Second Chances

Chapter 28

By the time we were done messing with each other, it was about four pm. We had sound check in an hour, which didn’t give us much time to actually get ready, so because I was too lazy, I didn’t change from what I had on. When Clair went to shower, I went into the bathroom with her and straightened my hair and did my makeup. I changed it up a bit and instead of just doing Jinxx’s war paint; I did a mix of Ash and my brother’s. I did Ash’s war pain on my left side, the same as his while I kept my brother’s on the right.

“You’re really not going to change?” Clair asked as she got out of the shower. I glanced over at her in the mirror.

“No, I don’t see why I have to. I mean yes I don’t usually wear stuff from other bands, but I want to make sure Ash knows that I’m his.”

“That’s cute, but what happens when you get too warm up on stage? You should put a tank top or something under that so you can just pull it off.”

“Yeah, I’m pretty sure Ash and my brother won’t approve if I’m up there in just a bra and jeans. Hell I’m sure that our guys wouldn’t appreciate it.” I dug through the bags but didn’t find a tank top that I wanted to barrow for the show so I opted out of wearing one. When the guys were done getting ready, we headed to the venue, and went right into sound check. I let the guys pick the songs and went along with it.

A half hour after sound check, I had gone through a six pack of Amp and was all but bouncing off the walls. “You know you’re going to end up getting yourself hurt if you’re always this hyper.”

“Kaim I’ll be fine. I’ve had more than this before a show and was perfectly fine.” I knew he was right; I always got too reckless after drinking that many AMPs. I got up, went to the IPod that the whole band shared and turned it on. The first song that blasted through the speakers was Not the American Average by Asking Alexandria, one of the all-time best bands ever to exist.

As soon as the vocals started, the five of us started screaming out the words at the same time, all in horrible false British accents. When the song ended we were all super hyped up for the show and I started the ‘forbidden’ chant:

Mother of Mercy come to me
Awake my soul set me free
Reveal Jayy’s power for all to see
Consume all fear that lies in me
Radiance set your violent flame
Expand and blaze the light in me
Energize my mind and heart
With all love all power all peace.

By the time I was only through one line, the rest of the band joined in. When we finished the little chant, I could swear that there was an eerie presence around us. As much as I loved Blood on the Dance Floor, I think that their chant was cursed, or at least cursed everyone else who chanted it without the band. The unnerving feeling of being watched by something you couldn’t see didn’t leave any of us, even while we played our set.

We were halfway through our fourth song when I had the great idea of climbing onto a small ledge above the crowd, between the barrier and the stage. There was a metal railing on the part of the stage closest to the ledge I was on. So instead of hanging off the ledge and dropping down or even climbing down like a smart person, I decided that ‘it’ll be faster to jump back onto stage.’ So that’s what I did, and it was probably the stupidest thing I ever could have done.

My right foot caught the railing, causing me to fall sideways and me to collide with Kaos’s amp. I landed on my mic and the only thing I could feel was intense pain radiating through my leg and side. With how I landed, and with the momentum I ended up sliding to a stop, thankfully just off the stage.

Some members of security helped me up, and tried to keep me from going back out on stage, which I simply refused. The crowd paid to see us play and I wasn’t going to take that away from them. So once I was able to stand on my own, more or less –I limped back out on stage and finished the set, essentially forgetting most of the words of Full Moon Ritual due to pain. As soon as we were in our dressing room, Kaim and Kaos went out to get security to get an ambulance to bring me to the hospital. They knew that if they tried brining me themselves that I would end up causing more damage to myself since I always had to be forcefully dragged kicking and screaming.

“Well it is official that, that damn chant is a curse to everyone but BOTDF, and you are trying too hard to be like Andy. Didn’t you learn from his accident that people can’t fly? Or that trying to jump back on stage from someplace higher up is not a smart idea?”

I half whined, half moaned at Elk as I laid on the couch trying not to think about what just happened.

“Well?” He was finding almost too much entertainment in this.

“Elk, be nice to her. She probably broke her ribs, I mean she landed on the mic as he hit the amp and I could hear an audible crack coming from the speakers. And I highly doubt it was the mic breaking.”

“Guys, please stop. One of you are going to tell Jer and Ash that I’m an idiot and landed myself in the hospital.”

“Yeah, I figured as much. I’ll stay behind since you’ve known the other three longest. I’ll get BVB to get there as soon as possible.” I nodded almost submissively and looked up at Elk pleadingly as the EMTs entered the room.

“We’ll meet you there alright?”

“You’re fucking coming with me Elk. There’s no way in hell that I’m going by myself.” Elk only smiled politely to the EMTs and followed them out to the ambulance getting in behind me.

“You’re lucky I love you, otherwise this wouldn’t be happening.”

“Yeah, yeah I know.” I hated hospitals and doctors so much so that I’d rather bedridden for months than to ever have to set foot in a building that held doctors.