Second Chances

Chapter 12

I looked around the room I woke up in. I had absolutely no idea where I was, and I started to panic. There was an irritating beeping that picked up when I started panicking but with my mind still in a fog from just having woken up I didn’t know what it was. A young woman came into the room and tried to calm me down.

“Miss, please just calm down. You’re perfectly safe here.Just breathe.” I looked up at her and tried to calm down, but couldn’t. “There are a couple of young men in the waiting room, I’ll go get them if you’d like. But you have to relax.” I took a few shuddering breaths and nodded. She smiled a little before leaving the room. It was only after she left that I realized I was in the hospital. I sat up and looked up at the door as Jinxx, Elk, Kaim and CC walked in all looking worried.

“You had us all fucking scared you bitch!” Kaim held Elk back, knowing that Elk sometimes bitch slapped people when he got too emotional. I smiled faintly and sighed.

“I’m sorry.I…I didn’t mean for this to happen.”

“Well it did kid. And I have to say, I’m glad CC got to you when he did. You nicked something, the doctors used some big ass word, but you cut too deep and yeah…you lost a lot of blood you moron.” Kaim let Elk go and sat at the foot of the hospital bed.

“Chase, you said you were going to stop.” I didn’t look up at my brother, knowing that he was disappointed. “I’m just glad you’re alright.” He walked over to me and hugged me tightly, I returned the hug and sighed.

“I’m sorry…Just Jashire really got to me. He’s never been like this so I don’t know…I over reacted.”

“We kicked him out, well tried to. Kaos said that if we kicked out Jazz that he’d leave too. And apparently Clair is with Jazz now. Little bitch actually said that you deserved it. Jinxx and I had to hold Elk and CC back from beating the shit out of both of them.” I looked up at Kaim surprised.

“I can understand Elk getting that way, but CC? I figured that Jer would be the one that needed to be held back.”

“No, I just didn’t want CC to kill that fucker before I had a chance to.” I smiled a little more.

“This is why I love you guys.”

“Yeah well you might not want to love us.” Elk pulled a chair up to the side of the bed and looked at the floor.

“What do you mean? Elk?”

“Well…I read through your notebook. We needed to know what was going on. How long has Jazz been like that with you? And don’t fucking lie about it.”

“It hasn’t been like this though…He’s just pissed that I recorded a few acoustic songs by myself.”

“Which I transferred over to my external hard drive for you, but that can’t be the only reason he’s acting like this.” Kaim had cut me off and glared at me. “What really happened?”

“I told him no…He tried to fuck me and when I resisted he got pissed.” The guys looked at me like I was insane. “What…?”

“Jashire…the guy who has had almost no interest in people tried to sleep with you?”

“You really think I’m making this shit up? When I pushed him off of me he called me a fucking slut. I ask you, who the fuck have I EVER had sex with!?” I glared at Kaim for suggesting that I was making this up.

“Okay, I’m sorry. I just find it hard to believe that Jazz would do that. I know you’re not a slut sweetie, but…this just doesn’t make sense to me.”

“Yes it does, that’s why he was always in her personal space even when we were just watching a movie or whatever.”

“I’d say just ignore him for now kid. If he starts anything again call one of us over and we’ll knock him down a few levels.” I looked at CC and smiled.

“Thanks man, you seriously have no idea how much that means to me.”

“You’re not allowed to start getting emotional. Stop right now.” I looked over at Elk who was trying to get me to laugh.

“Ugh, fine geez Elraishi just ruin the moment why don’t you!” He gasped and faked being hurt by dramatically placing his hand over his heart.

“Your words wound me.”

“God Elk you’re such a fag…” The three of us, Kaim, Elk and I broke out laughing. They really were the only two who knew how to get me to really laugh.

“I’m going to go talk to the nurse, and see if we can get you out of here.” Jinxx kissed my head before leaving the room.

“He was really worried about you. When he couldn’t get the bathroom door open he legit dragged me and Ash over to open it. Needless to say, everyone in the two bands knows you tried committing suicide.” CC said softly as he sat next to me on the bed.

“I figured…I don’t know what to do about the shit with Jashire though. If he doesn’t leave the band this is all just going to continue, despite the fact that he’s with Clair. But if he does leave we’re not only losing our lead guitarist but our bassist as well.”

“As long as you don’t leave, hell even if you do we’re gonna stick by you. We may have hated each other at first, but admit it we’re closer than friends.” Kaim put his hand on my leg and smiled. “A pack for life, that’s what we agreed on.” I smiled back and nodded.


“I’d say think about what you want to happen. If you kick Jashire and Kaos out of the band you just have to find two members. If you leave you have to find a whole new band.” I looked over to CC confused.

“What do you mean?”

“If you leave, you won’t have ‘The Lone Wolves’ anymore. That band name would no longer exist. But if you just kick Jashire out, since you’re the founder of the band you’d still have the name.”

“Oh, yeah I guess you’re right. Honestly I never thought about it like that. If anything, I’ll wait and see if anything else happens. I don’t want to break up the band if I don’t have to. I can deal with there being an ass in the band.”

“Just be careful Chase, Jinxx is really worried about you. He just got his baby sister back, and I’m sure he doesn’t want to lose you again.”

“Havic, you never did tell us what exactly happened that caused you to be away from your family.”

“Elk, I don’t want to talk about it right now. Alright? Just, let me do it when I feel ready, then you two and Black Veil will get the whole story. I don’t care what Jashire or Clair wants and Kamron needs to earn my trust back.”

“Who’s Kamron?” CC asked completely confused.

“Kamron is Kaos’s actual name. He kinda copied me a bit, you know Havoc and Chaos? And like me he just had to change the spelling of it to make it different.”

“Chase, the nurse said you can leave. Do you want any of us to uhh, help you get dressed?” Jinxx spoke from the doorway.

“I’ll have Elk help me. That way, you and CC don’t have to and well Kaim knows that Elk is his, I’m not gonna do anything to him.”

“That and Havic and I have seen each other naked far too many times. I don’t mind helping her.” With that, the three guys left while Elk turned his back to me so I could pull my panties on without taking the hospital gown off. Jinxx had tossed my bag of clothes to me before he left the room.

“Elk, can you help me with my bra?” I had it on, but it hurt too much to hook it from behind like I usually did. Without answering, Elk hooked it and hugged me from behind.

“Please, don’t ever do something like this again. I can’t stand the thought of losing my sister and my best friend.” I put my hand on his arm and leaned back against him.

“I’m sorry Elk, I promise I’ll talk to you before resorting to the blade. I’ll try to stop, I swear this time I mean it.” I could feel him smile against my neck.

“Now you’re quoting Mayday Parade. You never fail to amuse me.” Elk kissed my cheek and pulled my shirt from the bag. “At least you didn’t get any blood on this.” He helped me put it on and ruffled my hair, making me hiss at him. “Oh shut up, you’re not a cat.”

“I can be if I want to.” I stuck my tongue out at him as I reached for my pants.

“Do I have to do this for you too?” I only nodded and pouted at him. “God you are such a child you know that?” I smiled a bit.

“You love me.”

“Yeah, unfortunately.” Elk balanced me a bit as he helped me step into my jeans. My cuts went from the middle of my ribs straight down both sides, making it hurt a bit more than I expected whenever I bent over. “I assume you can zip and button your jeans by yourself?”

“Yes, you’re assistance is no longer required my slave.” He hit my arm lightly before setting my black and red Vans on the floor.

“I figured you’d appreciate normal shoes this time.” I hugged him in response and nodded. “Come on princess, let’s get out of here.” We exited the room and met up with the guys in the waiting room.

“Chase, I want you on our bus tonight.” I looked up at my brother as he spoke and just nodded.

“It’ll give us some time to see what Jazz and Kay wants to do. We’ll keep you updated and whatnot.”

“How bad is my blanket?”

“We sent Ashley to wash it, so it’s clean and already folded up on Jinxx’s bed waiting for you.” I looked from CC to my brother who was blushing lightly.

“So sue me, I just wanted her to be where I could keep an eye on her.”

“It’s fine, you and Elk are similar though. You’re both the mothers’ of the bands.” Both Jinxx and Elk hit my shoulders making me laugh even harder. Maybe things would be better in a few days. Maybe Jazz just needed time to calm down.