The Bitch Came Back


Damon’s POV

I stared at the ceiling with my legs spread loosely, listening to the grunting coming from Jason.

Everyone says there first time is horrible, and it gets better. My sex life isn’t horrible, but its not good either. I let Jason take my virginity. I was so sure that we were going to be together forever because he finally paid attention to me, but lately I haven’t been thinking that as much.

It wasn’t because of our horrible sex life, because it had never been good. The first time we had sex he laughed at how bad I was at blow jobs because I had never given one before. Then, he lasted about three minutes tops and promised stuff like that never happened to him, I was just so tight.

I almost laughed thinking back, I thought that was a compliment at the time! I was naive. and stupid. How I could ever think a guy like Jason could love me was lost on me now. But still, there was a small part of me that loved him. It was the small piece of me that kept me with him.

“Are you close?” He panted, putting my ankles behind his shoulders.

“Yeah baby.” I fake moaned and almost rolled my eyes as he grunted and his thrusts slowed and I knew he was finishing. I rolled away from him as he just laid there for a few seconds.

“Did you finish?” He panted. I nodded and stood up to grab my clothes and go to the bathroom.

“Yeah, twice. You are so good baby.” I lied and walked to the bathroom.

After cleaning up and getting dressed, I left. It wasn’t a dramatic exit filled with ‘I love you’s’ and ‘I’ll miss you’s’, it was silent. I just left, because I knew he didn’t want me to stay and cuddle and frankly I didn’t want to stay and cuddle either. I wanted to go play Soul Calibur V and eat meat lovers pizza. Not wanting to gain weight though, I would probably eat a salad with my video games.

Once I pulled into the garage, I took a deep breath and turned off Ricky. Part of me was happy to be home, shit that part of me was thrilled to be home. Another part of me didn’t want to go inside and see the happy faces of my brothers take one look at me, know what happened, and scrunch up their noses in disgust at me. Derrick wouldn’t know, he hadn’t been here long enough to catch on but soon he would and he would have the same look of disgust.

“Sweetie, are you okay?” I glanced up at my mom looking at me concerned from the door. I was so lost in thought that I didn’t even hear her open the door.

“Yeah mom.” She smiled, as if those were the magic words.

“Okay, well the boys are at the table eating right now.” He walked back inside leaving the door open for me. I groaned, knowing I would have to face them. I clicked my car door closed and walked into the house.

Michael was the first one to look up and notice my slightly messy hair and rosy cheeks, and then frown, knowing what his little sister was doing. Soon Dyl looked up, and then Caine, and there poor clueless Derrick who smiled happily at me, and then Kevin.

“Do you want me to get you a bowl sweetie, you must be hungry.” I shook my head and forced a smile.

“I’m not hungry.” I started walking towards the stairs when I heard my moms scary calm voice.

“You know our agreement. Now come to dinner.” She was being discreet, but everyone at the table except for Derrick knew of the agreement. Part of my contract when I came out of rehab was if my mom thought I wasn’t eating enough, I had to eat whatever she prepared. I took a deep breath.

“Mom I ate at Jason’s.” Kevin coughed something under his breath, I’m sure it was rude.

“What was that sweetie?” My mom obviously didn’t hear what he said but Dylan did as he rolled up his lap towel and slapped Kevin on the back of the head with it. “Dylan!” My mom screeched. I pinched the bridge of my nose, knowing what was going to happen. Kevin would blow up, the boys would storm out, I would get a disapproving look and then would be alone. “What did you say Kevin.” My mother demanded. Kevin smirked at me before turning to my mom.

“She ate dick at Jason’s.” My moms mouth hung open as Dylan threw his silverware down and stormed upstairs. Caine and Michael soon followed, and after a disapproving look from my mother Kevin followed. Derrick looked concerned and like he didn’t know what to do. I nodded towards the stairs and he quickly scampered up them. I turned to face my mom who looked like she was about to cry.

“Dae, I told you I don’t want you seeing that boy. I’m really trying here.” She gave me the usual disapproving look and then turned and left, leaving me by myself.

“Should have just stayed in the damn car.” I muttered to myself before walking upstairs. By the time I got to my room, I was completely annoyed and felt like punching something. Of course, I’m too much of a wimp to actually punch something.

I slammed my door and instantly closed my eyes, letting myself slide down the back of the door.

“You okay?” My eyes shot open and thats when I saw Derrick standing awkwardly in the corner of my room with his hands in his jean pockets. If I wasn’t so annoyed, I would pay more attention to his flexed arms.

“My family doesn’t really like Jason.” Derrick scoffed and smiled walking over. He sat down on the floor across from me.

“No shit sherlock. How long have you two been together?” He tilted his head to the side, letting his hair fall on his shoulder. I shrugged.

“I have liked him since freshman year. We got together sophomore year.” After I got out of rehab. I decided not to include that part since my mom seemed keen on keeping a secret from not only Derrick but everyone except for Jess, Lorraine and my brothers. Even my somewhat close family didn’t know, Sue and Jerry didn’t even know. Probably because my mom was embarrassed. Then again, I didn’t blame her.

“Want to smoke?” He offered. I raised my eyebrow at his goofy smile.

“Let me get this straight, you smoke.” He shrugged and rolled his eyes.

“Not pot, I smoke peyote. Its better, trust me. Have you done it?” I laughed and shook my head.

“My friends get drunk and occasionally stoned. I don’t really participate.” He smirked.

“Is that a no then?” I laughed but nodded. “Well one of these days you’ll come smoke with me. Okay?” I shook my head no again.

“I don’t think so, but okay.” I laughed a bit. Thats when I realized it took him a total of two seconds to cheer me up.

He sat with me in my room for a bit telling me about his family at home. Apparently his sisters had been living with their friend for almost a year now and Sue was really broken up about it. Jerry cut them off hoping they would come home but they didn’t. He told me that they did talk about me, just nothing gender specific.

“Can you tell me about the football incident? My parents briefly mentioned it but I never got any details. I’ve always been curious.” I groaned, remembering.

“Maybe two years ago or so Jerry and me made a bet over the superbowl. It started out as a friendly wager of five dollars and somehow turned into that whoever was supporting the losing team had to wear overalls for the two weeks following the game.” Derrick cut in.

“I’m taking it my dad was supporting the losing team.” He chuckled.

“Anyways, it got a bit intense like him painting the new england patriots mascot on my mirror when I was out or me baking a cake cheering on the giants, which he didn’t eat for the record.” Derrick laughed a bit. “The so called incident happened during the game when Jerry was pretty angry, and for the most part everyone was steering clear of the living room because we were going hard core. When Caine walked in to check the score, Jerry was cheering and got overly excited and accidentally punched Caine. We all laugh about it now but your mom is still pretty embarrassed about it.” Derrick was full on laughing which made me smile.

“We arent allowed to watch football in my house for a reason Dae.” I smiled when he used my nickname.

“Although we invite him over every super bowl I’m sure your mum wouldn’t let him come” He stopped laughing and gave me a goofy smile.

“My parents really seem to like you Dae. I’m starting to see why.” My heart fluttered at his words.