Second Chances

Chapter 29

After about four hours in the emergency room, I found out I had fractured my lower leg/ankle and broke two ribs. They put a boot on my foot since the injury was far enough down, and wrapped my ribs. I was told that I would have to stop touring and go home for a few weeks which pissed me off. They wouldn’t even let me stay and rest on the bus. Needless to say, both bands were not pleased when they found out.

I limped out to the front of the hospital with Elk and Clair and bitched about not being able to stay with them the entire way to Ashley’s car. “Will you shut up for five minutes? I know you don’t want to leave, but you have to. Clair or Kai will cover vocals for now until you can come back alright?”

I sighed and nodded. I didn’t really have a choice anyway. “If I promise to stay on the bus can you guys please not make me leave?”

“Oh god, she’s begging. Will someone tell her that she has to leave to be able to heal properly?” I glared at Clair. Despite me begging to be allowed to stay on tour, I was in far too much pain. Elk helped me into the back of Ash’s car and smiled a bit as I bitched about the car being too small.

“Ash, you’ll have your hands full with this one. You sure you’re up for the challenge?”

“Chase you’re going home to rest without the pack.” I nodded obediently and sighed. “I’ll call you alright?”

“Yeah, you’ll have to come to the shop sometime.”

“Shop, what do you mean?”

“Oh yeah, Ash we didn’t tell you did we? Havic owns a kick-assed tattoo parlor. She’s an amazing artist.” Elk eagerly praised my shop, knowing that if he didn’t I’d refuse to tattoo him again.

“Sweet, I’ll have to stop by once we’re done with tour.” We basically dropped all conversation until we got back to where the busses were. “I’ll drive you to the airport; Jinxx already got a ticket for you.”

I nodded in thanks and tried to convince myself to get out of Ash’s car. “Elk, can you pack my things for me? I’m too lazy to move.”

“Yeah, I think Kai is going to take over vocals for you since he’s been doing it anyway.” He, Clair and Ash got out of the car to go get my stuff. I crawled up to the front passenger seat without causing myself too much pain and laid the seat back so I could lie down.

“You’re a little to content there aren’t you?” I looked up at CC and nodded. “You doin’ alright kid?” We hadn’t talked at all since I called Jinxx that night, but I think we were still going to be friends.

“More or less, I’m in a lot of pain right now.”

“I wasn’t talking about your newest injuries. After everything else that happened…are you alright?”

“I will be. I’m sorry…”

“No, you’re not supposed to be apologizing; it’s not your fault. You’re happier with Ash anyway it’s pretty obvious to everyone.”

“So you’re not upset with me?”

“Nope, how could I be? You’re too awesome to get mad at.” I laughed a bit before whining in pain.

“You’re mean, purposely making me laugh because I’m in this much pain.” CC smiled and messed with my hair.

“Get better soon Chase. We need our wolves on tour with us again, and honestly I think you’re the best opening band we’ve ever had.”

“Now you’re just trying to be a suck-up.”

“CC, stop flirting with my girl,” We both looked over at Ash; I smiled a bit while CC just laughed.

“Sorry, she’s just that cute.” CC helped Ash and Elk load up the back seat with my stuff. CC handed me my wolf. “I’m serious, get better soon brat.”

“I’ll try…I’m going to be on my own for a while, so…”I took my phone from Elk and pulled out three blades, giving one to each CC, Elk and Ash. “I promise to call you guys if I start heading down that particular path. Now someone go get Jer before I throw a fucking fit.” Elk leaned in through the window and kissed my cheek before going back to the bus, and dragging Kaim and Kaos over to the car while CC left to get Jinxx.

I forced myself to get out of the car and hugged each of my bandmates. There was only about another three weeks left of the tour and I’d be home during that period. “I’m going to miss you guys.”

“I promise, as soon as we get back we’ll start recording some new shit.” Kaos was nearly crying as he hugged me. “I’m sorry…”

“Aww, don't cry Kay it’s not needed. You’re going to do great even without me there.” I kissed his cheek and pushed him at Clair. “Take care of our big baby will ya?”

“Of course I will.” Clair and I hugged for a bit before my band went back to the bus. As soon as they left my brother pulled me into a hug, while being careful of my broken ribs.

“I’m going to miss you kid.”

“I know, but you have to go kill it every night for me. And promise to message me if you can’t call.”

“It’s almost sad to see another singer find out the hard way that people can’t fly.” I looked up at Andy and smiled. He pulled me into a one-armed hug. “Stay safe kid, we’re all just a phone call away if you need any of us.”

“I know. Thanks so much guys.” CC and Jake were on the bus, which kind of upset me since I wasn’t able to say goodbye to Jake.

“We have to go, I’ll meet you guys at the next venue.” Ash and I got back into his car and drove off. The car ride was void of conversation, but was unusually calming. Ash let me pick what we listened to on the ride to the airport and I plugged my IPod into the radio, picking my favorite playlist and blasting The Final Episode by Asking Alexandria. We were only through six songs before we pulled into the airport’s parking lot. “Come on kid.” He helped me unload the car and just after I shut the back door, he pinned me against the door. I smirked a bit before he leaned down slightly, kissing me lightly.

“Oh my god! You’re Ashley Purdy from Black Veil Brides and Havic Fortuna from Lone Wolves!!” Ash pulled away from me and we both looked at the girl who was obviously a fan of both bands.

“Yes, yes we are.” I smiled and pulled my phone out. “Can you do us a favor and as a thank you, we’ll both take a picture with you.”

“Yes, anything.” She was way too excited, which only made me smiled more.

“Sweet, take a picture for me.”Ash leaned down as the girl was about to take the picture and kissed me again. So, as promised I took her cell and snapped a picture of her and Ash, then had Ash take a pic of the girl with me.

“Thanks so much! None of my friends would ever believe me if I told them I met the best female vocalist and best bassist ever!”

“Come on love, let’s get your bags all checked in. I’ll stay with you until it’s time for your flight to board.” I picked up the smaller bag and sighed as Ash pulled the larger one behind us. “I also have something for you, I want you to wear it at all times alright?”

“Are you going to tell me or make me wait?”

“You’re to put it on once you’re on the plane alright?” When I nodded he slipped a small package into my jacket pocket. “I want proof that you’re wearing it too, so once you board take a selfie and tweet it. Kay?”

“You’re so demanding.” I smiled and leaned against him. “I promise. I’ll call you when I get home.”
“I’m going to miss you Chase.” He hugged me and kissed the top of my head. We only broke apart when my flight was called. “Call me as soon as you get into your place alright?”

“I already said I would.Stop worrying.” I kissed him once more before making my way onto the plane. Once I got to my seat, I pulled the package out of my pocket, and laughed. “That ass seriously bought me a collar.” It was a plain black nylon collar with a dog tag that said “Property of Ashley Purdy” on one side and “Chase Destiny Ferguson” on the other. I obeyed his order, and snapped a picture making sure the side of the tag that proved ownership was showing, and then posted both new pictures on Twitter and Instagram.

Havic Fortuna @lonewolfhavic
Missing my love already L @AshleyPurdy...See I’m being obedient!! ^_^

☆Ashley Purdy☆ @AshleyPurdy
@lonewolfhavic Miss you too my she-wolf <3 have a safe flight home my love.

I smiled and settled into the seat as I waited for the rest of the passengers to board and the plane to take off. The flight only took about three hours and the taxi ride back to my place was barely brushing an hour. As soon as I walked into the tattoo shop I relocked the door and called Ash, and sighed as it went to voicemail.

Hey love, I’m home. As you ordered I called. Tell the guys I said hey alright? I love you.

I dragged my bags down to my room and started unpacking. I double checked the locks on the doors and checked the rest of the building before flipping the ‘open’ sign’s switch and waited. Less than an hour later, I had three people come in who wanted to get work done. I spent six hours tattooing the three walk-ins. It was about eleven pm by the time I got to my room and changed when my phone went off.

“Hey Ash, how was the show?”

“It was great as always, but I miss you.” I smiled at the whining tone he took.

“Aww does my outlaw miss his lovely wolf?”

“Yes, it’s not fair. *cue dramatic sigh* so how was your flight?”

“Boring, I did talk with one of the girls that were sitting next to me. She was dressed in all BVB merch. Guess I have some competition, she claims that she’s gonna be dating you.”

“You got jealous didn’t you?”

“No, I just smiled and showed her the picture our other fan took for us and she totally fangirled. I thought the poor kid was going to pass out from lack of oxygen. You should have seen it Ash, it was so amusing.”

“Chase, I swear you’re the only girl I know who finds amusement in shit like that.” I smiled as he laughed. “So Clair has an amazing singing voice, I’ll send you a vid that I took for you. I think you should officially have her as backing vocals.”

“I’ll probably do that. I mean I’ve been meaning to talk to her about that anyway.”

“Your brother wants to talk to you.”

“Which one?”

“Jinxx, there’s no way in hell Elk would be allowed to touch my phone.”

“Alright.” I waited for Jinxx to come on the line. “Hey Jer.”

“Hey lil sister. You doin alright?”

“Yes,” I yawned and sighed. “I’m tired is all, but I’m alright. I had three walk-ins so I wasn’t able to think of being alone here.”

“Nice, well I’m gonna go.Night kid.”

“Night Jinxx.”

“You that tired love?” Ash asked as soon as Jinxx gave him the phone back.

“Yeah, call me when you can alright? I’m not going to be busy at all so unless I’m actually asleep I’ll answer.”

“Kay, goodnight my gorgeous wolf.” I smiled and actually blushed lightly.

“Congratulations Outlaw, you just made me blush. I miss you so much, night.” I fell asleep as soon as I hung up. I had no idea how much things would change in the next few weeks, it was like the Fates needed to keep fucking up my life.