Status: Hellllo!

Risking Everything

Just Sweep Me Off My Feet Again

I sat on my bed with Britanny planning our trip out to California in a few months. We were turning 22 and well...We needed out of Arizona. We needed out NOW. Don't get me wrong. I loved it here, but when this is all you've ever know at some point, you get an inkling to explore and that's exactly what we wanted to do. Go to California and forget Arizona, if only for a few days.

"We HAVE to go here!" She said pointing to some restaurant in a magazine she brought.

"What the heck is it? It looks...Odd?"

"Maybe, but the people they asked said it's pretty good, so why not. We're 'exploring' remember." she said throwing the magazine at me."

"I guess so. Put it on the list."

I know..Old school but we wrote down everything we wanted to do while we were away. We didn't want to regret not doing a single thing while we were there. Granted, we each had our own personal things we wanted to do. Like, Brit wants to go skinny dipping in the ocean. How she'll get away with that I have no idea but hey. It's her wish list not mine.

"Answer that god forsaken phone already. That same damn number has called like three times in the past hour."

I grabbed my phone staring at the unknown number that flashed.


"Hey! Is this Sadie?"

"Um...Yes? Who's this?"

"Oh, sorry. It's Brian."

"Brian? I'm sorry I don't know a Brian you must have the wrong number."

Britanny flailed her arms at me pointing at the group picture on my wall as he tried re-creating my memory.

"We met at a show? You came with a friend. I told you the next time I was home for a while I'd call you...You gave me your number.."

"OH! Brian! I'm sorry. I just figured you'd never call and forgot all about it, I'm sorry. How are you?"

"I'm good. How's life treating you?"

"Good. Life's good. Always is. So what's up? Why'd you decide to call?"

"Well...I'm home, finally after a year and a half of touring and figured I'd maybe give you a call and see what you were doing later?"

"Nothing really. Why? What'd you have in mind?"

"Drinks? Dinner? Movie? Whatever people do these days." he said laughing

"That sounds great. I'll text you my address! Just let me know what time."

"Okay! I look forward to it."

"Me too. I'll see you later. Bye." I said hanging up my phone going back to my magazine.

"Hello, crazy calm bitch over there. What the hell was BRIAN DALES calling you for?"

"He just wanted to take me out for drinks tonight. No big deal."

"You're fucking insane! That's about as big of deal to me as meeting...well, I don't know what band you're obsessed with but it's the equivalent. I'm leaving and you're getting ready! It's four in the afternoon and you've got some sex-in up to do. SEND ME EVERY DETAIL!"

"But we're not done planning this trip yet!"

"We can plan another day. I'm leaving right now. BYE!" She said racing down the stairs.

I don't see where the big deal comes from.. He's just another guy in my opinion. Guys are all the same, they take you for drinks try sleeping with you and then disappear once they get in your pants. I don't see the big deal. I rolled my eyes and texted Brian my address and went to my closet to pick out something to wear. I grabbed a sky blue summer dress with and my cowgirl boots and took them with me to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and fixed my hair. I threw the dress on and got in my boots.

I saw a bright red car pulling down the driveway..Great..He really is all about flashing his money in any way he can. Atleast he's polite and knocks on the door.

"He--You look gorgeous."

"Thank you. You don't look to bad yourself. Sorry to drag you out to the boonies."

"I love it out here actually..My house isn't too far from here. I like being far away from society when I'm home."

"I don't blame ya. It's nice out here most the time. Sometimes it can be crazy if people are throwing loud parties and you just wanna sleep." I said laughing.

"Well, I have reservations set for us tonight so I hope you don't mind a little steak house with some drinks."

"Sounds like a date if you ask me." I said cracking a smile.

"Maybe a little bit. I haven't taken a girl as beautiful as you out in a while."

"I guess it comes with the territory huh?"

"Yeah.. It's definitely not what every one expects. But enough about me. Let's talk about you."

I hated blabbering about myself. I didn't really have a story.. I just lived day to day and looked for the best in every single person, and situation. Like right now. The "best" in my this situation is that I'm getting to know what seems to be an amazing man and I'm going to dinner. What could beat this?