

A sudden drop a rude awakening. The plane shook and began to fall, feeling the obscure movement the passengers cried out in panic. Air stewardesses tried calming people until the plane shook and threw them onto the floor. The people frantically pulled oxygen masks onto their faces. A blonde woman on a middle seat satin contrast to everyone. Her face was calm and collected yet her eyes showed panic, fear and acceptance. Fire engulfed half of the plane and some side panelling pulled off and the air sucked some people away, a woman with bright red frizzy hair was pulled back and her scream pierced the air.

The sun beat down on the many scattered people that laid along the beach. The blonde woman groaned standing up as her body ached and muscles cracked. looking around in shock Jennifer smiled slightly at the realisation that she survived, she was never lucky yet here she was still breathing. Walking up the beach she smiled as she saw a small silhouette ahead. Reaching the young boy she gazed up on him. His hair covered his eyes as he cured in his sleeps, sorrow and sadness washed over her features as she stared down at the boy. He couldn't be more than three she though yet here he is stranded on a desert island. Gently waking him she smiled softly at him as his blue eyes lazily,
"Hello sweetheart, I'm Jennifer" She whispered to him as he sat up. "The plane we were on crashed so we'll have to stay here for a while"
"The plane we were on crashed so we'll have to stay here for a while"
"I'm Bwooklyn, I'm thwee! he giggled excitedly "Where my mommy?"
" I don't know Brooklyn, let's go find somewhere to sleep yeah?" nodding, he took her hands as she hoisted home onto her hip and pulled the suitcase up behind her.

Further down the beach two teenagers swam towards the beach. The brunette lad grinned showing off his dimples and lip ring as he helped the girl get out of the water. Her dark hair clung to her skin as water cascaded off her. Following him limping they headed for shade, her arm rested across her chest and her leg shone red. In the shade they sat down him taking his top off, and removing the sleeves, he tied one sleeve as a makeshift sling and helped her arm into it,
"I'm Clayton" he murmured as he examined her leg and tied the second sleeve to it as she groaned and winced.
"Nanette" she smiled at him "Thank you".
"You're welcome, um your tops ripped so you can wear this instead," he smiled at her holding out his top, looking down to her top she realised her top was completely ripped down the front, red tint flushed her cheeks as she took the top off him. Turning round he let her change and climbed up,
"Wait here, I'm going to collect some wood so we can try get a fire, I'll keep a look out for anyone" He called out walking into the trees.
He emerged, not five minutes later and piled the twigs and sticks, failing to create fire. Taking it off him she rubbed the sticks together and got a small flame,
"That was easy" she muttered sarcastically.
"Shut up, Netta" He murmured pouting "It's getting dark"
"yeah, how old are you?"
"17 we were going on holiday for my birthday, me and my step-dad"
"16, we were visiting our family, just me and my sister,"
"How old is your sister?"
"Six, can we look tomorrow? She's only 6, I know she probably hasn't survived but still,"
"Of course we can, don't think like that we'll look out for her," Nodding she lay down next to him and snuggled into his arms.

Niamh walked in a straight line along the beach the water splashing on her ankles with every step, her light brown hair tied in pigtails with red ribbon in them. She stumbled over the man, he lay still half his body in the water, sitting on his chest she poked his cheeks and played with his dark locks of hair. She jumped as his blue eyes opened and stared at her,
"Hello, I'm Niamh have you seen my sister? And where are we? Cause I've never ever, never been here." She giggled still perched on his chest,
"Not so fast gorgeous, I'm Chace, I haven't seen your sister but I haven't seen anyone and I don't know where we are, I think that plane we were on crashed," He chuckled, "Now jump off me, we need to find some place to sleep since it's dark." Nodding she jumped up smiling as he clambered up next to her. Holding onto her hand they wandered towards the trees him picking up some coconuts that sat on the floor, cracking them open he sat down on the sand Niamh cross legged next to him, passing her one of the coconuts they both slurped on the milk inside.
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843 words | 4491 characters