Status: And now I'm back, from outer space.

The Blind Diviner


Reed breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Cosima waltz into his room. He sat up straight in the bed he was in, swinging his legs over to get the hell out of this weird place. His motion to leave was stopped when Bree had entered behind her and he fumed, remembering what she had done to him.

“You,” he started, a snarl hanging on his lips, “I can’t wait to put you the fuck away in a tiny little cell.”

“Your anger is warranted.” Bree smiled apologetically, irked by his short fuse.

“Damn right it is!” Reed looked to Cosima, “how are you walking?”

Cosima looked down at herself, realizing she was feeling much better. What ever Emery had been putting on her wounds had soothed them, she actually felt stronger. Sure, her muscle shook with strung tension and lethargy. She was still bandaged up but it wouldn’t surprise Cosima if there were healing properties around here that were more effective than whatever would be used back on Earth.

That felt weird for Cosima to think. Her Earth.

“It’s a long story,” Cosima looked to Bree to answer, hoping she wouldn’t have to explain any of this to Reed.

“And I would be more than happy to answer your questions, Reed. In fact, Cosima, I have something that you should see.” Cosima groaned internally, feeling overwhelmed.

“More stuff?” She asked Bree, chewing on the inside of her cheek.

“It will answer the questions that you have. Questions that would take me hours to tell you about; just follow me?” Bree suggested, guiding her from Reed’s room.

“Hey!” Reed called from the room, getting up from his bed to follow them but stumbled back when his head started to pound in his head.

“Reed, you have a slight concussion. I will be back momentarily, until then you really need to stay where you are.” Bree told him sternly, it took him off guard.

“I want to get the fuck out of here,” Reed tossed his hands in the air exaggeratedly. “What don’t you understand about that?”

“Reed, just listen to her please.” Cosima’s face flattened at Reed dramatic actions.

“Just hurry,” he mumbled, backing into his room.

Cosima was led past the window she had gazed out of earlier, wondering why she was suddenly being taken back this way instead of staying in Reed’s room. Those thoughts vanished when Bree unlocked a pair of large double doors and opened them up into a massive library. It was as tall as it was wide. The shelves were stacked neatly, ladders going up to level after level. There had to be at least ten stories of books.

“Follow me.” Bree showed her to some stairs between the bookcases.

They climbed almost to the top before they sharply turned and Cosima saw that oddly enough, there was a very small but hidden room within one of the cases. Everything was as clean as it held multiple old and worn books. Bree picked only one up. It wasn’t large but it was thick. She handed it to Cosima.

“This is history of our kind, of what’s happening to you. I know when I learned about this almost a hundred years-,”

“A hundred?” Cosima interrupted Bree.

Bree chuckled lightly, tilted her head without an answer to give Cosima. “Just read it. I promise it will answer the questions you have.”

“It’s a lot,” Cosima opened it, looking through the pages warily.

“Take you time. You’ll have plenty I’m sure when I’m talking to Reed.” Cosima gave Bree a sympathetic look, understanding why she took her from the room.

“I’m sorry about him. He’s difficult and has no filter,” Cosima apologized, following Bree out the room and down the stairs.

“You’ll learn that you can see beyond the color of his aura, you’ll be able to sense who he is as a being. There’s a whole part of you that you don’t know how to access yet, Cosima. Try not to think of it as overwhelming but an exciting future.” Bree’s eyes sparkled with empathy for Cosima.

“Where do I begin?” Cosima asked as they reached the library doors.

“Anywhere,” Bree shrugged. “It’ll also answer your curiosities on Emery I suspect.”

“Curiosities?” A wrinkle of confusion formed on Cosima’s forehead.

“You’ll see. For now though, feel free to find a place to rest or you could just return to your room. I’ll see you when I’m done with Reed, okay?” Bree softly smiled before leaving Cosima by herself.

Looking down at the book, Cosima decided to stay in the library. She walked back into the room, walking in between the shelves and bays of books, settling down a few aisles. She rested her back against a hard wooden shelf and opened the book, wondering what was ahead of her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait! I just moved into my apartment and it's a new city and school. It's a lot so I may be a little slow on updates within the next few weeks. For now though, I'm not doing much so I'll probably update a lot more now that I'm settled.

Comment/Sub/Rec. Pretty please?

I would love your thoughts on this? Is it all making sense with what is given to you? I've never written anything quite this off base before. I've done fantasy but this is, no pun intended, a little out of this world..and my element. But I know there is a lot of mystery at the moment and I would love some feedback! It'll only take a few minutes of your time or maybe just 30 seconds, I dunno it depends on how much you want to give.

Avec l'amour
