Second Chances

Chapter 13

By the time we got to the BVB bus, almost all of my things were moved from my bus to my brothers. It was like Jashire was trying to kick me out of the band before anything had even happened. I sighed as I followed CC and Jinxx onto the bus. “So where am I sleeping exactly?”

“There’s an extra bunk in the back where me and Ash sleep.” CC looked at me as he spoke and cocked his head to the side a bit when I looked confused. “Earth to Havic, you alright in there?” CC waved his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

“What? Yeah I’m fine. Just thinking about how you guys put me back with Ash who has a different whore every night and you.”

“He’s been getting better. He doesn’t bring as many girls back with him. But if he ever does, well don’t expect to sleep at all.”

“Thanks for the heads up. So which bunk is mine?” CC led me to the back of the bus and motioned to the only open bunk back there.

“You want to get settled or just come hang with us?”

“I think I’ll chill back here for a bit.” I sat on the bunk and sighed.I didn’t want to be on this bus. I obviously had nothing against the guys in Black Veil, but they weren’t my band. I didn’t know them, despite Jinxx being my brother, they might as well be complete strangers. I pulled out my Ipod and notebook, curled up in a corner and worked on writing songs that I knew that the band would probably never record. After a while, I put my notebook away and pulled out my sketchbook. I was in the middle of drawing a wolf when CC joined me against the wall.

“You know we have a show tonight.” I glanced up at him before returning to the drawing.

“I know. I’m trying to convince myself not to cancel but I know it won’t be fair to Elk and Kaim if I do.” I set my sketchbook down and set my Ipod on it. “Besides, it wouldn’t be fair to you guys either, since you’re giving us the chance to do this.” I got up, grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom before any of the other guys could try to get in. I quickly brushed and straightened my hair before I changed into a similar outfit that I wore the day we opened for BVB the first time.

I put my contacts in and did my signature eyeliner and added Jinxx’s war paint over my right eye. Satisfied with my appearance, I exited the bathroom lightly tracing over the relatively fresh cuts on my wrists. “Guys, I’m gonna go over to my own bus once we stop.” I pulled my cell out and curled up on the couch as I scrolled through it. I sent a text to Elk asking if everything was ok over there.

“You’re tense.” I looked up at CC and sighed.

“What, can you read my mind now or something?”

“No, you’re just tense.” None of the guys were in any rush to get ready for the show which for some unknown reason made me even more anxious. “Relax kid, you’re fine.”

“I know, but…hell I don’t even know what’s up with me right now.” I sighed and tried to calm down. “I’m usually with my band, and no offense but I don’t know you guys at all.”

“Poor kid, you’re seriously about to have a panic attack aren’t you?” Jake sat next to me on the couch and put his arm around my shoulders. “Don’t worry, we don’t bite.”

“Speak for yourself Jake.” Ashley said as he sat on the table across from the couch. “Really, you alright?”

“I don’t know. I’m not usually away from the two guys I call friends, but I probably will be.” The guys managed to keep my mind off of things as we got to the venue. Once the bus stopped, I all but ran over to the other bus and tackled Elk.

“Damn it Havic! You fucking gave me a heart attack!” Elk glared at me, but there was no heat behind it. “You alright?”

“What can everyone tell that I’m panicking?” I sat up on his thighs and looked down at him.

“Yes. Just breath, the guys over there were nice at least right?”

“Yeah, CC, Jake and Ash managed to keep me from freaking out too much…but I don’t want to stay over there. They’re not my band.”

“I know, Kai and I aren’t pleased either. Jazz is saying how the band will be better without you. He went off at Kaos for asking what his problem with you was. Kaos is about ready to quit. I think we need to just get Jazz out of here and work on finding a new guitarist.”

“I don’t know…I mean I love this, this is what we’ve always wanted but the fucking drama…”

“I know, it’s almost too much.” Kaim came up behind me, picked me up off of Elk and hugged me. “Just know that no matter what you decide, Elk and I are going with you. If Jashire wants to keep doing this shit then so be it. He’ll just have to find a new band.”

“See? You’re not alone in this alpha.” I smiled a bit and nodded.

“I’m just nervous I guess. I never thought that Jashire would be like this.” My cell chimed, stating that I had a new text. I pulled it out and looked at the message, Kaim and Elk reading it as well.

Chase, Andy set up an interview for you guys.It’ll be before the show so make sure your soundcheck is done before you go. Remember, if you need us to we’ll kick Jashire’s ass for you.

“Aww, looks like our alpha has a crush.” I turned a bit and glared at Kaim.

“I dare you, say it again you fucking asshole.” He laughed and rufled my hair.

“And risk you castrating me? No thanks.”

“I’m likely to do that now because you fucked up my hair.”

“Grow up slut, you can fix your hair whenever the fuck you want.” The three of us turned to stare at Jashire.

“Excuse me? What the fuck did you just call me?”

“I called you a fucking slut, you have a problem with that?” I had never seen Jashire act like this and I had absolutely no idea how to react to it.