Second Chances

Chapter 7

We had three songs recorded by the time the bus stopped, they weren’t great and would probably have to be re-recorded but Jazz said that they were good. Kaim agreed, saying that playing electric along with the acoustic would make it different and as usual he was right. I wanted to have five done, and knew we’d have some time before we had to go on stage. I switched out my skirt that Jazz got me and threw on my jeans from Ashley Purdy’s website, barely changing up the outfit at all, but made it more acceptable for a rock band's concert.

I checked my cell for the time before getting the guys and Clair in the front lounge. I wanted to keep the set list mostly the same but wanted to know if any of the guys wanted to switch it up. As for Clair, she was the one who needed to decide if she wanted to take more pictures during sound check or if she was going to wait until the show. Just like the first time we ever played, I was extremely excited and couldn’t keep still.

“So who gave the princess an Amp?” Kaim tried to hold me still but I managed to get out of his hold easily enough.

“I did, I asked if she wanted anything to drink. I didn’t know she’d turn into this.” Clair motioned to me as she spoke. I was addicted to Amps, I detested Monster so when the guys learned this they only ever bought me Amps. Sadly they also found out how hyper it truly made me, so they all but banned me from having any except for when we were on stage.

“Havic how many did you have?” Kaim and Kaos asked at the exact same time. I stared at them blankly for a few moments before all of us started laughing. It was a rare occurrence where any of us would speak at the same time, let alone say the exact same things.

“I had…four? I think, I don’t really know does it really matter?”

“Yeah, I want to know how you haven’t had a heart attack yet, with all that sugar and caffeine I’d expect you to be dead. Besides you’re fucking tiny, there’s no way in hell that drinking as many Amps as you do can be healthy.”

“Elk, you should stop questioning her. I mean really, you’ve known the kid for two years now you shouldn’t be asking these things.”

“I know Jazz, but look at it…it’s just upsetting.” Elk couldn’t keep the smile from his face if his life depended on it. I knew the guys all got on my case whenever I had more than two Amps but they were just that good. At least I never did anything majorly stupid when I got hyper.

Since everyone was all set for the show, we headed out of the bus into the venue for our sound check. Clair tossed me my black and red tail which I clipped on as I walked. “Can’t have our alpha missing her tail now can we?”

“Really! Who told you about that!?” I asked in shock while I blushed a deep red. I only knew how bad it was because my face felt like it was on fire.

“Kaos told me about how you almost refused to go on stage because you didn’t have it.” Clair laughed at my reaction and nudged me so I’d start walking again. Kaos was a dead man, that ass wouldn’t let me live that down. Back when we first started playing, I always had the tail with me and the first night that I completely forgot about it, I legit refused to go on stage until I had it. Ever since then if I didn’t have it on me, the guys would start making fun of me for that one night.

By the time we got into the venue Black Veil was already in the middle of their sound check. I made my way to the side stage and watched them. No matter how many times I listened to them or went to their concerts I always felt like I was in a different realm. Their music connected with me on a completely different level and constantly reminded me that no matter what I did I would succeed at it. When they were done I clapped and smiled. “You guys are simply amazing.” I knew I startled them since they all looked over at the same time.

I walked up to them and sighed. “Jake, CC, I want to apologize for how Elk and I acted last night. I was just in shock and Elk…well he’s always been one to fly off the handle at any sign of a threat towards me.” I bowed as I apologize to them; it was just something I did no matter who I was speaking to I always showed them respect.

“Uh, it’s alright Havic. We didn’t mean to upset you.” I cut Jake off and shook my head.

“No, it wasn’t you. I was already worked up from something else. Anyway, I just wanted to apologize for earlier…and well to say thank you. I know fans are always saying this to you, but without you guys I seriously wouldn’t be alive right now.” I smiled and practically ran off to the dressing room that my band was assigned and tried to calm down.

“Hey, what’s wrong Havic?” I looked up at Jazz and Kaim as they came up to me.

“I just spoke to Black Veil, and apologized for last night and then ran off like the cowered I am.” Kaim laughed and pulled me into a hug.

“You totally fangirled at them didn’t you?” I blushed and violently shook my head.

“No, w-why would you say that!?”

“Because it’s you. Let me guess, you went on about how they saved your life?” While the guys and Clair laughed at how embarrassed I was, I knew it was only at my reaction and not at what I had said.

“You guys are so mean.” I whined and pouted as I leaned against the wall. A knock at the door brought us back to reality, and Jazz answered it. It was one of the set guys telling us to go do sound check, so we headed out to do it. We did a full play through of Haunted Melody and Save Me. After those two songs we did parts from Insanity and Full Moon Ritual before playing most of our cover of Rebel Yell. Halfway through Full Moon Ritual I felt I was being watched and looked around without seeing anyone in particular. Satisfied with our set-list, we headed off the stage. Almost instantly I spotted Jinxx standing in the shadows just off the stage. “Guys, I’ll see you back in the room.” I went over to Jinxx, and just stood in front of him not sure what to say.

“Chase…” I didn’t even have time to react before he was pulling me into a hug, and without thinking I was hugging him back. It only just dawned on me that I was actually a little taller than he was, I was used to guys being taller than me.

“Jer…I missed you.” I tightened my arms around him before I pulled back a bit. I heard a collective ‘aww’ as Jinxx and I hugged again. We both looked over, realizing that we weren’t alone. Both bands were standing just feet from us and neither of us noticed at all.

“You know, now that they’re standing next to each other, I could almost swear that they’re twins.”

“CC, I’m nine years older than she is. How do you process that age difference and come to the conclusion that we’re twins?” I managed to keep from laughing, but only just.

“Well, technically we could be. There are people who freeze embryos if they have twins and have that embryo later on in life.”

“No, trust me, it didn’t happen like that.” Both bands broke out laughing. We were told to get back to the dressing rooms, so we all crammed into one because Jashire suggested it.

“At least the two bands are on friendly terms now.” That one comment had me and Elk blushing lightly and staring at the floor.

“Yeah…sorry about that Jake…” That half-assed apology from Elk set us off again. It was nice that both of our bands had the same general sense of humor. Most bands that we meet were just plain assholes to us. John, Black Veil’s tour manager told us to get ready that there were five minutes before we were to go on stage.

Once we hit the stage we jumped right into Insanity. It was a heavier song that had a lot of screaming which Jazz and Kaim were more than happy to do. In actuality it was about struggles of life and how hard some moments really can be, and that because of it people tend to do the most insane things. Once the song ended I addressed the crowd.

“Yo what’s up!? We’re the Lone Wolves, and we’re pretty fucking stoked to be playing for you!” I was surprised that there were quite a few people who knew us. “The next song is for those of you who’ve lost something, or someone that was important to you. It’s called Full Moon Ritual.”

-Into the night we fade
Fire and fear surrounding us
Nothing to stand in our way
Hope and light await
Nothing’s accepted in this world
And death is just another tool to tame
Forever gone, but your spirit will always remain

-With the full moon’s light the ritual will start
The spell that’s been given will always stay in our hearts
For an eternity I will hold you close
Never willing to lose what I once lost

-Into the fire we run
Somewhere where nobody can catch us
Into the darkness we fade
Forever shrouded in death we wait
For those to see, that we no longer have to be.

Once we got to the chorus, I stopped singing and held the mic out towards the crowd, smiling when they sang the song back. It was simply amazing. And the whole thing repeated for the other songs we played. I couldn’t wrap my head around it, these people actually knew our songs, actually loved us.

We flew through the other songs and as usual I addressed the crowd before we played Rebel Yell. “I know most of you guys are here for Black Veil Brides, and don’t even deny it. I can see all the war-paint that you have going on. You’re all rebels and I understand completely. So as our last song, we’ll play one you all should know. It started as a tribute to the best band in the world, and now it’s one of our absolute favorites to play live. This is for you guys, and all the Loners here tonight.” With that the guys started the haunting and eerie melody that we put to the song.

We finished the song and for a few moments I just stood there, basking in the excitement of the crowd and smiling like an idiot. “Thank you guys so fucking much! You’re amazing!” With that we walked off the stage, with the crowd still cheering for us. As soon as I walked off the stage, Jinxx pulled me into a hug.

“You were awesome Chase!” I hugged back and smiled.

“I usually am. Now go kill it, your fans are waiting.” I spoke to the whole band, not just my brother. I stayed where I was and watched their set, still amazed that I was on tour with my favorite band.