Second Chances

Chapter 31

I woke up completely under the blankets, and with my face in the back of Outcast’s neck. I smiled and snuggled closer to him for a bit, not wanting to see if it was actually daylight or not. I laughed a bit when Cast whined and started wagging his tail the moment I put my arm around him. He continuously tried to worm his way out of the blanket, but wasn’t having too much success, causing me to laugh harder. He was such a nut, but always made me feel better. Deciding to help the poor boy, I pushed the blanket off the bed and smiled at Cast when he rolled over to lick my face and ended up sending me to the floor with him on top of me. Cast was a bit larger than the average husky and was pure muscle so having a 70-85 pound dog landing on your stomach wasn’t exactly the best way to start off the day.

So, being the guy he was, Cast instantly got off me and sniffed my neck and face making sure I was okay. I just laughed at him and grabbed the fluff of his cheeks and scruffed him a bit as I kissed his forehead, between the eyes. “You’re such a good boy.” He barked happily and jumped away from me before sitting at the door, waiting patiently. Knowing his routine, I got up and let him out. As he was outside I changed his water and filled his bowl for his breakfast with dry dog food and raw ground chicken.

Once the mutt’s breakfast was taken care of I went about preparing breakfast for the humans. I looked up as Outcast trotted into back into the house and smiled as he sat at his bowl and waited for me to give him the signal that it was okay for him to eat. As soon as I gave him the signal he dug right in and everything around him might as well not have existed.

I heard the guys slowly making their way downstairs, probably only because they could smell food.I made up three plates and set them on the table. “Come on guys, I know the only reason you’re up is because you can smell food.”

“Is it that obvious?” Kaim asked just before he looked down at Cast. “I guess it’s a guy thing.” Elk smiled before sitting at the table and started eating. “You have a nice place, I keep forgetting just how soundproof everything is.”

“Oh god…you guys totally fucked in my house didn’t you?” I laughed as I spoke, then laughed even harder when I noticed Elk blushing.

“Yeah, it was kinda a spur of the moment thing. We’ll try not to make it a habit.”

“Oh no, by all means fuck your boyfriend senseless, as long as you never do it outside your room or your bathroom. I don’t want to risk walking in on you two.”

“Chase, you’d just stand there and watch. Don’t deny it.”

“Yeah…so sue me if I find it hot.”

“It’s creepy you know that right?”

“Maybe for you guys, anyway is Kay and Clair coming over?”

“Kaos said he was going to, since he wanted to play some covers just to get a feel for what our next album will be like.”

“Sweet, I’ll go get everything set up then. Oh, Elk, the drum kit you ordered arrived and I set it up for ya already.”

“You are the absolute best!”

“Yeah, now please don’t talk with your mouth full, it’s rude.” I put my plate in the sink before heading down to the ‘studio’ and setting up the amps and everything else. As I was getting everything else set up, I started having pain in my lower stomach very similar to period cramps. I ignored it since it wasn’t that bad and once I had everything else set I went back up to wait for Kaos and Clair.

“You alright? You look a little off…” I cursed Elk to the deepest pits of hell for being able to read me so well.

“Yes, I’m just feeling a bit off.But it’s really nothing.” I brushed of his concern and collected their plates when they were done and washed them. I heard the house door open and smiled as Outcast trotted out to the living room to greet Kaos and Clair. He saw them a few times while I was on Skype with Elk and let them talk to him so he’d get used to their voices. “Hey guys! We’re going to head down soon.”

“No rush.” Clair walked over to me and gave me a hug. “I’ve missed you.”

“I’m sure, it must have been boring stuck with a bunch of guys for so long.”

“You have no idea.” Cast came bounding into the kitchen and half barked, half whined as he sat in front of Clair, begging for her attention.

“Cast, go lay down.” I pointed to the dark blue rug I put in the kitchen for him. He reluctantly went over and sat on the rug, his tail still wagging. “I said lay down.” He obeyed and kept his eyes on Clair. “Go fuss over him, he won’t leave you alone until you do.”

“He didn’t do that to us.”

“Elk he did, why do you think I had his front paws on my shoulders?” We laughed as Clair squeaked as Cast ‘attacked’ her face with his tongue. “I guess Cast is like Ash then.”

“What do you mean by that Elk?”

“Chase, Ash is a ladies man, and obviously Cast is just like him.”

“My puppy isn’t a…he’s not a ladies man.”

“You were so going to call him a man-whore weren’t you?”

“Shut your face Kaim. Anyway, since we’re all here let’s go destroy my basement again.” The six of us –Cast included headed down to the basement. Cast stayed just outside the studio and made himself comfortable. We spent the next two hours playing covers of darker songs by Escape the Fate, Asking Alexandria and Falling in Reverse to come up with an idea for our next release. We were taking a break when the cramps started up again, worse than before. I slipped out of the practice room and went up to the bathroom, and the first thing I noticed after I sat down was the large amount of blood covering my underwear. Since the entire basement was soundproof, I sent Clair a text telling her to meet me in the downstairs bathroom.

“Chase, what’s up?” Clair walked into the bathroom and instantly locked the door. “What happened?”

“I think I’m having a miscarriage…” I was in shock and not entirely processing anything.

“Since when were you pregnant and whose is…or was it?”

“Jashire…Can…you call the doctor or hospital for me…?”

“Yeah, then I’m calling Ash.” Clair spent the next hour on the phone with a doctor from the early pregnancy assessment unit (EPAU). They suggested that I just stay home and try to relax as much as possible and if there’s any major changes to go to the emergency room. Then she called Ash, refused to let him talk to me and ordered him to get his ass down to the house. Once she gave him the address she hung up.

“Clair…what do I do…?”

“First off, you’re going to shower, I’ll go find decent pajamas for you, and I’ll stay here with you if Ash can’t.”

“Clair, you have to go buy pads…I only ever get tampons…”

“Not a problem. I’ll be right back. Stay in here until I get back.” I stayed in the shower, just standing under the warm jets of water until Clair walked back into the bathroom. “Alright, so I got you some nice comfy pajamas and other female stuff.”

“Thanks Clair…do you know if Ash is here yet?”

“I didn’t see a car I didn’t know, but he’s coming from LA, give him some time okay?” As soon as she left I got dressed and made a half-assed attempt at drying my hair. I curled up on the couch and stared blankly in front of me even as Outcast made his way to the couch and laid his head on my lap. I put my hand on his head and rubbed his ears lightly.

“I’m a fuck up aren’t I…?” He whined and licked my wrist as he got up onto the couch in front of me and laid down, his head next to mine. “Well what else would you call it then? These things don’t just happen.” Cast looked at me, his ears pricked and licked my cheek. “Yeah, you’re right. Shit happens, but still…even if it was fate it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with.”

“The fact that my girlfriend is talking to a dog as if he can speak back is a little concerning.” I looked up at Ash and smiled before practically running to him with Cast hot on my heels. He sat next to me and waited patiently for Ash’s attention.

“I’m so glad you’re here…” I spoke quietly into his chest as he pulled me even tighter against him.

“Let’s go to your room so you can lie down alright?”

“Yeah, just say hello to Cast before he explodes due to too much excitement.” Ash just smiled and released me before kneeling down and scruffing the husky’s head.

“Come on love.” Ash motioned for me to go to my room, so I led him there and instantly laid down with him just moments before I started crying into his chest. It didn’t make any sense; I didn’t want to have a child that was the result of rape, and I especially didn’t want to have Jashire’s child. “Sleep, you need it.I’ll stay here until you wake up.” Slowly, I let myself fall asleep against Ash and with Cast behind my legs, his head on my thigh.