‹ Prequel: Chances Risked
Sequel: Life's Chances

The Three C's

Chapter Seventy Five

“Ok, Nicky, it’s ok!” I snickered as I looked in the backseat to see my high little brother. Jon was laughing, covering his face and shaking his head.

Nick had just finished with the dentist, his wisdom teeth were removed and he was coming off of being under.

“Maggie! Maggie! I am leaking right now!” he was crying and I was trying not to laugh, “The pipes are just going, they’re just going, Maggie!”

I looked over towards Jon and saw him place his phone on the dashboard, standing up, he was recording this, “The pipes are supposed to be with the plumber’s- the plumbers. Ah! I like- I like-“

“Do you see any napkins, tissues, anything- You know- Check in the glove box,” I said and Jon opened the glove box and pulled out some tissues, “Thanks- Nicky, Nicky, here are some tissues- Fix your leaking,” I giggled and heard Jon snort.

“Oh wait! Can we go back and see Anna?!” Nick asked and I smirked.

“She has to work, Nicky!”

“Work? What?! I thought I was her only patient! Maggie! What?” he yelled and I bit my lip to hide my smirk.

“You might have been her favorite patient, but she-“

“Ah! That is such a good looking color!” he said and I laughed a little and shook my head.

“He is so high,” Jon said and I nodded my head.

“You recording this?”

“Of course!” he said and I laughed.

“That color!” Nick yelled.

“What color, Nicky?” I asked and giggled.

“Your purse is such a good looking color,” he said and I laughed, “It’s like a pretty purple and it looks good.”


“It looks good!”

“Ok, it’s black, but-“

“It looks good!”

“Ok, thank you! It’s the same color as your shirt!” I said and he gasped, grabbed my purse and put it to his shirt.

“It is! We’re matching! Maggie, we’re matching! We’re twins!” he said and I smirked but then just thought of Mike, “You’re my mother!”

Jon laughed and I smirked and shook my head, “No, I’m your sister,” I smirked.

“Oh, you’re not my mother- You’re my- Where’s my mother?- Maggie! Maggie, I’m leaking! I’m leaking again!”

“You have tissues back-“

“Look at those flags right there!” he yelled and I sighed and stopped at a red light, “They look good right there! When they’re Wooo-ing in the wind there! Yeah!” he said and Jon and I were laughed, “I’ll give you an eclipse right here! It’s like, when the moon- when the moon- and the- when the- the moon- it does somethin’- somethin’ in the- the- THERE’S SUBWAY!!!” Jon was cracking up laughing, “Maggie!”

“Nicky I know, I saw!”

“Well, what are ya doing?!” he threw his hands in the air.

“You can’t eat subway today,” I said.

“I’m gunna eat subway everyday!” he said and I snorted, “Can I?” he muttered and then sighed really loudly, “I’m mad! Why can’t we go to subway?!”

“Nicky, you can’t eat subway-“

“Maggie, I’m leaking again and I don’t know why!” he said and I laughed a little, Jon’s still cracking up.

“It’s just the medicine, Nicky, you’ll be all right.”

“Does this- Does this leakage- does it- it- does it build the- the ocean?” he asked and Jon slapped his hand off of his knee, was like crawling in a ball laughing hysterically.

“Stop it!” I laughed and slapped his arm.

“What built the ocean- Who built the ocean?! Who built the ocean?!” he started to cry again, “I’m leaking again! I just wanna know who built the ocean.”

“Who built the ocean, Jon?” I asked and he laughed and shook his head.

“Pat!” Nick yelled and Jon picked his head up.

“No, Nicky, that’s Jon.”

“Where’s Pat?” he asked and Jon chuckled.

“Shopping with mom and dad.”

“Well- Well- Well, Jon!”

“Yeah, buddy.”

“When we go home!”

“Ok,” Jon said and I giggled.

“When- when, we go home, and you’re sitting in your big poppa bear chair,” we started to laugh, “Are you going to make me some porridge?” I was hitting the steering wheel because I was laughing so hard, “Jon! You gotta make me porridge! Then I can’t be a goldie locks and she had the best story! She had the best story! It was a good story, she sits in all these chairs, and eats all these porridges- Ah! Can we go to her house, Jon?!”

“Ask the driver!” Jon said and I glared at him.

“Driver!” Nick asked, “Hey, Maggie! Maggie! Can we go to her house?!”


“Are we gunna hang out with her? Ah! We’re gunna hang out with the locks of gold. It’s gunna be- gunna be-“ he clapped is hand, “It’s gunna be a Woooo Hoooo! It’s gunna be a good time- Hey, look at those people!” Nick rolled down the window, “Hey! Hey!”

“Nicky! Get back in here!”

“Did you see those people in that car? They did not wave to me- They didn’t wave,” he started to cry again.

“It’s ok Nicky.”

“It is ok! It’s ok! I’m just gunna keep swimming!”

“Oh no,” I muttered.

“I’m gunna just keep swimming, just keep swimming, and swimming, and swimming, I’m gunna just keep swimming-“

“How do you feel Nicky?”

“Well, I’ll tell you what! I feel like a million bucks! I’m gunna go out to Vegas and spend a million bucks- I am a million bucks, I’ll spend myself!” Jon and I just laughed and I started to go over the one bridge, “Oh my god! Oh my god! What the hell! What is that?!”

“It’s the river!” Jon answered.

“What the hell is the river?”

“It’s water,” I said, Jon was laughing.

“Oh my- WATER! We’re in the water?!” he panicked.

“No we’re over the water right now.”

“We’re walking on water? And we’re walking on water, oh yeah,” he started to sing and I just shook my head, “I wanna swim with the fishes- Maggie! Maggie, you passed it! You passed- I just wanna swim with the fishes!”

“I have to take you home, Nicky.”

“Home! I am home! I am home, inside my heart! That’s home! That’s home!”

“I know, Nicky,” I laughed and then wiped my eyes, because my eyes were watering from laughing so much.

“OH WHOA! We need to go to the paradise and get LUCKY! Oh pair of dice! Oh yeah!” Jon was cracking up, I was close, “Oh, no, no, no, Oh! No, Go- No!”

“What? What, Nicky?”

“You- You almost- Watch where you’re driving!”

“Nicky I am!”

“You almost hit the unicorn!” he yelled and I snickered a little, “The unicorn- That would be bad! That would be really bad- I’m leaking again! Maggie! Maggie! I’m leaking again!”

“I know, Nicky, there’s some- DON’T USE MY PURSE!!!” I yelled as he just grabbed my purse and wiped his face on it.

“I can hold my breath for a really really long time! Ready-“ he took a deep breath that lasted a second, “That was a really long time- Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! What are these white things coming down?”

“Snow,” I said.

“Snow? What’s snow- Maggie! I miss Anna, from the- the nursing- And I just wanna- And I just wanna- And I just wanna ride in this car, because I don’t know the words! I just- I don’t know the words- I just should have- Maggie! Maggie!”


I should have bought her flowers!”

“Oh brother.”