Second Chances

Chapter 17

I headed directly for the BVB bus with Jinxx after we left the venue. “You guys sure you want me over? I mean I can just go back to my bus if you want.”

“Kid I already told you that you’re staying over. You don’t get a choice.”

“CC, you should at least have given her a choice. But I agree Chase, you’re staying with us tonight.”

“You’re both mean you know that?” I opened the door to their bus and made my way to the back where my temporary bunk was.

“I call the bathroom first!” I grabbed some black pajama pants and a BVB tank top and went into the bathroom. I took off my makeup, took out my contacts, and changed quickly. As soon as I was done, I left the bathroom, threw my clothes onto my bunk and pulled on my knee high socks before going out to the front lounge to hang out with the guys. I curled up on the couch and scrolled through my twitter as Jinxx and CC changed from their concert clothes. There were a few tweets that stood out that were addressed to the whole band.

@TheLoneWolves you guys should just break up.You all suck!

@TheLoneWolves What kind of true rock band has a lead vocalist who’s just a pathetic bitch?They need a new singer

@TheLoneWolves The vocalist has such a shitty voice!

Most of the other tweets were just directed at the haters, while some that were directed at the band were actually nice.

@TheLoneWolves You guys are fucking awesome! I’m already looking forward to your next tour, you guys better stop here again!

@TheLoneWolves why are @ElktheLoneWolf & @lonewolfhavic so fucking hot!?!?!?! Should NOT be legal.I mean really, how are they so perfect?

I found it amusing how people actually found us attractive. We each saw ourselves as completely ordinary, but if that’s what the fans thought then great.

“Chase, what you reading?” I looked up as Jinxx sat next to me.

“Just a few of the tweets from tonight’s concert. Apparently we’re doing something right since we have haters.”

“You mind if I see what they’re saying?” I shook my head, scrolled to the hate ones and handed my cell to Jinxx. “You’re not liked too much are you?” He read a few more and laughed. “Though apparently you guys are on the same level as us; a lot of the BVB army says that it should be illegal for the five of us to be this hot.”

“It’s true! I mean Elk and Kaim aside since they’re gay. Men should not be this fucking perfect! How is it even possible!?” I laughed as Jinxx looked at me like I was completely insane. “Seriously I’m probably the one who started that.”

“So my little sister is a hardcore fangirl of BVB. Where did things go wrong for you?” I punched his arm and mock glared at him. “Damn girl, you don’t hit like a chick.”

“No I don’t. I have Elk, Kaim and Kaos to deal with.”

“Chase, if you don’t mind me asking…what happened? One day you’re home and the next you’re gone. Mom and dad wouldn’t say anything.”

“Can we not have this conversation right now? It’s not something that I like to talk about or anything…I haven’t told anyone, not even Jashire and he was the one who found me.”

“Alright, but you will tell me.” I leaned against him and nodded.

“I promise that I’ll tell you when I’m ready to. It’s either going to be worse than you thought or it’s not going to be as bad.”

“I don’t even know what to think kid. All I know is I got home one day and you were gone. Nothing was said, and our parents started acting like you never existed.”

“I didn’t have a choice...It’s the past. That doesn’t affect us in this moment.”

“Fine, I’ll drop it.”

“I find it almost amusing how none of the other guys calls me Chase. It’s just you.” I wanted to change the subject to something less depressing, and hoped that it worked.

“I have rights, and I think they know that if they called you anything other than Havic you’d beat them.”

I laughed at that, “Yeah, probably.”

“It’s nice to see the pup smiling for a change while not onstage.” I glared at CC.

“I’m not a pup.”

“Well you’re not a kitten, but you’re too cute to be a full grown wolf.” He smirked as my glare intensified.I think the only reason he wasn’t running for his life was because Jinxx was holding me back.

“I’ll fucking kill you in your sleep you asshole.”

“Chase, no death threats.” Jinxx tapped my nose as he ‘scolded’ me. I just stared at him surprised.

“She acts just like a dog when you do that!” I blushed lightly and looked down at the floor.

“You guys are so mean to her.” Ash said as he walked over to where Jinxx and I were and sat on my other side, pulling me to him. I blushed even more and tried not to make eye contact with anyone. This was going to be a very strange night that’s for sure.