Second Chances

Chapter 2

I paired off with Kaim and Elk to go into Hot Topic and Spencer’s once we got to the mall. Kaim took one look at a black dress, grabbed one that was in my size and pushed me into a dressing room, as soon as we walked into Hot Topic. “Try it.” I knew that if I protested I would regret it, so I allowed him to ‘boss’ me around. For a guy, he had great taste when it came to women’s clothing even if he was gay. He tossed a pair of boots and BVB leggings over the door, which I knew that I had to put them on and show him how everything fit or he would dress me himself. That was an experience I wish I never had. Sighing, I put the outfit on and opened the door to show him this.

“Good, I have another for you.” I glared at him, but accepted the other batch of clothes. “Elk picked them out, so pretend to like them.”

“You and Elk worry me, since I only wear what you guys pick out for me.” I put on the corset top, skirt and flats. I had to hand it to those guys, they knew exactly what I liked. I opened the door and showed them the other outfit. “Enough clothes for me, I don’t want to try on clothes anymore.” Elk nodded and shooed me back into the dressing room. I changed back to my plain faded gray skinny jeans, two inch heeled boots and my Escape the Fate tee. I brought the two outfits to the cashier and paid for them. I didn’t pay too much attention to the price since Kaim would reimburse me for whatever I spent. “You guys ready to go?”

Elk nodded and paid for the couple of shirts and skinny jeans he picked out and waited on Kaim to finish whatever he was doing. “I don’t know how you deal with him all the time Elk, he’s so demanding.”

“Yeah, but he’s the bitch in the relationship, so I allow him to have a slightly longer leash when it comes to shopping.”

“Bro, way too much info for me. I didn’t need to know about who fucks who in bed.” Elk and I laughed as we left the store to wait for Kaim.

“So, what’s up with you? You froze up when Kay mentioned BVB. And you don’t usually cuddle.”

“Just…some shit that happened when I was a kid. I don’t really want to talk about it right now.”

Elk put his hand on my shoulder, causing me to look up at him. “I’m not going to push for answers, but I’d like to know what’s going on in that head of yours. We’re family, we deserve to know.”

“You’re a very pushy wolf aren’t you?” I smirked as I spoke and hugged Elk tightly. “Thanks.Maybe tonight if I can get you away from your bitch.”

“You know, Alpha, it’s not polite to talk about someone behind their backs.” I looked over my shoulder at Kaim and smiled almost innocently.

“I know not what you’re talking about my love.”

“You’re lucky you’re the only girl who gets away with that shit.” Kaim kissed my head before taking Elks hand and my arm as he dragged us towards the food court to meet up with Jazz and Kaos to see what the other stores we were going to stop at as a group were. The moment I sat down, Jazz dropped a Hot Topic bag on my lap.

“You didn’t go there with us…”

“Kaos and I went in before you when you guys went to Spencer’s.”

“Am I allowed to look or are you going to be mean and make me wait until we get back to the shop?”

“You’re not wearing that for the concert. But you’re going to wait.I already have the ideas for your outfits laid out for when we get back.”

“You know Jazz…You kinda worry me, I mean sneaking around a lady’s room and going through her closet…pedo-ish.” Elk said softly.

“I’m not a fucking pedo Elk! Havic is like my kid sister that’s just wrong, ugh, I can’t even believe you think like that.” Our table erupted in laughter, making some of the other people look over at us. We finally started to calm down and decided to order lunch. I checked the time on my cell to make sure we wouldn’t have to rush. As soon as I unlocked my cell, Kaim took it from me and made it a point to embarrass me about the pic I had for my background.

“Is this your future boyfriend miss alpha?” On some level I knew he was curious about it, since I never showed any interest in people let alone men.

“No. You ass, it’s just Jinxx from BVB…nothing wrong with having one of my idols on my cell.” I looked down at my hands, suddenly wishing I was alone. It wasn’t like I didn’t want to be with my pack, it was just I needed to be on my own to deal with the emotions again.

“Kaim, give Havic her cell back. Stop tormenting her, she’s already worked up enough without having to put up with your childish shit.” Jazz was pretty much the alpha male of our little pack. Everyone listened to him, and didn’t stop to ask questions. I smiled a bit at Jazz in thanks when Kai slid my cell across the table to me.

“Havic, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get you even more upset.” The thing with Kai was that he hated people getting upset with him and it killed him to see any of his friends, pack or otherwise in any kind of pain.

“It’s alright, but I don’t want to talk about it right now. I promise I’ll tell you all, just let me do it on my terms. I don’t want you guys pushing me to do it.” When I finished speaking Elk spoke up, quietly like he usually did.

“But Jashire knows already doesn’t he?”

“Yes…but it’s because he helped me and refused to let me leave until he knew for sure that I was okay. I’m not keeping it from you because I want to, I just want to forget that some things ever happened. I hope you guys can understand that because I’m serious, I’m not talking about this right now.”

“Consider it understood Havic.” Kaos said almost seriously. Kay could never be completely serious if his life depended on it. I guess that’s one of the few things we had in common, we all went through life like it was a game that we knew exactly how to play. Truth is, we know absolutely nothing.

“Come on guys, let’s eat something before we pick which songs we’re going to play for our set.” I dragged Elk with me to the Chinese food stand. We all liked the same things for Chinese so we ended up with five orders of the same thing, and once again got weird looks from the other people in line. “I don’t know what it is, but I think that some people have never seen a girl buy food for her friends.”

“I doubt it, I mean look at these stuck up snobs only buying food for themselves.” Elk stepped up next to me while we waited for our orders and put his arm around my waist. I looked up at him and over at the guy he was glaring at. It wasn’t completely unusual for one of the guys to get physical with me when they thought there was a chance some random guy would start something. I didn’t mind since each of the guys were like brothers to me, and I knew they were only looking out for me. Playing along like I usually did I leaned my head against his chest and smiled a bit innocently at the guy just as our orders were finished.

I grabbed two trays while Elk grabbed the other three and we made our way back to our table. Elk still shooting glares at the guy who apparently had friends with him who were also checking me out. “So, I have a bad feeling that some poor boys are getting their hearts broke by seeing you with my boyfriend.” Kaim smirked as he spoke and took one of the trays from Elk. I handed Kaos and Jazz their trays while Elk set mine in front of me before taking his seat.

“I know, it’s a shame that none of them are even remotely as good looking as any of the boys in my band.” Once again, our table erupted with laughter. It was a good feeling, having people that you belong with, and having somewhere you belonged. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.