Status: Sporadic Updates

Dear Austin

Day Three

April 12, 2014

Dear Austin,

I'm sorry I haven’t written to you in a few days, it's been crazy on campus lately. I had five-ish write-ups for Plant Ops that I did on Thursday, only to find out they're due next week. Just my luck, right? Since I missed Plant Ops on Wednesday, I went to the Friday class and everyone there thought that I was an idiot. Turns out that class is full of ME's, like you, only they're idiots and can't figure out how to trace a system. I was paired up with my squad leader, and he kept second-guessing me! I have an entire three hour class dedicated to this stuff, I would like to think that I have retained some of this shit! It was kind of a cluster fuck, since I had to run around like a fucking crazy person! I almost tripped over this stupid hose like five times! I was so mad, but I ended up being right in the end, I guess I'm smarter than I look! It surprised the hell out of my partner! I think I'm finally getting the hang of this engineer thing! It would have been way more fun if you would have been there! We could have gone on this crazy wild goose chase to find Ethernet ports for the electrician. He had us run on to the 03 deck and raid the fan room only to not find anything! So then we ran back to the 4th deck, only to go to the main deck, to the 01, then back to the gym! I was so sore, I ran up too many stairs. Oh, he also entrusted me with this big ass ring of keys, he did a bad. I don’t know why I was given the set of keys instead of the other guy, I don't think I look like someone to trust with important things!

We're planning the party for you now! I'm making a slideshow, like I told you, but apparently I have to have it done by Wednesday for your formal memorial service. Not like I have any pressure on me to make it the best damn slideshow ever, or anything. I think I might put some Bring Me The Horizon in it, because I know that you like them a lot! And I do agree, I love them too. I was thinking "Don't Go," that song has so many feelings but I don't know if that will fly with T-Crops. By the way, fucking T-Crops isn’t letting any faculty or staff hold an event for you, so none of us have been able to really remember you in a group. Well I mean, the main homies have of course, but what about the rest of us? I think that's asinine, according to John since I asked him if we could use the game room for the 3E remembrance party.

I just wish you were still here. I saw her today, she didn't look like she was holding up too well. I don’t know if you still love her, or not but she's taking it really hard. We all are, you were our friend, shipmate, and family; it's not like we can go on not thinking about you when we are eight feet above where you left us at all times. I try not to dwell on your leaving too often, because I would rather remember you making fun of me or us being spastic! Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow, hopefully!

- Puddles