
Attempt 1

"Annie, you're fired."


Finally it'd had happened. My job as being a sale person was over. I couldn't meet the quota and customers hated talking to me because I was always so vague and deadpan.

I no longer had a job, so I could finally do it.

Standing on this chair now, I can see my entire apartment. Not wanting to keep more important and interesting people from having a great dwelling place, I had simply rented a one room apartment. No, not one bedroom. Just one room. For everything. My kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom and bedroom were all in the same place. Although I had hung up a crappy shower curtain to separate the bathroom from everything else. I had manners after all, I wasn't raised in a zoo.

But maybe I wouldn't be up here on this rickety old chair with an extension cord around my neck, if I had been raised in a zoo. Maybe I would have had more friends as a kid, maybe I would have gone to a cool high school, maybe I would have been the star of a realty tv show 'Wild Child Turned City Kid' or something.

But I wasn't. I was raised as a normal kid in a normal family with normal siblings. My parents had normal jobs, my mom was a teacher and my dad was a contractor. My older brother was a mediocre football player who went on to major in sport medicine, and my younger sister was currently studying to be a nurse. I had gone to college too. But then I had dropped out because I couldn't find anything that interested me. Plus...I had already decided in high school that I would take my life when I turned twenty one. Finding a major would have just made my goal impossible to reach.

So here I stood.

Annie Gregory. Twenty one year old college drop out. Ex- Sales person. Freshly fired. No goals in her painfully normal life.

I closed my eyes and jumped. I wouldn't leave them open. When the police found me they would say 'her eyes are open, that's weird'. And then I'd finally be abnormal. But only in death and I didn't want that.

I didn't feel any pain. In fact I didn't feel anything. I opened my eyes and found myself on the floor, the extension cord next to me. I examined it closely, then looked up at the rafters. I was sure that I had tied it up there, but nothing was broken and the cord wasn't damaged in the slightest.

No matter. There were other ways to kill myself. I had a fork and an outlet. That would work just as well.

I took the three steps that would take me to my kitchen drawer and opened it to find...Nothing. No utensils, not even a spoon. What had happened? I only had one spoon, one knife and one fork, and I was always kept them in the exact same place.

Fine. I'll use something else then. A paper clip would work just as well or a wire hanger.

And...They aren't here either. I always kept my hangers on the coat rack near the door. My coats and clothing were there, on the floor but the hangers were gone.

I looked in my bag, and all my paper clips were gone as well. I rushed to the sink, if I couldn't find a metal object, I'd just squirt water into the outlet. I turned the knobs and nothing came out.

What was going on?

Fine! FINE! My finger! I'll use my finger--

And suddenly everything was white. Had I had a heart attack? But it didn't feel like a heart attack, not that I knew how one would feel like, but the people who suffer them always seem to be in a great deal of pain.

I definitely wasn't suffering a heart attack, so what---

"Hello, dear."