Status: Will be normal PJO AND HOO but a different

Destiny's Child


Thalia woke up in a bed, her head pounding. She was facing a meadow, grassy hills being the only thing in sight. The air smelled of strawberries. She swallowed, trying to alleviate her dry, sore throat, but to no avail. She glanced to the table beside her and sighed when she saw Luke bandaged up sleeping in other bed. There was a tall glass of what looked like apple juice. Her numb hands wrapped around the glass and she lifted it to her lips.
"Careful," a familiar voice warned when she almost dropped it.
Thalia looked to her left to see Grover leaning against the porch railing, looking like he hadn't slept in days. He wore a pair of blue jeans, sneakers, and an orange Camp shirt.
Maybe he just had a nightmare. Annabeth—
Her electric blue eyes widened and she eagerly looked around for the girl. But, to her disappointment, she was nowhere to be found. Maybe they were still on run and had stopped at this big house and Annabeth just went to the bathroom or something.
"You saved my life," Grover said. "I…well, the least I could do…I went back to the hill. I thought you might want these."
The satyr placed a piece of cloth in Thalia's lap and stepped away, as if afraid the girl would snap. Thalia took the cloth, rubbed it between her fingers.
Suddenly it all came crashing down on her. It hadn't been a nightmare. They were all running. They were surrounded by a horde of monsters. They knew they could not fight all of them at once. Then all of a sudden he appeared a boy almost of her age may be one or two years younger. He fought with them. He was pure arc of destruction. She remembered how he lit up himself on fire and killed the Cyclopes. They were saved all because of him. He risked himself for saving them and all she had of him is a piece of cloth. She asked him to come with them and he told it’s not his time now and they will meet in near future. Then she walked a little before exhaustion took over her. She remembered being carried over.
She stared at it, blinking back tears. There was no use in crying now.
It was all over. There was no getting him back. Quickly, she stuffed the cloth in her pocket.
Annabeth jolted in the infirmary. Her eyes were puffy red with tears dried up. Her face was swollen with red cheeks. She jumped and hugged Thalia embracing her tightly. Though she was too little but she was strong.
“I thought, I thought you were still wounded. They did not allow me to come to you. They told me you need rest.”Annabeth sobbed on Thalia's shoulders.
It was unusual for a daughter of wisdom goddess to be like this.
She remembered when she and Luke were on the run and caught up with her she whacked a small hammer at Luke and it took lots of persuasion from Thalia to make her believe they are on the same side like her. Her story was same like her, Luke.
Ran away from home, being ill treated by family.
She came back to earth with a feel of breathlessness.
“Oh! Annabeth can’t breathe.”
Annabeth removed herself from her and looked at Luke.”Is he okay?”
“Yeah but need rest.”Thalia replied like a protective mother.
“You fought well and saved us and that boy with the hoodie that came around from nowhere. He fought like anything. Where is he? I did not see him around the camp. I thought he might also be wounded.”Annabeth asked batting her eyelids and stormy grey eyes with curiosity.
Thalia smiled at the innocent curiosity of the girl .In a few days she had become a sister to her.
“No he did not come with us but promised that he will meet us in future.”Thalia answered.
“Thalia you and Annabeth are asked to meet Chiron at the Big House. I suppose you can walk now.”Grover asked quizzically.
“Yeah coming. Let me get straight up. You move up we will be following you. Annie help me up please.”Thalia asked.

In The Underworld
Hades was sitting in his room. His mood was furious beyond despair. First of all he found out that his younger brother has broken the promise and sired a girl. His years old wound of his only mortal family that had been ruthlessly massacred by his same brother came afresh.

He has sent his furies with a horde of monsters to kill the girl and her companions and now they return defeated, lost, ampituated, killed by a pesky demigod of unknown origin. His only chance of revenge has been lost.
“Alecto, Go find the demigod and bring him to me at any cost. I will myself make sure that he gets a one way ticket to Tatarus after I torture him to my heart content so that he becomes a live example in the world not to mess up with me. Go.”Hades spat out angrily.
“Lord there is something requires your attention.”Tisiphone said.
“What is it? Is it the traffic of the death around the judgement table or at DOA studio? Is Charon still bargaining for a hike again? “Hades spoke with fury in his eyes from the recent events.
(ASIDE)…….What I am going to do with this. I have to ask Hephaestus to install something to manage traffic .Everyone wants a hike as if underworld is a minting station for money. Idiots.
“Lord, with due respect it is the River Styx, its behaving in a different way.”” Tisiphone said fearfully.
“What do you mean abnormally?”Hades looking curious.
He checked in his Mac book specially designed by Hephaestus who have installed a perfect view of underworld in different split screens. He looked into it and found there is something in Styx that is beyond usual. He concentrated on his senses and let it travel the boundaries of underworld. He found two godly auras of power coming and there is some power which is quite unusual and unstable. He immediately called Tisiphone and Megaere.
“Go find what’s happening? Take Thanatos and Cerberus with you. Notify me if there is anyone trying to come out of that ungodly abyss.”
(Aside) Heck of a younger brother basking in the love of mortals in heaven leaving me like a jailor of Azkaban Prison with a runty mother –in law howling at your neck half of the year.


Days passed, months flew by and months changed to years. Four years have almost crossed by. Thalia Luke and Annabeth have been accepted in camp half blood. They have been all been claimed by their godly parents in their first year. Luke was the first to be claimed by his father Hermes .God Of Messenger, Thieves, Travellers, then it was Annabeth who was claimed by Athena Goddess of Wisdom and Battle strategy and finally Thalia was claimed by the king of Gods Zeus which resulted in quite a heated arguments at winter solstice. Lots of glares over a broken promise and of course a session with his wife Hera over his infidelity.
Thalia, Luke and Annabeth became the winning trio of the camp, almost like three musketeers, Luke learnt quickly and with his quick footings and agility he became the best swordsman. Thalia was a pro with her spear and shield and with her powers of hers father’s domain she was a threat to fight against. Annabeth with her dagger and close range fighting’s was a master of blades.
It all changed when after three years of their arrival Luke went on a quest of Heracles labour and came back with a scratch unsuccessfully.From that day onwards Luke was little different. Though his friend ship with Thalia and Annabeth remained same but his nature on other aspects changed considerably.
It was going around like this with adventure when after the winter solstice at the start of spring weather changed considerably. There were thunderstorms crackling of thunder water around the beach of Long Island also seemed to be violent. All the activities near the beach have been stopped.
Grover was out for a search of demigod so that he can persuade the eldest cloven members to give him a license to go search for their lost god PAN.HE was constantly touch with the trio and today he was suppose to bring a new kid to camp blood.Thalia asked him about the whereabouts of the kid. He explained that the kiddo is probably some minor god’s son nothing much to gain attraction of monsters and have joined the school few days ago.

Arrival At Camp Half Blood

Two boys tore through the night along dark country roads. Wind slammed against their jackets. Rain lashed their face. They didn't know how much the other could see anything, but kept running.
Every time there was a flash of lightning, Percy looked at Grover running beside him in the muddy slippery roads and wondered if they had gone insane, or if he was wearing some kind of shag-carpet pants. But, no, the smell was one. He remembered from kindergarten field trips to the petting zoo— lanolin, like from wool. The smell of a wet barnyard animal.
We tore through the night along dark country roads. Wind slammed against the Camaro. Rain lashed the windshield. I didn't know how my mom could see anything, but she kept her foot on the gas.
We swerved onto a narrower road, racing past darkened farmhouses and wooded hills and PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES signs on white picket fences.
"Where are we going?" Percy asked.
"The summer camp I told you about." Grover’s voice was tight; he was trying for my sake not to be scared. "The place your father wanted to send you."
"My father???."
"Please you’re in danger. “Grover said
"Because some old ladies cut yarn." Percy spat back.
"Those weren't old ladies," Grover said. "Those were the Fates. Do you know what it means—the fact they appeared in front of you? They only do that when you're about to ... when someone's about to die."
"Whoa. You said 'you.'"
"No I didn't. I said 'someone.'"
"You meant 'you.' As in me."
"I meant you, like 'someone.' Not you, you."
I got a glimpse of a figure —a dark fluttering shape now lost behind us in the storm.
"What was that?" Percy asked.
"We're almost there," Grover said, ignoring Percy’s question. "Another mile. Please. Please. Please."
Percy didn't know where they were. Outside, nothing but rain and darkness—the kind of empty countryside you get way out on the tip of Long Island. He thought about Mrs. Dodds and the moment when she'd changed into the thing with pointed teeth and leathery wings. She'd meant to kill me.
Then he thought about Mr. Brunner ... and the sword he had thrown at him. Before he could ask Grover about that, the hair rose on the back of my neck. There was a blinding flash, a jaw-rattling boom!, and thunder and lightning struck in front of them.
He remember feeling weightless, like he was being crushed, fried, and hosed down all at the same time.
Percy noticed a griffon flying it in the sky. It seemed as if the griffon had also noticed them, and was flying down towards them. Immediately Percy took his pen out which changed into a sword .
Grover was already dead panned static .He watched in horror the beast of sky approaching Percy and then he looked found Percy moved with grace and brought his sword in a deadly arc killing the beast instantly.
Then there was loud howl of dogs and then came with from all aside a pack of hell hounds lead by a seven feet tall monster , easy, his arms and legs like something from the cover of Muscle Man magazine—bulging biceps and triceps and a bunch of other 'ceps, all stuffed like baseballs under vein-webbed skin. He wore no clothes except underwear—Percy meant, bright white Fruit of the Looms—which would've looked funny, except that the top half of his body was so scary. Coarse brown hair started at about his belly button and got thicker as it reached his shoulders.
His neck was a mass of muscle and fur leading up to his enormous head, which had a snout as long as my arm, snotty nostrils with a gleaming brass ring, cruel black eyes, and horns—enormous black-and-white horns with points you just couldn't get from an electric sharpener.

“Grover run and get help till then I will hold them “.Percy said with a tone Grover never heard before. It was a serious tone cold and chilly like a calm weather before some serious chaos.
He did not argue and broke into a run towards the camp.
Percy looked at the monsters and smirked .There was a ring around his finger he twisted it and he held a shield and a different sword in the shape of a leaf but it has a different aura a power much different.
Percy’s eyes started to swirl in green and blue at irises .The weather changed suddenly .temperatures dropped down to near zero. All storms seemed to calm down. There was like hopelessness in air, pain and grief swirl around the surroundings. Thick mist began to feet near the ground. The weather felt as if everything is a lost cause.
‘I warn you beef boy go back .you don’t know what you are facing today go back to your master this is my last call.”Percy said in a deadly tone.
And then a hell hound sprang in action whistling the stepping stone. Percy dissolved in a mist appearing behind the hell hound and swiping it to dust. He then attacked the horde.
On the border of camp half blood with the shouting and commotion demi-gods came out with their weapons for a surprise attack.
Thalia, Luke Annabeth came out with Chiron at their back to find out Grover exasperating at camp borders and shouting in half words “Help him.”
There was fight going on in front of them. A fight between one demi god and a horde of monsters. The demigod was an arc of destruction. Sometimes he was dissolving and forming again with different weapons from board sword to two swords, sword and shield, bow and arrow daggers. He was fighting like he had been born for this.
Everyone was just dazed at their spot to move and help. There was an aura of rage going in front of them. Monster dust swirled in air like smoke. No one has seen anyone fighting like that as if the boy possessed by the Gods.
Percy power was draining .Today seems to be his lucky barbeque day. The gate of the underworld has today opened itself for receiving him at camp gates. Endless monsters came out of nowhere and being ripped out of their body by Percy.
Percy was fighting an empousa when he felt a kick at his back. He was thrown away at a distance into a tree. He toppled up at tree like a trash can.
He stood up and found the son of Pasiphae running towards him. His swords and others weapons seemed scattered after the strike. He just stood the ground and waited for the beast to come up to him. At the last moment he side stepped and punched the beast with all his strength in the chest. There was sickening crack followed by aloud howl with the beast thrown a few meters away.
The campers were dumbfounded .So was Chiron .He had never seen in his whole life any demigod fighting like this. The boy is an enigma of fighting. His grace art of fighting is beyond the level of any students he tutored.
The Minotaur moved up unsteadily and then looked at Percy with hatred and then with a rage attacked him .Percy stood his grounds and at the last moment he flung himself in mid air at the best and grouped the neck in a lock. The beast with a sudden weight loosed his footing and slipped in the ground. Percy tightened his lock around his lock. No one has ever seen Minotaur being strangled like this. He was pushing his hands and legs to move but could nt.
Percy then suddenly lit his hands in fire and there was a cry of pain as the fire burnt the beast skin followed by a crack at the neck killing the beast instantly leaving two horns and an axe omega shaped as spoils of war.
Percy stood and looked up at the dumbfounded camp members .he walked a little but suddenly threw his blade which appeared from nowhere dug deepening in the left empousa which tried to stall him from back.
He looked at the campers one last time and felt over the monster pile of dust.
The last thing he saw was a pair of electric blue eyes boring into him with a feeling of emotions.
“Who are you?”