Not the American Average

One; When Everything's Meant To Be Broken

[ Arabella's POV ]

Today is mine and Brandon's one year anniversary. Today is also the day I plan on ending the relationship with him. He's changed too much, and not in a good way at all. He used to be so sweet, and never drank. But, the day he lost his brother, that changed. He started heavily drinking, and he was too clingy. Way too clingy for my liking.

This day is about to be so stressful. The breakup can go two ways, good or bad, and I pray that it's good. It's one pm and Brandon is supposed to be here at 2 to pick me up for whatever he has planned. But, I don't plan on leaving with him. I plan on ending it as soon as he gets here. I can't be in a relationship where I'm not happy. I refuse to stay with someone that I have lost feelings for the day he cheated on me. I don't know why I stayed with him after that night. Well, I tried leaving him. It didn't go so well. I saw a side of him that I am absolutely terrified of. I'm not going into details on what happened. I'd rather not at the moment because I have to hop in the shower and get dressed.

After my shower, I put on this:, and I blow dry my long blonde hair. Once it's dry, I flat iron it to perfection, and apply light makeup, then I deem myself ready just as the doorbell rings. I hear Danny answer it, and Brandon making conversation with him.

"ARA! Brandon's here!" he yells up the stairs, and I sigh as I walk down the stairs. "Well, I'm outta here. Text me if you need anything love" Danny says and walks out of the house. Great. Now I'm alone with him.

Me: Brandon look we need to talk...
Him: Talk? About what babe?
Me: Uhm... This... Us. We're not working anymore. We...we're done. Please leave, and delete my number, I'll come over tomorrow or some shit to get my stuff
Him: No! We are not done Arabella! You are not leaving me"
Me: Yes we are. Please. Go.

All of a sudden I'm pinned against the wall, and his hands are at my throat. Oh god. Here we go again... Why did Danny have to leave me alone with him? Please come home... Someone. Walk through the door and help me...

Me: Let me go. We're done.

A slap to the face, a punch to the ribs. Ouch. Now I'm being carried to my room. No... No. He is not doing this to me. He lays me on my bed, crawls on top of me, and holds my wrists above my head. He starts biting and sucking on my neck, and grinds his bottom half against mine. No. I don't want this. He releases my hands and ties them together. He then tugs at my shirt. "Brandon, no. Please... Don't do this..." "Shut up. You know you want this." He pulls my shirt off and strips me of the rest of my clothes and then strips himself of his. He rapes me. I cry, scream, and plead for him to stop, but he doesn't until he's suddenly pulled from me. I open my eyes, and see that it's Ben who saved me. My Savior.


I hear Danny running up the stares, and see him look from me, to Ben, and to Brandon. Ben tells him what he did to me, and Danny flips out and starts beating him. I scream for him to stop, and to just get him out of my sight. Danny pushes Brandon out of the house, and I can see his sorrow. I can see that he's blaming himself for what Brandon did to me.

Me: Danny, It's not your fault. You didn't know that was going to happen. Ben, thank you so much for showing up. I could not have taken that much longer...
Danny: It is my fault. I left you here alone with him. When I knew you were planning on trying to end the relationship. Well guess what, that relationship is fucking done now. I will never let him near you again, and I'm for damn sure that Ben, James, Cameron, or Sam will let him near you either.

Danny walks out of the room, and Ben doesn't move. Ben walks over and shuts the door. Ben has seen me naked before, so I don't mind him here. He picks me up and brings me into my bathroom and runs bath water. He sits me on the bathroom counter and clings to me. I cling to him two times harder and start sobbing uncontrollably.