Second Chances

Chapter 21

“You’re telling me you fucking walked out of the restaurant, leaving CC there while you acted like a complete bitch to Jake and Ash? What the fuck is wrong with you Havic!?” Elk all but screamed at me, making me wish I had just crawled back to the bus instead.

“I…wasn’t thinking, and I got pissed off.” Elk slapped me across the face and glared even harder if it was possible.

“You are a fucking selfish bitch! You want to get dropped from the tour that fucking badly?!” I was sure everyone in the hotel could hear Elk yelling. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if we had the cops called on us. “Why the fuck are you letting Jashire have control over you like this!? You never used to let him affect you and now suddenly you’re throwing a fit over a guy telling you to answer your cell so that your date won’t continue to be fucking interrupted! Grow the fuck up Havic! Christian is a good guy and you need to go fucking apologize to him!”

I didn’t say anything to him, I didn’t think that there was anything that I could say. I just nodded and tensed when he grabbed my arm and started dragging me from the room. He brought me to the room Black Veil was using and pounded on the door until someone answered. Then, he pushed past them still dragging me behind him. He all but threw me at CC and glared at me. “Fucking apologize for being a fucking selfish bitch! And not just to him, but to Jake and Ash too.” I hated when Elk got pissed, and hated it even more when I was the reason. Again, instead of answering him I just nodded and stared at the floor.

“Elk, I think you overdid it…” Kaim said softly from one of the beds he was sitting on. “She’s shutting down again.”

“Why don’t you guys leave Jinxx, Chase and I alone. Obviously we need to talk with her. Then Jake and Ash will, but for now get out.” CC ordered everyone out of the room, and surprisingly without any complaints everyone left.

“What happened exactly?” I looked up at Jinxx and shook my head.

“I told her to answer her phone since Jashire kept calling. I thought that maybe if she answered him, he’d stop and leave her alone. She bitched me out and left. I don’t really even know what it was about.”

“I just…overreacted…I’m just so stressed out because of Jashire and…I just took it out on you...sorry…” I looked back down at the floor and waited for one of them to yell at me like Elk had.

“That’s something you and your brother have in common. You both overreact at the stupidest shit. Despite what happened, I still want to date you. So…is that allowed?” I looked up at CC and nodded.

“You know, it’s almost cute when she’s acting like this.” I shot my brother a bored look and smacked his arm.

“Shut up.” I smiled a little and moved to sit on the couch next to CC.

“See, that wasn’t so hard was it? I’m going to go tell Jake and Ash that they can talk to you and then I’m going to have a chat with Elk.”

“Damn…Jinxx is pissed.”

“I have a right to be. You should be just as pissed, you saw how quickly she was shutting down. I have half a mind to beat the shit out of him.”

“Please do, that would be entertaining to watch, plus I’m sure Kaim would actually let you.” Jinxx kissed my forehead before leaving.

“I’m sorry Chase. I didn’t mean to make you feel like I didn’t want you there.” CC pulled me onto his lap as he spoke.

“I know. So want to try again?”

“Of course.” I leaned over a bit and kissed him lightly, just as Jake and Ash entered the room.

“Never mind, uhh apology accepted. We’re uhh just gonna leave.” They exited the room almost instantly, making both CC and myself laugh. I knew I was going to have to talk to Jashire eventually, but if at all possible I was going to continue to put it off.