Second Chances

Chapter 19

I stretched as I woke up the next morning and glared at Elk who was lying next to me. “Explain why you’re in my bunk, without being invited.”

“Ashely called me and said that you might want someone to talk to considering events that went down last night.” Elk smirked as he looked down at me.

“What did he tell you?” I was actually worried. Elk had a way to get information out of people and I didn’t want to be on the end of that.

“Not much, just that you and CC had your tongues down each others throats.” I went bright red and pulled the blanket over my head.

“Does Jinxx know…?”

“No. Ash seems to be keeping it to himself but figured you’d want someone you trust to talk to.”

“I don’t know what to do…”

“Do you like him? I guess you do since you wouldn’t have made out with him. But do you see a future with him?”

“I don’t know. I like CC and Ash…”

“You really are messed up aren’t ya?”

“Yes…that’s part of why I don’t know what to do. Help me?”

“I can’t really help with this. Just…see how it goes with CC I guess. And if something happens between you two that you don’t like then go to Ash. Hell, go to Kaos if you need to.”

“Kaos is practically my brother, which would just be wrong…”

“I’m just saying; see how it works out with CC before you do anything. If you like where things are going with him then stay with him. If not, then talk to him and see if anything can be changed. But you need to get to know the other guys as well.”

“I know…So I should take to CC about last night?”

“You really know nothing when it comes to relationships do you?”

“No dumbass, that’s why I’m asking you, you’ve had more experience with this than I have.”

“You know, it’s almost sad that you’re asking me about relationship advice when you’re the one who got me with Kaim.”


“Alright, I’m sorry. Talk to CC about last night. Then talk to your brother, Ash told him he wasn’t allowed back here to talk to you right now.”


“Because as Ash said, you needed to be talked to by your ‘gay brother’ and was likely going to be scolded. And Ashley may have let it slip that you and CC talked late last night.”

I sighed and crawled over Elk, and out of the bunk. I grabbed the outfit that Kaim bought me. “Who should I talk to first?”

“I’d say your brother, but if you want to talk to CC before Jinxx kills him you should probably talk to him first.”

“You really are no help, you know that?” I went out to the front lounge and glared at Ashley. “You don’t know how to keep your mouth shut do you?”

“Hey, I just figured you would like to talk to your best friend before shit went down.”

“Chase, what exactly happened last night? Ashely told me a bit, but I want you to tell me.” I looked from Ash to Jinxx and sighed.

“CC and I kinda made out on the couch last night after everyone went to bed. I couldn’t sleep, and came out here to watch a movie. He got up not long after and we talked for a little bit and then it just kinda happened.”

“Wow, that’s a lot less interesting than I thought it was going to be.”

“See Jinxx? I told you it wasn’t all that entertaining. You should have seen them though; they freaked the fuck out when I walked in on them.” I looked down at the floor and waited.

“Chase, if you want to date CC, I’m fine with it. Just…use protection.” I looked up at Jinxx shocked and blushed.

“I’m a fucking virgin Jeremy! I don’t intend to change that any time soon!” Since the bus was stopped, I ran off the BVB bus and went to my bus. I found Kaim in the back lounge and curled up against his side.

“What’s up Havic? Elk said that Ash called him over saying that you needed to talk to him.” Kaim put his arm around me and rubbed my arm.

“I ended up making out with CC…and I had no idea what to do so Elk talked to me and Jinxx said he approved if I wanted to date him.”

“You poor thing, so both bands know because of Ash.”

“Exactly…I don’t want to stay over there now…” Kaim pulled his cell out and texted Elk to bring my stuff back to the bus.

“There, you’ll be staying over here again. So, Clair was thinking about us not having a lead guitarist, what if you just play it for now? I know you don’t like lead, but we don’t have a lot of options right now.”

“I don’t really even know the guitar parts to any of our songs, and it takes a lot longer than one day to learn them…”

“If you can’t then it’s fine, I told Clair that I’d talk to you about it since you used to play.”

“I used to play bass, not lead. Thanks Kai.” I got up and went to my bunk, and just laid there thinking about what I was going to do next. I’d probably end up talking to CC after the next show, but I had absolutely no idea what I’d say to him. As I was thinking about what to do, I got a text from Jazz.

‘Havic, can we talk? Face to face I mean. There’s a coffee shop just a block from the venue where the next show is.’

‘No.I’m busy Jashire.I’ll let you know when I have free time, but I don’t know when that will be.’

‘…alright, I’ll be waiting.’

It worried me how complacent he was. Normally Jazz would be pushing to get his way. Shaking my head, I sent CC a text and waited nervously for a response.