Status: On Going

You'll Never Take Us Alive

Chapter 12: Hidden in plan sight.

Being pregnant was not something that I hoped would ever happen again. I couldn’t do much and it was getting harder to things and to fly. Every time I turned around I was dizzy, or out of breath. Don’t even get me started on the morning sickness that would come out of no where.

The tree had been cleaned up and looked livable now. I had a good nest that I was slowly weaving the straw and making sure that when the baby did arrive that they wouldn’t fall out. The task was both long and boring so that tended to be something I would do before going to bed and when getting up.

The spiderwebs that had once been in all the nooks and crannies of the tree had been cleaned out and the few places that needed it I re-did the sap and then got it off, but the tree still was a home.

At the moment I was weaving the bedding for the baby and stopped looking down. I was showing at just over a month. This was common for male angels, but that didn’t change the fact that it still made it hard for me to get around when I needed water or food.

I threw the weaving away and rushed over to the opening in the tree. The acid and berries I ate for breakfast spilling up my throat and out of my mouth. The burning and foul taste didn’t help any. But if this meant that in just a few months I would have a child, I would go through it.

The nagging feeling in the back of my head that Gerard must have read the letter by now. What did he think? Was he looking for me? Probably not. Was he worried? Not at all. Did Gerard miss me? Sadly I don’t think so.

Besides the fact that if it was found out the Gerard and I had a child together and that we would all be put to death. I had heard some angels outside the door talking about Gerard mating with a second angel. Then on top of it I had just been bedded by Gerard and that with the morning sickness. I had to leave so I did.

I loved Gerard and hope this child never meets him for the hope of not having any heart break. I hope my child never thinks of falling in love. I despise the thought of Gerard coming to find me only to kill me and the child. I love Gerard but if he doesn’t love me then there is no point in trying to get him to love my just for a child.

I sat back down by the straw nest that I was using for my bed and placed my head in my knees. The dizziness that was causing the room to spin was getting stronger. I let out a shaky breath in the hopes that the tree would stop spinning so fast.

This is what my life was reduced to? I was an angel in a tree that had a hard time doing anything. I was lucky that the berry plants below me were active but when they ran out of fruit what would I do? Water was hard to get as it’s half a mile away and I had to walk because flying was hard with the wight of the baby and being out of breath all the time.

I was running low on water and would have to get some soon any way. The cry of a child broke out somewhere on the coast and my heart cracked slightly for Gerard and how he would never get to hear our child’s cries. I hadn’t stuck to the water ways by I was short walk away from the ocean and I could still hear it. At times I could see it as well. But I was hidden so if Gerard did come he wouldn’t see me or find me with ease.

Why did I even think this was a good idea? I was tired. Who’s bright idea was it that children and pregnancy might be fun someday with the right mate. Mine. God I’m so stupid at times.

I sighed taking the last swallow of my water and grabbed the dried leaf jug I had been storing the water in and gently flew down. I could hear sobs that sounded like Gerard’s and my heart both sped up in the fact that Gerard way looking for and wrenched that he was in so much emotional pain.

I knew he was by the ocean so I went the back route to get fresh water. I was walking because flying was to hard on my wings and I was down do I might as well gather some berries, roots and nuts. If I could find it I might even find some fruit I would pick a few and if vegetables came along those as well would come in handy.

As I walked I could catch a few short seconds of Gerard. He was no longer on the ground but walking around and looking at the cliff tops. For a brief moment I thought he recognized my eyes. But then I remembered that my eyes changed color the minute the pregnancy hormones were fully in my system. Once a hazel with green was now green and a few flecks of gray. I ran off hoping he didn’t get the idea to follow.

I made sure to keep to the denser forest to keep myself hidden. I gathered the food I would need for the next few days and got lucky in finding some wild carrots. I was back to living the life of an angel. Only in my case I was a to be a single parent and my mate hadn't die I ran aways so I had no help in raising a child. Or children if I had more then one. I hoped I don’t though; one will be enough for me if I’m raising them by myself.
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So this will be the last chapter till I get fully moved. I am so busy with packing to move it's not funny the date that my mother and I will be driving down is around the 18th to the twentieth, so you might get one more if all goes to plan.