled my kindle from my bag before curling up in the corner against the wall and reading.

“Really, Havic…are you alright? I’m starting to really worry about you.” I looked over at Elk and smiled a little.

“I’m fine, really. If it was anything important I’d tell you guys.” I instantly knew I was caught lying to them when Jinxx and Ash both looked unimpressed. “Alright, if I thought it was important I’d let you know. It’s really nothing.” Jinxx looked pointedly at my wrists before making eye contact with me again. I knew what he was asking and shook my head. I hadn’t cut my wrists, but that didn’t mean I didn’t have other places that I could cut.

“So we’re going out, there’s a bar just down the street. You want to come with us?” I looked at Ash like he was insane.

“I’m nineteen, I have no intention of getting completely drunk and probably raped. I’ll be fine for a few hours on my own without any of you babysitting me.” The guys nodded and headed for the door. Jinxx stopped and wrote something on a sheet of paper before tossing it to me.

“Call me if you need anything.” I nodded and smiled a bit.

“I will, go, have fun. I’m a very boring person as it is.” Once I was alone in the room, I dug my notebook and Ipod out of my bag. I picked a random song and pressed play before I cranked the volume of the Ihome I brought into the hotel with me. I sighed and leaned against the wall, opened my notebook and continued writing.

I just find it irritating that Jashire thinks that he can threaten me like this. It’s so childish. He’s never gone after one of the guys for recording anything. But if that’s how he wants it then fine…I’ll stop writing songs for him and just work on my own solo shit. Heh, now I guess I’m just being childish but I’m so fucking sick of it.

I ranted for about an hour or so before I curled up with my kindle and notebook under my pillow. I left my music on so that I wouldn’t be forced to think too much. I woke up a few hours later, the room absolutely silent. I went to look at the time on my Ihome only to find it off, as well as the other clock in the room. “Great so the power’s out.” I packed up my Ihome and Ipod, no longer having a use for them and just laid awake waiting for the guys to get back.

Deciding that I wasn’t willing to try sleeping again, I pulled out my kindle and started reading again. My kindle said it was two am when the door opened. I looked up, before just going back to reading.T he power was still out but I knew that at least three of the guys were completely shit-faced. “Chase, want to help us with these guys?” I tried to keep from laughing as Elk stumbled over to the empty bed and collapsed face first.

“Yeah, because you and CC can’t handle three drunk guys.” I got up and helped CC with Kaim, laying him next to Elk. “So who am I sharing with? I’d prefer someone not drunk.”

“Doesn’t matter, I’ll probably stay up to make sure these idiots don’t die overnight.” Jinxx laid Ash on the couch and sat in the chair, and sighed. “How long has the power been out?”

“Only a few hours, I woke up because it was too quiet.” I crawled back into the bed, and pulled my wolf blanket around me. “CC I don’t bite much, you should be able to sleep a little.” I smirked to myself when he hesitantly laid next to me.

“Uh, Jinxx, you sure you’re okay with me sleeping next to your sister?”

“Yeah, she’ll kill you before she’ll let you do anything to her. So I’m not too worried.”

“Wow, you have no faith do you?” I laughed and pressed closer to the wall.

“I’m trying to sleep here guys.” CC and Jinxx stayed up talking for a while after that, probably purposely trying to keep me awake. When I woke up in the morning, I was pressed up completely against CC, my hand on his chest and my head on his shoulder. I blushed and moved off of him before getting up and all but running to the bathroom before anyone else woke up. I quickly brushed my hair before applying eyeliner, almost normally. I pulled on one of my own band’s shirts that had a white wolf on it and a pair of faded, ripped skinny jeans. I exited the bathroom and stretched before trying to find something to eat, but coming up empty handed. “Lovely…”

I looked over at the five still sleeping guys and smirked. “This is gonna be fun.” I went over to the kitchen area, grabbed a pot and filled it with ice and cold water. I started with my own band and dumped water and ice on them before moving to the next person, effectively waking everyone up. I think we ended up waking everyone else up with all the shouting and laughing since there were angry shouts from the next room telling us to be quiet.

“Alright, now that you’re all up we can go get food.” I set the pot down and smiled as Ash, Elk and Kaim groaned from their hangovers. “And you three can suffer with your headaches. Get dressed and let’s go.” There were days where I had far too much fun tormenting people, and this just happened to be one of those days.