Status: Will be normal PJO AND HOO but a different

Destiny's Child


Percy hugged his brother and then he heard footsteps behind. He turned around and found his mother walking with two ladies.
He bowed to his mother and two ladies.
“No need to bow child. You have his face. “said the lady in the middle .Her hair was caramel colour and her eyes have the fury of fire but still peaceful. The lady on the other side of his mother has a black hair and black eyes. Her eyes seemed to emanate hatreds of souls inside.
“I have offer for you my child.”The other lady said.
Percy was confused beyond doubt but still nodded to carry on.
“A child of my younger brother and two other children are in danger .I need you to help them reach camp half blood. Hide your identity and don’t go inside the camp.”The lady in the middle said.
Percy was utterly confused who are the other two ladies with his mom. One it seems quite familiar face from distance past but he could not remember. The other seems dangerous.
“Please don’t thing I am disrespecting you but still with respect I would like to say I have seen you somewhere long back but I don’t remember .”Percy said looking into the eyes of the lady in the middle.
Hestia was surprised beyond doubt. He looked deep into his memories for the face he said seemed familiar and was taken aback by the face.”Holy mother, It cannot be.” she whispered. Only to be heard by the other two ladies.
The three ladies spoken through their minds and all their faces were full of surprise.
Then the lady with black hair spoke.”You presence in this world is a threat to Olympus. Yet your birth in this world is for something great that is yet to be known. I would ask you to go and fulfil the quest. It will help you in your future. After all it is always hard to be in the help of two goddess.”
“Goddess!”Percy was beyond surprise. Percy knew he was special .He knew of his water borne powers to breathe underwater and turn water into shapes he wanted. He was sure it was cause of his mother who was a sea goddess. But still the recent communications amazed and surprised him. He doesn’t know what was going around.
“Son, this is Lady Hestia and this is Lady Styx “pointing at the two ladies.
Percy immediately bowed down.”Sorry for not recognizing you my lady. Please forgive me.”
“No need to bow down after all you are a part of my family.”Hestia said.
Percy was now totally surprised but he let that go off for later purpose.
“Okay, I will do as you wish Lady Hestia.” With that he started walking for his mission when Hestia stopped him. She placed a hand over his head and it glowed with power .He felt a raw pain of burning course through him but as soon as it came soon it went.
Hestia was surprised but remained silent.”I blessed you with my power of heart. It will help you in your quest.”
Percy bowed two all three of them and then tried a trick that is mother has taught him .He thought of the place and disappeared in a mist of ocean.
All the three ladies were surprised.
”I have never seen him do that when did he learnt that .He had only seen me a few times performing it.” Thetis said.
“He is truly incredible. Born of a clear sighted mortal, had his first morsel of food from our mother. He destined to do big. But we have to keep him in right path .Enemies will allure him for evil.”Hestia said
“I think we can show him his path to greatness and yet future is always inevitable.”
In The Mean Time In Forest
Three demigods and a satyr were running for their lives. A large group of monsters were after them and their destination was still too far away. The group had a few weapons but it wouldn't help as they were hopelessly outnumbered as well.
Despite their efforts, the demigods and satyr simply weren't fast enough as they reached a hill that the satyr said they would find safety in if they could just get across the border at the top.
Soon the group was surrounded but the monsters' attention seemed to be focused on one girl. She was about ten or eleven years old and had spiky black hair along with electric blue eyes.
She and a boy about thirteen with blonde hair and blue eyes stood protectively in front of a slightly younger girl who had blonde curly hair and startling grey eyes. In her hand she held a small dagger that looked like it would be little help against the monsters and other creatures of the Underworld that surrounded the group.
"Go. Take Annabeth and Grover across the border and get help." The black haired girl muttered to the boy who seemed shocked.
"No way. We'll fight them together like we always do. We are not leaving you here." The boy argued.
"Not this time Luke. They want me. I will hold them off until you get help. Just go!" The girl yelled.
The boy froze when she yelled. He was about to respond when out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a boy solidify out of what looked like nothingness.
The boy wore a cloak with a hood up but it was clear he was very well bit. He looked quite intimidating.
The monsters had yet to notice the boy and continued eyeing the group hungrily.
The lead monster flapped her leathery bat wings as she came forward.
"We want the daughter of Zeus. We care not for the rest." She hissed.
The black haired girl trembled a bit but stepped forward. Before she could respond, the boy approached the group and spoke from behind the monsters.
"Leave them or least you wish to feel my wrath."
The fury spun around in the air. "Who dares get in my way?" She hissed. The boy stood their silently for a second before he drew a slightly leaf shaped sword, a xiphos, a gift from his brother, before he pulled a shield off his back.
At the sight of the shield, Alecto flapped her wings nervously in the air.
"What business do you have with these half-bloods? Lord Hades wants the daughter of Zeus and will be displeased with your interference." She hissed.
The boy shook his head, "I don’t care what your Lord says. Leave them" He said back, his
tone slightly agitated.
Alecto seemed unsure of what to do.
"Just give us the daughter of Zeus. You may have the rest."
"No." The boy said firmly. "A friend has asked me to watch over this group and she gets my favour.
Now you will leave before I give you a much quicker trip back to his realm."
Alecto growled to herself. Before she could respond, two Hellhounds lunged at the boy.
He hardly reacted. A quick flick of his blade slit the throat of one while the second received a face full of shield. The hellish hound landed with a thud before the boy stomped his foot on the stunned monster's head, crushing its skull and sending it back to Tatarus with a pained whimper.
Percy and his friends started slashing the monsters ruthlessly. Percy slashed one dracaena, and then plunged his sword into a Cyclopes. He somersaulted and ran his sword across another monster, before turning and killing a hellhound. He was a whirlwind of destruction, but even he started to get overwhelmed. He chanced a glance towards his companions and saw that both of them were on the verge of collapsing due to exhaustion, but most of the dracaena and Cyclopes had been killed, and the only remaining monsters were the furies and a few hellhounds.
He saw that a fury was readying its whip to strike Thalia, and ran before it with a strangled cry, getting hit with it, but not showing any signs of burning. He slashed at the fury, which was extremely surprised, and dissolved it into dust. When he turned around, he saw that Luke had already collapsed due to blood loss and exhaustion, while Thalia was unable to hold her weapon properly. He noticed the monsters converging near her, and started running towards, letting his instincts take over, he imagined and summoned last of his strengths, let loose a torrent of fire from his hands, which vaporized the hellhounds to dust. He saw Thalia stumble and fall and saw that the two remaining furies raise their whips. He entangled their raised whips with his arms, causing his sleeves to catch fire. He pulled hard at the whips, causing the furies to lose their balance and fall, and stabbed them both with his sword.
The fight has taken everything out of him. He was exhausted beyond measure.
The entire camp had woken up the alarms due to the alarms announcing the approaching hoard of monsters. They had converged on the camp borders when they saw the three
demigods being surrounded by the monsters, and were taken by the grace with which one of the boys started fighting the monsters.
“Who are you?”Thalia asked.
“A friend and a help. Go to the camp take your friends .you will be safe inside.”Percy replied.
“Are you not coming with us you will be probably in danger? There may be more.”Thalia asked with a concern in her eyes.
“It’s not the time for me but I promise we will meet again “Percy smirked and disappeared in nothingness.
The campers came running and helped them to camp infirmary.