Second Chances

Chapter 15

Last out of their bunk/bed in the morning?

Kaim- Havic

Kaos- Havic

Elk- Me or Havic. I love my sleep, but she’s up playing online games all the time.

Havic- Me, I play WOW as often as I can so I’m usually up until like six am playing.

Worst hygiene?

Kaim- Kaos, he like never showers.

Kaos- Everyone except Havic and me. I shower daily, and Havic is probably the cleanest, I mean she’s a chick.

Elk- Kaos, he showers like once a week. And almost never after a show unless Havic gets on his case.

Havic- Kaos. I’m like his mother or something, cuz I’m always telling him to shower.

Kaos- you guys are really mean you know that?

Longest in the shower?

Kaim- Havic. I have no idea what she does in there but she takes like a two hour shower, twice a day.

Kaos- Havic.

Elk- Havic, never shower after her. There’s absolutely no warm water left. It’s all fucking freezing.

Havic- probably me, I love hot water and I don’t rush.

Worst dress sense?

Kaim- I don’t know, I mean have you seen us? We’re all kinda weird.I think we all dressvery differently.

Kaos- Havic maybe? She wears some strange stuff. A wolf tail? Really I mean it’s cool and all but it’s weird.

Elk- Everyone on their bad days.

Havic- No idea, I mean everyone has the days where they’re too lazy to put themselves together. But have you met this band? We’re all outcasts.

Last to the car after a show?

Kaim- well we don’t have a bus but It’s probably Havic. She spends as much time as she can with the fans.

Kaos- not me, umm probably Jazz or Havic.

Elk- Havic, she’s usually talking with some fan and chilling in the dressing room.

Havic- me. I like talking with our fans.

Elk- and getting wasted.

Havic- I think you have me confused with your boyfriend, love.

Most intelligent?

Kaim- Me

Kaos- Not Kaim (haha) probably Elk or Havic. Elk’s part Asian though so that’s like cheating.

Elk- Well, we’re all pretty smart in certain areas. But Havic has a lot of knowledge.

Havic- Elk, he’s fucking Asian.

Most talented?

Kaim- Havic, that girl can sing, play guitar and violin. She’s just fucking awesome!

Kaos- Elk? I mean he’s Asian and a ninja so yeah.

Elk- I’d say a tie between me and Havic. Yeah she can play a few different instruments and sing, but lets face it, being half Asian just makes me awesome.

Havic- uhh, not me.

Best dancer?

Kaim- I don’t really know, umm probably Havic? She likes going to clubs a lot so I’ll say her.

Kaos- We’re not exactly a dancing band.

Elk- Havic. Do not question it.

Havic- I don’t know, I mean when we get drunk I think it’s all kinda equally shitty.

Funniest drunk?

Kaim- do I have to pick just one? We’re all a bit fucked up.

Kaos- probably Kai.

Elk- Everyone…we’re all a bunch of idiots when we get wasted.

Havic- That’s a hard one. Well, Kaim does some really fucked up shit so I’ll go with him.

Kaim- At least I don’t strip down and run around outside.

Kaos- Hey that was once!

Band joker?

Kaim- I’ll speak for everyone when I say that we’re all always causing some sort of drama.

Worst taste in music?

Kaim- Everyone but me

Kaos- I probably have the best taste in music.

Elk- We all listen to shitty music most of the time. But then again we do love rock.

Havic- Not me that’s for sure. Let’s go with the guys.

Worst snorer?

Kaim- I don’t think any of us snore…it’s kinda creepy.

Kaos- Hmm, well I have to say probably Clair, our new photographer. It’s actually kinda entertaining.

Elk- Clair. She likes to think that she doesn’t snore, but she does.

Havic- Clair, though sometimes one of us, usually Elk or myself will have insane night terrors and that can get pretty bad.

Least professional?

Kaim- again, I’ll answer for all of us. Have you seen us? We’re not exactly professionals.

Havic- Speak for yourself asshole.

Kaim- I prove my point.

Biggest complainer?

Kaim- Havic

Kaos- Havic

Elk- Havic

Havic- I’m a chick, I have those rights.

Elk- I’m gay and I don’t complain as much as you. You could be a guy and you’d still complain just as much.

Havic- I’m so abused as you can see.

Best attitude at soundcheck?

Havic- We’re all pretty much equally excited to play so, all of us.

Elk- Yeah, I mean this is all we’ve ever wanted so why throw a fit over a fifteen minute warm up?