Status: Completed!

The Middle

Authors note

What a rollercoaster they went through, isn’t it?!
The story is sadly over, it found its happy end and it is now our time to say thank you to our readers, the ones that commented to our story and subscribed to it!! We were really happy about so much feedback since we really didn’t expect that because it was our first story that we worked on together. No worries we are already working on our next Avenged Sevenfold story and we would be happy if some of you would like that one too, or even hate it. You are the ones that decide.
We really didn’t plan it further. It isn’t really an open end for us - these guys are united again, happy after all the drama they went through and that was the main thing for our end. :) So please don’t be sad about it.
So thank you and see you really soon …
The Vengeance-Haner Team