Second Chances

Chapter 16

The guys and I were actually laughing after the interview was over. We called each other out, and just overall had fun. When we were with Jashire, things weren’t this laid back. It was a nice switch from our usual day. “Alright guys, we have about ten minutes before we go on. Ready?”

“Uhh, do you even have to ask that?”

“Elk, it was a rhetorical question.” Kaim and Kaos just watched the small fight that I had purposely started. Clair came up to us, handed the guys each a monster and me an Amp. “Thanks Clair!” I opened the can and downed it in about two minutes.

“Alright you psychos get your asses on stage and kill it.” Clair handed the guys their guitars and shooed us out of the dressing room towards the stage. We went to where we’d go on stage and waited. The moment we were able to go on stage, we all ran out and instantly started playing.

The show was probably the best we’ve ever done. Even though the songs didn’t sound quite right, they were still amazing and the crowd absolutely loved it. During my usual mid-show rant, I told the crowd that Jashire left the band mostly due to differences in what the band wanted to do. They didn’t really question it, so I didn’t bother saying thing else about it.

Once we were done with our set we headed off the stage. I stopped at side stage as the crowd started chanting ‘one more song’ It was a first, no one had ever asked for another song. “What do you guys want to do? I know Andy probably wouldn’t care.”

“I say we do it. But which song should we do?” Kaim asked as he adjusted his guitar strap.

“Either another BVB song or an acoustic.”

“We don’t have any of our acoustic guitars, so let’s play an old one. I think the BVB fans will enjoy it.”

“Havic, you think Andy will be okay with that? I mean we could always just play one of the first ones we wrote.”

“Kaim, Havic, if we can’t come up with a song to play then how about we not play an encore?”

“Elk you’re supposed to just stay quiet and watch this with me.” Kaos said as he leaned against the wall.

“We have to decide now Havic. What are we going to do?”

“Doesn’t matter, we played our set. I’m not in the mood to argue about what song to play for an encore.” I went to the dressing room, leaving the guys behind. I wiped off my makeup and redid the eyeliner, making it normal. In a way I couldn’t wait for the tour to be done with, I was drained. Yet I didn’t want this to ever end. When you finally were able to do something you love, you always want to be somewhere else, but when you’re not doing it you want to.

I went down to the merch table and started signing CD’s, pictures and just about anything else the fans had. Elk joined me just as BVB took the stage. “We were looking for you, I hope you know that.”

“Can I get a picture with you both…?” I looked over at the young girl who spoke, and smiled.

“Of course.” Elk asked the other’s to back up a bit so we’d have some room before we went over to where the girl was. I put my arm around the girls waist while Elk put his arm around her shoulders, and her friend took the picture. "Can you sign this too?” She handed me a drawing of a wolf, and I smiled.

“Not a problem love.” I used Elk’s back and signed the above the picture itself. Just as I was about to hand it back to the girl, Elk took it and signed it as well.

“You’re not the only wolf you know Havic.” He handed the picture back to the girl and hugged her, before pulling me back to the merch table to sign even more pictures. Once BVB was done with their set they made their way to the table.

“Elk I think I’m gonna stay on the BVB bus tonight, CC was kinda excited to have me over.”

“I figured you would. You’re gonna be okay on your own over there right? You’re not going to cut or anything?”

“And risk my brother’s wrath? Yeah, not really looking to be killed right now.”