Second Chances

Chapter 18

Not long after Jake and Jinxx made dinner, I retreated to my bunk and laid with my back pressed against the wall reading. Jinxx said night to me before he went to his own bunk, making me almost ninety percent sure that I was the only one still up. I set my kindle down and sighed. Elk texted me at around ten saying that he and the guys were going to bed, so I had no one to talk to and I had left my notebook over on my band’s bus.

I climbed out of my bunk and went to the front lounge silently and sat on the couch. I turned the TV on, and turned the volume down so it was just loud enough for me to hear it. I was watching Repo! The Genetic Opera when I noticed that someone was standing in the doorway that led to the bunk area.

“Can’t sleep Havic?” I looked up at CC and shook my head.

“No, insomnia’s acting up. What about you?”

“I noticed the light is all. Mind if I join you?” Even before I answered he sat next to me. “What’s this movie about?”

“A girl who has a blood condition, and her father who repossesses organs for this company called Gene Co. It’s a futuristic movie, plus the music is amazing. Paris Hilton plays a Zydrate addict, there are no words that can describe how amazing this movie is.”

“This is to you what Batman is to Andy isn’t it?”

I laughed and nodded. “Yeah, I absolutely love this movie, and know every word of it.” We sat in silence while we watched the movie, I mouthed the words and ended up leaning against CC.

“What’s up kid?” He asked as he put his arm around my shoulders. I didn’t mind since I was constantly sitting like this with my pack, and Elk had said that it’s more comfortable.

“I’m just sick of acting like nothing’s wrong. I know I’m not the only person who has issues, but it’s almost like no one notices.” I sighed and looked up at CC. “Yet, you seem to know when I’m not feeling too great.”

“I’m just observant. But it doesn’t hurt that you’re extremely hot. I hate seeing you upset. You shouldn’t have to suffer alone. Talk to people, you have eight guys who care about you, and you have Clair.”

“You really think I’m attractive?” I blushed lightly but didn’t look away from him.

“You really are. I’d like it if you opened up a bit to me, let me help you.” Without thinking, I leaned up and kissed CC lightly. He kissed back and pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. CC’s hands went to my waist and pulled me closer to him, while I tangled my hands in his hair trying to deepen the kiss a bit more. We were so caught up that neither of us noticed Ashley standing in the doorway to the bunks watching us until he cleared his throat, making us jump apart.

“Well, this is interesting. How are you going to explain this to the other guys? ”Ash smirked at us before joining us on the couch. He pulled me off of CC and put his arm around my shoulders.

“Keep your hands to yourself Ash.” CC glared at the bassist and pulled me back against him. I stood up and glared at the two.

“Enough, both of you. I’m not a piece of meat to be fucking claimed between two starving dogs. Ash, please, keep your hands to yourself. I’m not going to date you. CC, thanks for keeping me company but I’m going to bed. Alone.” I looked pointedly at Ash as I spoke before going back to my bunk. “I need to talk to Elk…I have absolutely no idea what to do.” I spoke quietly as I curled up under my wolf blanket. I fell asleep a lot faster than I expected, almost as soon as I settled down.