Second Chances

Chapter 5

Havic Pov:

I stared at them in shock and could feel the blood draining from my face. There was no way in hell that these two should know about any of that. I looked from them to Elk, who looked just as shocked as I was. He came up to me and spoke lowly, “Want me to make them leave?” I nodded slightly and looked over to Kai. Elk followed my gaze, “Kaim bring her to her bunk.” I knew that Jake and CC were about to face the devil himself, but I couldn’t bring myself to care.

Elk Pov:

I turned to face the two members of Black Veil Brides and glared at them. I had only ever seen Havic get like that once and that was a memory I didn’t want to remember. “Get the fuck out.” They both looked at me confused but didn’t get up. “I fucking told you to get the fuck off our bus! I don’t give a fuck that we were invited by you to go on fucking tour, but you do not fucking speak to Havic like that!”

“Calm down man, I was just asking a question. I didn’t expect her to go into panic mode.”

“Look, I don’t fucking care if you fucking meant it or not. Get off the bus. If our alpha wants to fucking talk to any of you, she will approach you of her own free will. If I find any of you fucking assholes anywhere near her you will fucking regret it!” I knew I was overdoing it, but Havic was more than my sister and absolutely no one fucked with my pack.

From expierence, I knew that most people had a very hard time looking me in the eyes because they were black. And I mean black, not dark brown but fucking black. The pupils were not visible at all. So I got a bit of satisfaction when both CC and Jake dropped their gaze and both stood up.

“We didn’t mean to make her upset, but we won’t approach her until she speaks to us first. That doesn’t mean that we’re kicking you off tour. You guys are talented and we want you to succeed. We’ll talk to you guys later when we get to where we’re going.” I nodded at Jake and pointed to the door, telling them to get off the bus. I sighed and sat on the couch after they left and looked up as the door opened again. I was glaring at the door when Jazz and Kaos got back.

“Damn, who pissed you off?” Kaos instantly looked at the floor, but I knew it was in a submissive gesture. I always found it highly amusing that each of us acted like a pack, some of us being more dominant than others. Kaos was the second lowest ranking member but that was simply because he preferred to follow orders than to give them.

“Black Veil Brides pissed me off. Jake and Christian came over here to talk to Havic. And they brought up what she told us all earlier. She’s with Kaim, I’ve only ever seen her like this once and that was the day you introduced me to her Jazz. She’s shutting down again.”

“I’ll talk to her, you guys stay up here.” Jazz went into the bunk space kicked Clair and Kaim out and crawled into Havic’s bunk with her.

“Seriously what happened?”

“Kay, all they did was state that she was Jinxx’s sister. She just shut down, and I snapped at them.”

“And this is why we never let you get pissed. You might as well be the devil if he had a physical form.” I laughed at Kaim and pulled him down onto the couch next to me. He was right, when I did get pissed it was like the gates of hell opened up. I leaned against Kai and sighed as someone else knocked on the door. “I’m not answering, I already filled my quota of getting pissed for today.”
Kaos shook his head and went to open the door. He reentered the lounge and looked nervous. I looked past him and glared at Jinxx. “What do you want?”

“I just wanted to give Chase…I mean Havic this.” He held up a small wolf stuffed animal, and I instantly knew it was the wolf she was talking about.

“She’s not up for visitors.” We all looked over at Jazz as he spoke.

“I wasn’t looking to speak with her, the guys told me what happened and I just wanted to give her this. It’s hers anyway. If you could give it to her, I’d appreciate it.”

I got up and took the wolf from Jinxx. “It’s beat to hell.”

He smiled a bit and nodded, “Yeah, she took that with her everywhere.”

“I’ll be sure to give it to her. I’ll tell her that you stopped over, but please just let her go to you on her own. She’s been through enough without being forced to talk to people.”

“I understand. And Elk, I think you should apologize to Jake and CC. You kinda freaked them out.”

I laughed and nodded, “Yeah I’ll do that when I see them next time. I know I can get pissy really easily, but this was because I never wanted to see her get like that again.”

“Anyway, I also wanted to tell you guys that we’ll be at the venue tomorrow night. I hope you guys enjoy the tour life, it can get pretty hectic.”

“Yeah, I’m already figuring this out. Thanks Jinxx, and I’ll let her know that you want to talk to her.”

When Jinxx left I sighed and looked at the wolf. It was older than hell and looked like it had gone through the ringer far too many times. “I find it hard to believe that this used to be hers.” I shook my head and slid past Jazz to Havic’s bunk. I knocked on the wood above it and opened the curtain. “Hey, so your…Jinxx stopped over. He wants to talk to you, but is going to wait until you go to him. He dropped this off for you.” She looked up at me and smiled a bit when she saw the wolf. She reached for it and I handed it to her.

“I missed him…” Damn, she looked so vulnerable just laying there.

“Get some rest sweetie, we’ll be at the venue tomorrow.”

“Elk…will you stay here with me for a while…?” I hated when she felt that if she was alone everything she ever cared about would vanish. So being my normal self, I nodded and slid into the bunk with her. She turned over and faced the wall, clutching the wolf to her chest as I laid my arm over her waist. She was asleep within minutes. This was going to be a very long tour.