‹ Prequel: Beyond
Status: Last story in the Avidity trilogy.



Charlotte's scream woke me.

I didn't even bother to turn on the light since we shared a bed and she was beside me. When I reached to touch her, I only felt emptiness. Then her voice, from the corner of the room.


Dim light fell through the half open curtains, and I could just see her, crouched under the desk next to the TV. I hurried over to her and knelt down. When I touched her face, she jerked back, like I'd startled her.

"I'm here," I said. "What's wrong?"

"It's my head," she whispered. "God, it hurts." Then she started to cry. "They need me, Scott, but I can't get to them. So they take something from me until I listen. They're all so loud. But I can't see them."

I took her in my arms, under the desk, and cradled her against my body. She was burning up, almost feverish, and shaking.

"Shit, we need to get you to the hospital."

She said my name again as I reached for the light. When the room filled up and I could see her more clearly, I frowned.

Something was wrong with her eyes.

"Charlotte," I whispered, touching her face and moving her sweat-soaked hair out of the way. "Your eyes...there's something....oh my god."

Her normal hazel eyes were white.

She was completely blind.
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I don't know if this makes sense, it seems cool. Whatever.