Status: Still plan on continuing this story, just very busy with more important things.

You Put the Spike in My Heart

Serum of a Will Destroyed

When the guys got back from the concert, Castle Bam was bursting with people. Frank and Mikey stuck together on a search for Bailey but there was no need. She came up behind them and put her arms around their shoulders.

"Hello darlings, where have you been?"

"We just got here, Bailey-Face. Didn't think we'd ever find you in this mess."

Bailey looked around her, eyes glittering with life. The music was loud, everyone was trying to shout over it. The rhythm beat in her chest and it felt good with her already racing heart.

"You know Bam. Any excuse for a party."

She wrapped her arm through Mikey's and lay her head on his shoulder.

"How was the concert?"

"It was good. We missed you, I thought you were going to be there."

Bailey grinned from ear to ear.

"Aw, you guys missed me. I'll be there next time, promise."

Bam appeared out of nowhere, put an arm around her shoulder and dangled a beer in front of her face. She looked up at him as she took it out of his hand.

"You're my favorite."

He rolled his eyes as she took a swig. It felt so good, like she had never tasted beer before. It had only been an hour since her last one, but she was feeling unnaturally thirsty. Frank looked at her flushed cheeks and frowned.

"How many is that tonight?"

She didn't like the way Frank was scrutinizing her appearance. She wanted to get away from him so she could have fun. She had waited all day for the boys to come back and now she was getting hounded like she was a teenager again. She didn't even have that much to drink tonight. Was it so hard to believe that she was just having a good time?

"Believe it or not, this is only my second, mother. Where's Gerard?"

He didn't believe her but motioned towards the front of the house.

"He stayed outside to have a smoke."

She handed her beer to Frank and kissed him on the cheek.

"Then I will see you guys later."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't!" Bam called after her. She flipped him off as she disappeared into the crowd.

"What in the hell has gotten into her? I'm not saying it's bad, but she's acting really...different."

Bam shrugged but couldn't hold back a smile.

"Maybe she just needed to come home. Don't worry about it man, it's a party. Have fun."

Frank wasn't convinced but tried to put the feeling to the back of his mind. He should be happy at her change in attitude. So why couldn't he accept it?
When Bailey flew out the door and couldn't find him, she laughed at herself. She needed to calm down if she was going to talk to him. She was acting almost ridiculous, crawling out of her skin but in a good way.

Gerard was leaning against the house in the dark. He saw Bailey rush out the door and start scanning the crowd. Her eyes were brighter than he had ever seen. He saw her laugh to herself and sit down. He couldn't help but smile as he silently made his way over to her. She put her hand on her heart and closed her eyes, a smile plastered to her face. Her other hand was twirling a piece of her own hair and he could hear how heavy her breathing was. It was as if she was in her own little world.
He came up behind her and put his hands over her eyes. She was startled for a moment but then smiled again before putting her hands over his.

"Who's that?"

"Your most favorite person in the world."

She quirked her head towards him.

"Harry Potter?!"

He brought his hands back and laughed.

"That wasn't nice."

She laughed too and turned around to face him as he sat on the stair above her. His hair was a mess and his eyes were dim. He was slouched in a leather jacket that looked a little too good on him. She could see how tired he was and the thought of him ditching sleep to comply with her request made her stomach flip.

"You came."

It brought an even bigger smile to her face and he couldn't help but laugh again. Her eyes were wild. He was right before, it was as if her soul had been set aflame and he could look straight through her.
"Yeah I did. How much have you had to drink, Red?"

Her smile faltered but she tried to hide it by looking away. His hand caught her chin and brought her back to eye level.

"Bailey, I was kidding."

The wind picked up and a strong wave of leather and smoke enveloped her. It brought tears to her eyes and she laughed absently before turning her head away from him. She didn't want to have to explain that one.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. I'm great."

The truth was that those smells made her unwillingly nostalgic. They were good smells, the mixture reminded her of a happier time...a different person. She wished she could smile at the memory but instead it shred a new hole through her.

"Let's go inside."

Gerard was confused as she took his hand and led him into the house. Her eyes had taken on a misty look before - it was only for a moment but then it was gone. Her eyes were alive now and she was smiling again. He started to think he would need a whole research program to figure this girl out.
Bailey found herself laughing yet again as she crossed the threshold. The transition from the quiet night air to the harsh beating of the music inside ran through her body.

"What's so funny?"

She tried her hardest to keep a straight face.

"This is a great party."

They ended up in the kitchen area, much quieter than the rest of the house. Gerard looked at her from across the counter separating them. He had a question that had been burning through him all day since he had left. He didn't know whether to ask or not, how the answer would make him feel...why he cared.

"You need to stop doing that, it drives me crazy."

He straightened in his chair.

"What do you mean?"

"You want to say something. So do it."

He hadn't realized it was so obvious. But he might as well get it over with.

"You and Bam. You guys are together again?"

Bailey hadn't expected that. She smiled and fought back a blush.

"Nope. He's engaged now. She's really awesome, I got to meet her earlier."

"But you guys...kissed."

She couldn't fight back the blush this time, from both shame and embarrassment.

"Yeah, I know. We got a little caught up in the moment. It's not going to happen again."

Things grew tense and silent for a few moments besides Bailey's restless feet tapping the floor. She eventually looked up at him again.

"Frank tells me you like to dance. Let's go."

Gerard smiled but shook his head.

"I danced on stage for hours, don't have much more left in me tonight."

She pouted as Frank found his way over to her.

"Franky! Let's dance!"

Frank started to smile but then froze when he got a clear look at her. Her pupils were huge, her eyes bloodshot and glassy. No wonder she was acting so strange. Why hadn't he noticed it before? He felt so stupid. It all made sense now, all of her weird mood swings and the gaunt look about her. Frank put his hands on her shoulders to still her and looked closer just to make sure.

"Staring contest, Franklin?"

She tried to stare back but the muscles in her face twitched and her eyes couldn't stay in one spot. Neither could her feet, he couldn't make her sit still. He pulled back from her, convinced.

"You promised."


"I'm going to find Bam. I'm really disappointed in you."

Frank was lost in the crowd. Gerard quirked an eyebrow and went to say something sarcastic to Bailey but she was suddenly very still, her eyes agape.


He put a hand on her shoulder and she grabbed it. She offered him a smile but the fear never left her eyes.

"I'm in big trouble."

She laughed but it bordered on eccentric.

"Bailey, what's going on?"

"Fuck, Gerard. Um..."


Her eyes widened farther, the shout came from Bam on the second floor. She laughed again, sounding a bit more sobered. She squeezed his hand slightly.

"Gerard, I'm in trouble. I'll see you when I see you. Thank you for coming back, I really do appreciate it."

Bailey was grabbed from behind and pulled away into the crowd. Gerard watched her get pulled up the stairs by Bam and Frank and then disappear into one of the rooms.
♠ ♠ ♠
Title Credit: AFI