Second Chances

Chapter 22

The morning after Elk yelled at me was extremely awkward. He and I didn’t speak at all to each other, or to anyone about the other. It pissed Kai and Kaos off, and they locked us in the back lounge slash recording part of our bus telling us to make up. The first hour being locked in a room together was probably the longest hour either of us were ever forced to sit through. But by the second hour we were apologizing, talking and laughing. The guys had said that they’d do sound check without us while we ‘worked shit out’ so we wrote a few more songs that we’d show the guys when we’d get ready to record more music.

Elk and I usually kept a spare box of makeup in the lounge area so until someone decided to let us out, the only thing that we’d have to do would be to get changed. Unless of course those assholes waited until the last minute before coming to get us, then we’d have to play in what we already had on.

“You think the guys will come back soon?” I glanced over at Elk in the mirror as I was applying eyeliner.

“I doubt it. You know how they are.” Elk pushed me aside so he could use the mirror. Instead of black eyeliner, he used a white which made his eyes look even more creepy. “Besides, they want to make sure things are good between us. They’re not going to risk it.”

“I hate it when you’re right. I hope you know that.”

“Yeah, love you too.” Elk helped me out with my vocal warm ups and by the time the guys came to let us out I was more than ready to play.

“Guys, we have three minutes before we get on. You’d better have made up.” Kaos opened the door and stared at us in shock. He had no idea that Elk and I were pretty much wearing the same outfit when he and Kaim locked us up since we both had sweaters on.

“Shut your mouth Kaos.”

“You’ll end up catching flys.” Elk and I always had a weird habit of finishing each other’s sentences, but it still freaked people out. “I’m introducing Clair as our new guitarist tonight right?

“Yeah, we figured that tonight would be better than finishing the tour without anyone. She’s already part of the family, so it’s not like we have to take time to get used to her.” Kaos, Elk and I ran up to the spot side stage where we’d go on. Kaos picked up his bass and handed Elk his drumsticks.

“Guys I wanna do Blood on the Dance Floor’s pre-show chant…” I half whined, half begged Kaim.

“No. We don’t need to invoke their names. Just no, I really don’t want something bad to happen this time.” The last time we copied their chant, the lights in the club blew out, and the speakers all died.

“We need to come up with one then. Because us just standing here doing nothing is boring.”

“She’s right, we have to come up with some kind of pre-show chant.” Clair said as she adjusted the guitar strap. To say she looked amazing dressed ‘gothic’ would be an understatement. She didn’t usually, but holy hell she looked great. I stared at Kaos for a few moments before glancing back at Clair and smiled.

“You two are together aren’t you?” They both blushed, which only confirmed that I was right. “That’s so cute.”

“It’s sickening is what it is, not cute.” Elk smirked at Kaos before making his way onto the stage, quickly followed by Kaim and Kaos.

“Just wait a minute here so I can introduce you officially alright?” When Clair nodded I went on stage and smiled. “How ya motherfuckers doin tonight?! So by now you’ve all heard that Jashire is no longer a part of the band. It’s unfortunate but it had to happen, but we’ve found someone just as fucking awesome to replace him. Give it up for our awesome new guitarist!”

Clair hesitantly walked out on stage, and relaxed almost as soon as the crowd started cheering for her. “She’s one of my best friends and one of the best guitarists ever.” As soon as I was done speaking, we jumped into our first song, Clair nailing the solo more than perfectly. It was obvious how excited Clair was, and I knew that we wouldn’t ever have to replace another member of our band. We had the absolute perfect line-up.