Second Chances

Chapter 30

Two and a half weeks later~

I woke up to the feeling of being watched. I opened my eyes slowly and smiled at the bright blue eyes just inches from my face. I reached my hand out and rubbed the husky I adopted between the ears causing him to whine in content. “You have to go out don’t you boy?” He barked lowly, and wagged his tail harder once he realized I was actually going to be getting up. I sat up and stretched as I watched the dark gray on white husky run in circles before sitting by the door, waiting for me to let him out.

I walked up to the main door and slipped my shoes on before unlocking the door for the dog. He ran out instantly and went to his usual bush and did what he had to do. He was trotting back to the door when he stopped and growled lowly at the road. There, parked in the road was the tour bus that my band had used. I smiled and called the husky to me. “Sit,” I waited for him to obey and when he did I rubbed his ears. “Good boy, now stay.” I sat on the steps with the husky at my side and waited to see which member was going to be staying with me.

I saw Outcast’s tail wagging harder and harder as his patients was tested. “Go get them.” The husky barked happily and ran around to the bus, jumping up on the first person he saw which happened to be Elk. Poor Elk nearly screamed like a bitch and tried to bolt back onto the bus only to have Kaim push him back. “It’s just a dog Elk, you’ll live.”

“That’s not a dog! Look at it!” He pointed at Outcast and moved so he was behind Kaim.

“Really Elk, you’re scared of a dog?” I walked up behind Outcast and looked up at my two best friends.

“Have you seen this thing? It’s not a dog it’s a fucking hell-hound Havic!”

“Aww you’re going to hurt his feelings.” I knelt down next to my husky and smiled a bit as he licked my cheek.

“He’s cute, but how about we go inside and relax a bit while you tell us about this lovely guy you have here.” Kaim scratched Outcast’s chin and fussed over the husky. Outcast jumped up, his paws on Kaim’s shoulders and licked his face.

“Aww Cast made a friend.” I laughed at Kaim and helped them bring their bags into the house. I continued to put on a strong front as I helped the guys unpack. Over the last three weeks, we agreed that they could move in with me since I obviously had the room. I helped them get the room set up, while Outcast laid by the door watching us.

“So when did you get the dog?”

I glanced over at Kaim as I put their clothes in the closet. “The second day of me being here alone, it was the day I called you guys freaking out. He’s been the best support a girl could ask for.” Cast barked happily and wagged his tail. It was almost like he could understand me, which made me fall in love with him even faster.

“And he’s a husky right?”

“Yup, though technically he’s like half husky. The people who brought him to the shelter don’t know what else he is. He’s bigger than the average husky, and almost more intelligent. But he’s a lover and is a very good protector, aren’t ya?” We all laughed as the large husky whined happily and crawled into the room.

“He’s attached to you alright. How do you think he’ll react when he realizes that he has to share you with Ash?”

“I don’t know Elk. He’s been pretty good about people being close to me. He watches the clients get inked and for those who are getting their first he sits right next to them with his head on their lap if he can.” We spent another two hours fixing up the room before I flipped the switch for the sign to on and waited. “If you guys want, you can order something. I know Outcast like’s Chinese since the little bastard stole mine.” The only response the dog had was to wag his tail lazily as he laid on the chair one of the clients brought in for him. They even put a sign on the bottom of it that said Outcast’s. Do NOT sit in unless your name is Outcast. Everyone seemed to love him, which made it easier to keep things to myself.

“Havic, something’s wrong isn’t it?” I looked up at Kaim shocked.

“What do you mean? I’m fine.”

“We’ve known you long enough. Tell us, you know we won’t turn on you.”

“I’m pregnant…and it’s Jashires.”

“How…?” They both stared at me in shock. “When did you find out?”

“When Jashire kidnapped me…he raped me multiple times, and I only found out yesterday. I don’t know what to do.”

Elk Pov:

Havic looked like she was trying hard not to cry over what she just said. I couldn’t blame her, if I was in her position I’d probably be acting the same way. “You should call Ashley…ask him what he wants to do. I’m pretty sure he’ll stay by your side no matter what.”

“I’m scared Elk…” Kai and I pulled her to us, which caused the demon dog to growl lowly. “Outcast, go lay down.” She spoke softly, and I was surprised that the dog even heard her and obeyed.

“I’ll call him and tell him. I’m sure he’ll want to talk to you too.” I pulled my cell from my pocked and dialed Ash’s number and waited.

“Hey Ash, its Elk…there’s something that I need to tell you, well more like you should see for yourself but it’s about Chase.” I barely gave him time to speak at all. “She’s pregnant, and before you throw a fit of any kind its Jashire’s. He raped her a lot during the two weeks she was missing.”

“That takes care of the how…when did she find out?”

“I’m thinking yesterday but I don’t know for sure. She’s a mess right now man. You need to get out here as soon as you can.”

“I’ll try to get out there. Is she up for talking?” I handed the phone to Havic and walked her to the bench and made her sit before I pulled Kaim out of the room.

Chase Pov:

“Hey Ash…”

“Babe, why didn’t you tell me when you found out?” I couldn’t hear anything other than curiosity in his voice which made me feel a little better.

“I wasn’t sure what to do…I was hoping that it was a false positive, but the other tests I took said otherwise. I don’t want it…”

“Chase, you don’t need to keep it. We can go to an abortion clinic and get it taken care of.”

“You’re not going to leave me…right?”

“No I’m not going to leave you because you got pregnant from being raped. I’m going to try to get out to your place as soon as I can. Give me the address okay?”

I gave him the address of the shop and smiled slightly as Outcast whined at me, like he was asking if I was alright.

“How’s my boy doing by the way?” I laughed at the way Ash worded it, which made Outcast bark happily.

“He’s fine, just worried about me. I’m sure he’s going to love you my Outlaw.”

“I hope so, I don’t exactly want to fight your son to be able to be with my absolutely beautiful she-wolf.”

“Thank you Ash. For everything.” I took a shuddering breath as I sank to the floor next to Outcast and gripped him tightly.

“It’s fine my love. I promise, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Stay strong for me.”

“I will.” He hung up and I buried my face in the husky’s soft coat and tried to calm down. Most dogs I knew would just sit there and wait for their human to regain control of themselves. Cast was different, he put his chin on my shoulder, giving me a doggy hug. I stood up a bit later and locked up the tattoo parlor, shut off the lights and made my way down to the ‘house’ part of the building. I knocked lightly on Elk and Kaim’s door and handed the phone to Elk.

“You’ll be alright you know. We’re still a family.”

“I know. I’m going to go to bed, with my all-time favorite boy.”

“Wow, so Ashley and I were replaced by a dog. Nice.”

“Hey, he cuddles too and is so warm and soft. Be jealous Elk, he’s probably better in bed than you are.”

Elk shook his head and took a step back. “Don’t even start with the beastiality shit again. We’ve all had this conversation because of you and you’re weird fucking obsession with gay porn.”

“Whoa, I didn’t need to hear that you knew about that.”

“You fucking ship Andely! It’s not like you never hid that from anyone.”

“Good night Elk.” I smiled and turned to head to my room.

“Night Chase, and demonic puppy of cuteness.” I smiled more as I let Cast into my room before I shut the door.

“You want to sleep with me tonight?” In his own form of answering, Cast jumped onto my bed and laid down next to the wall, his head on my pillow. “Really?” I shook my head and laughed at him. I quickly changed into a clean pair of pajamas and laid down next to my over-protective husky and wrapped my arm around him. Sleeping next to him gave me a sense of comfort I hadn’t had since I left the tour.