Second Chances

Chapter 23

As soon as I walked off stage, CC pulled me into a hug.I hugged back and kissed him lightly. “You were amazing as always.”

“Yeah, I know I’m awesome.” I let go of CC and leaned against him. “I’m going to call Jazz and meet up with him. I just wanted to let you know.”

“That’s fine; I told you that that’s what you should do anyway. Just see what he wants, and leave it at that.” He leaned down and kissed me again before the guys ran out on stage. I watched the first half of the set before going back to the bus. I showered quickly and changed to black sweat pants and a light gray tank-top. I sat on the couch in the front of the bus and called Jashire.

“Hey Havic, I was actually starting to wonder if you were going to call me back.” He answered on the first ring.

“What do you want exactly Jashire?”

“I want to meet up. Tonight, at the coffee shop three blocks from the venue you’re at right now.”

“Alright, I’ll be down there in about fifteen minutes, I just have to change.”

“Okay, you have twenty minutes before I come to you.” He hung up as soon as he finished talking. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared of what he was capable of. I traded my sweat pants for my black jeans from Ash’s website, and pulled a black cropped jean jack on. I slipped my black and red vans on before writing a short note and leaving the bus to meet Jashire. Something at the back of my head said not to meet him on my own, but the guys were hanging with BVB, leaving me on my own to meet him.

I opened the door to the coffee shop and walked in. I spotted Jashire quickly and went to his table, sitting across from him. “What do you want Jazz?”

“I want to rejoin the band. I’m sorry for acting like that, just give me another chance.”

“I can’t. It’s not just my choice anymore. Elk, Kaim and Kaos hell even Clair it’s their choice too. We replaced you, Clair is our new guitarist.”

“I made the band Havic. She was just a photographer, she’s nothing.” He was getting pissed, and I knew he was wrong, it was my band. After I brought the idea up to them, they all agreed. Jashire wasn’t part of that process. I got Elk and Kaim together, which wasn’t as easy as everyone thought. Despite the fact that we all pretty much hated each other at first, we loved the kind of music I wanted to make. And through that, we became closer than friends, even closer than family.

“You are nothing Jashire. We don’t need you anymore. You didn’t even want to be a part of the band, you just wanted me. I’m not into you Jazz, I never was. You were just a friend and one that I regret making.” I stood up and walked out of the shop.

I felt someone grab my arm and slam me into a wall. “You don’t fucking walk away from me you fucking bitch.” He put a cloth over my mouth and nose, then everything went black.