Second Chances

Chapter 25

I had no idea how long Jashire kept me trapped in the small room, it could have been days or weeks. Whenever he was in the room the only thing I felt was pain. All physical, which was bearable; if he had done anything that fucked with me mentally I don’t think I would have been able to tolerate what he did. Most of the cuts he made weren’t deep enough to leave behind scars and for that I was thankful.

I never reacted to anything he did. I blocked everything out, letting myself become numb to the pain. Hell, I didn’t even react when he raped me the first time. I just lay there silently, letting him do as he wished since he never unbound my hands. I was waiting for the moment he let his guard down .I knew how Jashire worked, and sooner or later he’d slip up giving me the perfect chance to escape.

I got the chance I was looking for, not long after. Jashire untied my wrists to try to handcuff me to the bed in the room. I brought my knee up, slamming it into his groin. I grabbed the handcuffs and cuffed one of his hands to the bed frame, then kicked him in the head knocking him out. I ran over to the corner of the room where he tossed my cloths and pulled them on before running up the stairs to find a way out. The clock on the wall said it was ten, but with its position in the hall, I didn’t know if it was morning or night.

I ran for the first door I saw which thankfully was the main door to the house. I ran down the street barefoot and without a jacket. I ran into a group of men maybe in their twenties or early thirties and instantly backed up.

“Easy Kid, are you alright?” One of the guys asked. I watched him wearily as I backed up a little more. “I’m a cop kid. I can help you if you need it.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out is police ID, and handed it to me.

“I just need to call someone; do you have a phone I can borrow?” I handed him the ID back and took the offered cellphone. I dialed Kaim’s number and bit my lip as it went to voice-mail. I hung up and dialed Elk’s hoping that he’d answer, and when he didn’t I started panicking.I numbly typed in Jinxx’s number and sighed in relief when he answered on the third ring.


“Chase? Where are you? We’ve been looking for you for a little over a week.”He cut me off and all noise on his end cut off.

“I don’t know. Are you guys still at the last place or did you leave?”

“We ended up leaving last night. Do you have anything to write with? I can give you the address of the hotel we’re staying at and hopefully you can catch a cab here. There’s no way we can go back right now.” I looked over at the small group of men and sighed.

“Do any of you have a pen on you by any chance?” One of the guys handed me a sharpie, and I nodded in thanks to him. “Okay, what’s the address?” I wrote the address on my hand and thanked him before hanging up. “Thanks for letting me use your cell.” I handed the phone and sharpie back to the two men.

“Do you need a ride anywhere?”

“I’ll be fine on my own. Thanks.”

“Kid, you look like you don’t have any money. You’re not going to be able to afford a cab. I’ll give you a ride to wherever you have to get to.”

I thought about declining the man’s offer, I’d be able to get to the hotel on my own. But it was much safer than hitchhiking. “Alright…” I walked with the group towards the parking lot of a bar where they had parked their cars. One of the guys put his jacket around me when he noticed how bad I was shivering.

The man who let me barrow his jacket, got into the front passenger seat after I climbed into the back of the two door black mustang GT. The cop started the car and cranked the heat for me. He pulled a GPS out of the glove box and handed it to me. I programed the address into it and handed it back. I fell asleep soon after he started driving to the hotel, and the man who lent me his jacket woke me up when we got to the hotel. Just after I got out of the car I handed the guy’s jacket back to him and turned to walk into the hotel.

“Kid, stay safe.” I looked back at the cop and smiled.

“I will.Thanks so much for helping me.” I walked into the hotel and got glares and other looks from the staff and other clientele. Ignoring them, I went up to the desk and waited. “Hi, I’m looking for the room that Jinxx of Black Veil Brides is in.”

“We have strict orders not to let fans up to their room.”

“I’m not a fan. I’m his fucking younger sister.” I pulled out my ID and handed it to her.Even though I went by ‘Havic Fortuna’ more than anything, I did keep my actual name when I applied for my license.

“If you still don’t believe me, call up to his room and have him come down here.” Giving me a dirty look, she did just that and less than five minutes later, Jinxx, Ash, Elk and Kaim were in the lobby, each pulling me into a bone crushing hug.

“Can we go back up to your room? I’m freezing and I need a fucking shower…” Elk instantly got protective and gave me a knowing look, to which I simply nodded. He took my hand and led me up the stairs.

“What the fuck kid, where are your shoes?” I looked over my shoulder at Ash and sighed.

“I couldn’t find them before I ran off. Do you have any idea how fucking cold pavement is at night?”

“Judging by how bad you’re shivering I’m going to guess that it’s freezing.”

“Very. By the way, why the fuck did you two not answer your cells?” I shot a half-hearted glare at Kaim and Elk.

“We didn’t know the number and figured that it was someone who had the wrong number. But when you called Elk then Me and then Jinxx we knew something was up.”

“Chase, I just wanted to let you know that Sammi, Ella and Juliet are on tour with us. So the only open spot to sleep is next to Ash.” I forced a smiled and looked up at Ash as we came to a stop in front of the room.

“Yeah it’s fine. Touch me in any inappropriate way and I will fucking castrate you with my bare hands.”

“Yes ma’am.” Once we were in the room Sammi instantly pulled me into a hug. I assumed that Jinxx told her about me before she came on tour.

“You poor thing, the boys have all been worried sick about you.” I hugged her back and sighed.

“Yeah, I know…” I pulled back from the embrace and looked over at Elk and Kaim. “Please tell me one of you two have clothes I can change into. Elk nodded and dug through his bag for a shirt and pants, while Sammi handed me a black and red lace bra making me blush.

“I’m assuming you want one of these too.” I just nodded ant took it while the guys ‘tried their hardest’ not to laugh at me. On my way into the bathroom Kaim handed me a pair of new black boxers.

“I know how you are.” He didn’t say anything else as he stood ‘guard’ in front of the bathroom door while I showered. The only thing that I kept was my NTIO bracelet, and I put the dress I had worn into the trash before I crawled onto Ash’s bed and pressed as close to the wall as I could. They didn’t drop their conversation as I tried to sleep, which I was grateful for. It was almost like they knew I didn’t want it to be completely silent until I fell asleep.