Second Chances

Chapter 11

It took a few minutes to drag Ash, Elk and Kaim from the room since they all but refused to get up; but we were able to practically drag them all out into the daylight. “You know I’m almost convinced that you guys are more like vampires with how you react to sunlight.” I laughed at Elk when he glared at me, there was absolutely no heat behind it.

“Aww, poor babies. Maybe you won’t drink that much next time you go out.” CC and I were have almost too much fun watching the guys suffering from their hangovers.

“Come on, there’s a restaurant up ahead that has really good food.” CC was almost too excited at the mention of food than I thought he should be. I looked over at my brother who just shook his head.

“CC, you’re a little too excited don’t you think?”

“Listen wolf girl, food is the best thing ever!”

“Between you and Jake, I’m surprised that we ever have food on our bus.” I smiled as CC and Jinxx started bickering over the BVB bus almost having no food. I held the door to the restaurant open for the five guys and followed them in.

“Where do you think we’re going to be able to sit?” Elk asked as he leaned against the wall, trying to shield his eyes from the lights. I was about to answer when a waitress came up to us.

“Table for six? We have a few open in the back, follow me.” We followed after her to the table. CC sat with Ash and Kaim while I sat between Jinxx and Elk. “What can I get you guys to drink?”

“Well three of the guys have hangovers, so could we get three sprites and three cokes?”

“Alright, I’ll bring those right out for you.” When she left we started looking over the menus.

“You know, there’s really not much on here that I’d want to eat.”

“Havic, you don’t eat breakfast anyway. Why try changing it now?”

“Elk, it’s because I’m fucking starving. I didn’t eat last night so sue me for wanting to eat.”

“But you’re a chick, and whit how you eat…I’m going to shut up now.” Kaim tried and failed to hide the smirk he had as I glared at him.

“Yes, I am a female. I am allowed to eat as much as you if I so fucking desire.”

“I think Kai is just worried that you’ll have a repeat of last year.”

“What happened last year?” CC and Ash asked at the exact same time.

“She went through the whole bulimia thing and worried us all.”

“I’ve stopped that, and no longer have any eating disorders. I actually went to a therapist for that one Elk.”

“I was just telling the guys what happened.” Not too long after, the waitress brought our drinks and we ordered food. CC ordered almost three times the amount I did which left the waitress surprised.

“Yes, he’s secretly a fat ass. Just humor him and give him the food.” Once she left for the second time, I handed Ash, Kaim and Elk each two Asprin. “Take these, you guys probably need them.” They each thanked me before they started talking about the bar from last night. I sighed and pulled my cell out and checked my twitter.

Trixxie @ForeverALoner
@LoneWolfHavic how is it ur so perfect!?!?! Like it’s not fair. Haha ILY, can’t wait to c u tomorrow night!

I smiled and tweeted back to the girl. She was one of the few fans that I actually followed.

Havic Fortuna @LoneWolfHavic
@ForeverALoner Aww thnx love!I think I can get you a VIP pass, and you can watch our soundcheck and hang with us after the show! <3

Trixxie @ForeverALoner
@LoneWolfHavic OMG! Thank you so much!!!!!

“What has you so happy?” I looked up at Jinxx when he spoke to me.

“Just a fan of mine being ecstatic about seeing us tomorrow night. Do you guys happen to have any VIP passes left?”

“Yeah, we have a few that we hand out why?”

“The girl really wants to meet the band, and I was thinking of giving her a pass to watch soundcheck.”

“This would be a first for us, we don’t have too many fans.” Elk said as if I didn't already know that.

“Still, our fans are what makes a band. The only reason we are able to do anything is because we have fans. I thought you knew this Elk.”

“Stop quoting Andy! God it’s getting annoying.” We all laughed at Elk and caused a few other people to look over at us. We got our food not too long after our laughing fit and just over an hour later, we were heading back to the hotel.

“So you quote our band then Chase?”

“Sometimes, I mean like I said before…I did kinda base this band after you guys. But mostly I quote random shit just to piss the guys off. I have way too much fun irritating people, but I think that’s just because I’m awesome.”

“You are a weird kid.”

“No! Don’t tell her that! She’ll start believing it.” I don’t know when the last time I laughed this much was, but I was enjoying finally being truly happy with people I actually cared about.

Once we got to the hotel, I had a very pissed off Jashire in my face. I pushed past him and tried to go into the room where Jake and Kaos had the Xbox hooked up, only to have Jashire grab my arm. “What the fuck is wrong with you Havic!?”

“Let go of me Jashire. I don’t know why you’re so fucking pissed off, but I’m not going to sit down and talk to you when you’re this fucking pissed at me for no reason.”

Without waiting for him to answer I yanked my wrist from him and tried to go into the room again, only to have Jazz backhand me. I hit the wall, then the floor and just stared up at Jazz in shock. I think everyone was just as surprised since no one said anything. Slowly, I stood up and glared at Jashire. “Fuck you.” I stormed back to the room I woke up in and locked the door behind me as I slammed it. I pulled my Ipod and headphones out of my bag and cranked the volume as I packed up the room. I put all of the bags in the small hall area before I curled up with my blanket on the floor of the bathroom. I took the back off my cell and pried the razor blade from inside the hard plastic before putting my phone back together.

I pulled my shirt off and made multiple cuts over my ribs and sides. I didn’t bother trying to stop, I was just done with everything.