The Ghost In My Dream...

The ghost in my dream...

I lay in my bed last night. It was 1:30 a.m. I was searching for my journal pen, wanting to write my way to sleep, but couldn't find it. I am very picky about the color pattern of my journal, and today I needed my pink pen. I decided to meditate my way to sleep.

I snuggled my blanket in the dark, not wanting to wake Ty up. (My other half of five years) I thought up images of sunsets, and flowers, beaches, anything to relax me...

I heard someone in my room. Someone not from this side of life. A dark presence. My name was being called eerily~" Ashleeyyy come herree. LISTEN!!" The voice was raspy. It was Evil. A girl? I looked around my room. Everything was different. I didn't have a mirror there before. I felt crazy, more scared though. I stared at the mirror. It was foggy. There were words traced along the fog. The hand-writing matched my own. Although a little different. I knew I didn't write those words. I peered closer but couldn't make them out, or even understand.

Laughter. More like cackling. "ha! Stop looking in the mirror so long Ashley! You're not quite as lovely as you think you are!" She hissed evily. I turned around in a flash. I felt her. I couldn't see her anywhere. I was shaking now. I didn't dare respond. I didn't want to talk to her. I wanted to wish her away...

She left me alone for a while. I was relieved. I made my way back to sleep, trembling. All was dark. Everything quiet. Then... My journal! What was she doing with it! She was reading it loudly. Mocking me. I sat up frantically. I still couldn't see her. I saw my journal. The pages flipping loudly~ back and forth~ back and fourth on a desk. It wasn't my desk!!

"What are you doing!? Leave me alone!" I demanded weakly. More hissing. More laughter. "Poor Ashhley" She mocked. I saw my curtains moving. My window wasn't open. Those weren't my curtains. Mine weren't blue. I started to cry. Covering my ears. I felt her behind me. I was scared of her darkness. She was evil. I hated her! I couldn't see her, but I could feel she was tall. Taller than I was. I could feel her behind me. Silent. She wanted to hurt me. I could feel that mostly.

"I'm just dreaming. You don't scare me!" I told her hotly. This made her mad. Everything grew windy. She was screaming. She sounded like a dying snake. "No. Not until you here my story, will you wake up. She demanded...

(to be continued)