We Salute You In Your Grave


Robert’s POV

I laid there, staring at the ceiling of my room, listening to My Chemical Romance--my favorite band, and the group of guys that have been through the same hell I have and are helping me out of it. 'Hell' being high school, that is. The band saved my life, regardless of what you have to say about it. My thoughts drifted back to that night....

I had been pushed way too far at school that day. I remembered the feel of the cold steel of my step-dad’s hunting knife tracing the length of the largest vein on my wrist. My eyes set on my skin, the knife, and the vein. I was all too prepared to cut deep into it. I had turned my radio on, just in case any cries of pain escaped my mouth. I didn’t want to be stopped; I didn’t want to be caught by my parents. It would mean another ‘punishment’ from my step-dad-- and in all honesty, it was a beating. I began to press the knife into my skin; the blood began to seep through the shallow wound. I kept going deeper and deeper; then a song came on the radio. It was catchy ,and I stopped what I was doing and listened. It kept repeating "I'm not okay"--and the lyrics had a sarcastic tinge to them that appealed to me. I dropped the knife, realizing that I wasn't alone in what I was going through...and there was a reason to hope for better things. These guys singing and playing the song had the same problems as me, and they made it through. I realized I could, too.

“Robert Anthony Matthews, get down here for dinner now! my mum called waking me up from my memory. I looked at my computer and saw that I had a new message from my friend Genevieve--or Gee, as she likes to be called. She lives in the United States. I hadn’t been on INO for awhile and that’s probably what it was about.

Robert! Get down here now!” my mother continued to call from downstairs.

“Mum, I’m not hungry,” I replied with a yell directed towards the kitchen.

“Fine, but don’t get food later tonight; this is your time to eat,” my mum said. I heard her footsteps trail off to the dining area, and I rolled my eyes. Then I opened the e-mail, only to find a link to The Daily Bugle (the most respected UK news paper)'s web site. I read the article and it almost brought me to tears. Anger welled up inside me, and I stormed downstairs and ripped up this week's copy, along with the others we had. Then I went back upstairs and slammed my door--and yes, I realized that was a bit dramatic at the time. I have a few anger management issues to take care of. Anyway, I started blasting MCR on my laptop and sent a reply to Gen at once. Before long, I got her answer.

Dude, this is serious. I can’t believe they actually called MCR a ‘suicide cult’! We have to do something about it-- I have to go, school and all, but I’ll talk to you on IM with Frank and Rayne when we get home.

Peace, love, and coffee...

I sat there listening to MCR for a few hours, half asleep (or dead, as I like to say). I was logged on, waiting for my friends to do the same. I then heard the familiar 'ding'. It was Gee, followed by Rayne, followed by Frankie. Soon after, Michael (my friend, and only friend in school) logged on. You know, to me, we're a lot like the band, and it's pretty funny how our names match...as well as kind of creepy. Regardless, we're all good friends, online and overseas or not.


Just Bobbert. is back
Bella Muerte has logged on
itsXrainingXfros has logged on
.AcidSkittles. has logged on

Bella Muerte: I can’t believe it.

.AcidSkittles.: I know, the damn paper doesn’t even know the real info

Just Bobbert.: Guys, I remember an article like this months ago...my ‘rents read it and have hated MCR ever since. >.>

itsXrainingXfros: geez! Bob, did you try to explain it to them, like the true meanings and everything?

Just Bobbert.: *nods* and this story has just gotten out. its really big here, and it's just now hitting other places, I bet everyone on INO is pissed...

I.Want.Sushi. has logged on

I.Want.Sushi.: I’m sorry I’m late, guys. I can't believe the article! Oh, and Bobby, I signed us up to be leaders of the protest

Just Bobbert.: don’t call me Bobby, you know it's creepy, and great! I was ‘dead’ all day and it slipped my mind...

I.Want.Sushi.: haa, I know it creeps you out...it's why i do it

.AcidSkittles.: bob, you're always ‘dead’

Just Bobbert.: I enjoy my peaceful dead times, thank you very much :P

I.Want.Sushi.: you should see him when we hang out--a few times I had to hold a mirror up to his face to see if he was still breathing XD

I.Want.Sushi.: oh, and I've been practicing, which he should be doing instead of dying, but anyway--we're getting better! Even though he keeps hitting himself with his drumsticks...

Just Bobbert.: hey! you weren't supposed to tell anyone that, and I do practice...at home...

I.Want.Sushi.: pfft...yeah, right. anyway, there's a meeting tomorrow morning we have to ditch classes to go to.

I.Want.Sushi.: ...ok, Bobby?

Just Bobbert.: STOP CALLING ME BOBBY! and that’s fine with me, I wasn’t planning on going to class anyway.

Bella Muerte: ok, well, we were wanting to sneak over to the UK somehow, as crazy as it sounds...you guys wanna help us out? I happen to know you have some 'rents in the airline business, bob...*poke*

Just Bobbert.: yeah, I can get the tickets tomorrow from my stepdad; they should be with you in 7-10 business days. he won't know a thing. *wink*

.AcidSkittles.: *hugs bob* tank yoo bobert!

Just Bobbert.: no problem! it will be great to finally meet you guys! hey, my mom is yelling at me...g2g, bye *hugs all*

I.Want.Sushi.: see you tomorrow, bye

Bella Muerte: bye bye

itsXrainingXfros: see ya

.AcidSkittles.: peace, skittles, and sushi...and more skittles

Just Bobbert. has signed out

I.Want.Sushi.: I have to go too, bye all

Bella Muerte: bye, fishy

itsXrainingXfros: adios, amigo

.AcidSkittles.: what I said to Bob

I.Want.Sushi. has signed out

itsXrainingXfros: ack, mypossessed siblings want the computer. i gotta go before i lose a limb or something...see you guys tomorrow

.AcidSkittles.: bye, buddy

Bella Muerte: peace

itsXrainingXfros has signed out

Bella Muerte: we better get going, ttyl

.AcidSkittles.: ok, ttyl

Bella Muerte and .AcidSkittles. have signed out.
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Scout posted this, and helped with it some