Second Chances

Chapter 14

“Havic is not a slut Jazz. Stop calling her that.” Kaos glared at Jashire from behind Kaim. I hadn’t heard him walk up to us at all.

“What are you gonna do about it?”

“Get the fuck out Jazz. You obviously don’t belong in a band with us. I can’t believe you actually did this to her. What the fuck has Havic ever done to you?” I was actually surprised that Kaos would be on my side in this. He usually followed Jazz around like a lost puppy.

“She tried sleeping with me, and when I said no, she threw a fit.”

“Jazz, you told me that you were pissed because she wanted to change the style of the band. Why are you lying to everyone?” Clair asked as she glared at Jashire. That was actually entertaining. Jashire just backed himself into a corner by saying different things to different people.

“Know what Jazz? You can leave right now. We don’t need you acting like this because you’re a fucking liar. Take your shit and get the fuck out.” I looked over at Kaos in shock. He legit just said everything that I was going to.

“If I leave then so does all of my recording equipment.”

“Then take it, we don’t need it right now anyway. When we get signed we won’t have to worry about any of that.” Jazz glared at all of us before storming back to the bunk area, packed his bag and got off the bus without taking any of his equipment.

I sat on the couch stunned that everything just happened that smoothly. “Clair…you alright with that?”

“He’s been saying shit about you, since the night in the hotel. Don’t worry about it, I’m not gonna leave just because of him.” She smiled a bit and picked up her camera. “Come on guys, let’s do a quick shoot so we can tell your fans that you’re down to four members now.” The three guys sighed and went to get ready for the show and Clair’s ‘abuse’. We made our way into the venue not long after and set up everything ourselves before getting ready to do soundcheck.

“Havic, we can’t do most of the songs. We need two guitars for it, which ones do you want to do?” Elk asked as he climbed onto his drum kit.

“If worst comes to worst I’ll play rhythm, but let’s see how we do without. And once we’re done with tour we’ll look for someone new to join.”

“You think we could ask your brother or Jake to help us out?”

“I’d say yes, but they don’t have time to learn any of it. Let’s just get this over with.” Surprisingly, Haunted Melody and Full Moon Ritual sounded better without a second guitar. “Guys, let’s play these two, and a newer one that we haven’t really played alone with Rebel yell and another cover. You guys have any preferences?”

“Are you talking about Forgotten? That would really mix it up if we used a song maybe by Escape?” Kaos asked as he played a few notes from Forgotten on his bass.

“We only did two covers and we’re not all that good at Gorgeous Nightmare. So we’re playing Haunted Melody, Full Moon Ritual, Forgotten, Rebel Yell and It’s Just Me. That sound about right?”

“Yeah, this should be fun for us.”

“Oh, speaking of fun, we have an interview so we should probably go.”

“Havic! You wait until now to tell us!? The fuck is wrong with you?” Elk practically jumped off his drum kit and got in my face, clearly pissed.

“I kinda forgot alright? Ash only told me a little while ago, calm down.” I pushed Elk off of me and headed for the dressing room where the interview would take place. “Guys, I know it’s hard considering it’s us, but let’s each answer the questions and try not to cut each other off.”

“No promises, but we’ll try.” We entered the room and all sat on the couch, almost at the same time, ready to get the interview started.