
Chapter Is it the number after 4 OR NAH

I opened the deep purple door of the music and walked into the class room. The class room was fucking massive. At one side of the room there were drum kits, sectioned off by one of those thingys (yes thingys) that you get in airports were violins, basses, and guitars. GUITARS. So many of them in various different colours. I'M IN HEAVEN.

"Kellin" I squeaked "There are so many gui-" I got cut off by someone bumping into me causing me to tumble over and land on top of the person who bumped into me. I swear I'm much more of a bottom. Bottoms don't have to do that much of the work and I'm all about saving energy. It would hurt a hella lot I imagine.. Yup Ima virgin.. Did you really expect a lanky, gay, little ginger kid to get laid before he was sixteen? Nope neither did I.

Why am I having a conversation with myself when laid on top of a guy? A guy that smelled extremely very very nice. I remembered that scent.. AUSTIN. I'M LAID ON AUSTIN. OH MY. Haha I got laid by Austin xD.

"HI AUSTIEEE" I shouted into his chest.

I decided to wrap my arms around him and turn it into a hug because why the frickering hell not. I love hugs, especially Austin hugs. They're so warm and comfortable and special. Maybe this is the the special hug my parents told me about? I hope frick that I'm not going to get pregnant! IM GONNA GET PREGNANT. Lets just hope he doesn't press my bellybutton because I really dont want to give birth right now. Oh, wait, I'm a guy... BUT WHAT IF I'M NOT!

"Uhm, Alan are you gonna get off?" Austin asked

"Nope" I said popping the 'p'

I wrapped my legs around him abit like a sloth on a tree. OHMIGOSH I'm a slothy sloth sloth sloth. A RAPE SLOTH. So this is what the special hug is turning into RAPEEEEE. I'M NOT A RAPIST! What should I say to the police when they come? Why did I have to land on the damn top.

"Alan, we are in a class full of students looking at us" Austin stated quietly

Oh, yeah. That thing. Class. Ew. No. Ew. Class. School. Ew. Wait its music. I like music. Yay music. But I have to get up off Austin.

I pushed myself off him to see a group of students from this class staring at us like I'd just committed rape. Oh wait, I had! AND THEY ALL SAW!

"Class settle down" A loud, deep, authoritative voice began "The assignment for this term is to create a song of any genre and preform it. You can work on your own, in a pear or three using any of the instruments in the music department." He finished

I stood up and so did Austin.

This is so exciting! I can play guitar and I have written lots of songs but I cant sing.. oh. I wonder if Kellin and Austin will work with me? Kellin told me he could sing and I think either Jack or Alex mentioned Austin could scream really well. They probably have other friends to wor-

"Work with me Alan" Austin and Kellin questioned at the same time then glared at each other like in one of those movie scenes.

"LETS ALL WORK TOGETHER" I chirped earning a groan from both Austin and Kellin

Didnt they like each other or something?

"Fine then.." Austin said reluctantly

"WE'RE A FAMILY! ME MY SISTAS AND ME" I sung loudly while waveing my arms in the air. DONT CALL ME ORDINARY.

"I'm not your sister!" Kellin babled while grabbing two mic's from the table next to him.

