

The island is silent. The bright ball blinding as it emerges; rising like a yellow lollipop on the distant horizon. Crashing against the shore, small waves wash the night's debris onto the land. Untouched golden sand covers the floor as far as your eyes can see and a soothing gentle breeze is caressing the island. The island looks more like a holiday destination and a paradise than a hell people want to escape from. Unknown to the six sleeping bodies a threat is awaking.

Jennifer shuffles through the found suitcase in search of anything useful. The most she can find are shoes, clothes and a lighter. Changing herself into a mans top and putting the suitcase near the trees she collected some wood and rocks to create a fire. Looking around trees she picks some fruits and collects some fallen coconuts. Heading back to camp she shook the young boy awake and handed him a cracked coconut, drinking hers next to him.
"Brooklyn have some of this fruit yeah? Then we are going to go for a little walk so we can see if we can find anybody else," She smiled softly at him, climbing up she held onto his hands and they started walking down the beach together.

Clayton grinned as he kicked his feet through the sand, Nanette on his back with her arms and legs wrapped around him.
"Hey, look there's a suitcase!" Clayton yelled excitedly, running slightly towards it. Helping Nanette down they both opened the suitcase quickly as if two children opening a box of a life time supply of sweets.
"Ha! It's a woman's" Nanette giggled at him, "I'm going to put a change of clothes on," taking out a loose top and some shorts, "They may be a little big but oh well," Skipping off she hid behind a tree as she swapped her clothes. Getting back to Clayton she smiled as she watched him neatly pack the bag again, Smiling at him she ran towards him jumping onto his back pushing him over.
"Seriously?" He chuckled, holding onto her waist as she laughed, "You think that was funny?" She nodded showing her pearly whites, shaking his head he started tickling her smirking sightly,
"Stop, stop!" She squealed,"We need to carry on walking," she smiled breathing heavily trying to catch her breath as she started into his chocolate coloured eyes,
"JJ! Look there's some more people!" A small voice called out startling them. Rushing to their feet they were met with a blonde woman and a small boy,
"Hey, I'm Jennifer and this is Brooklyn," She smiled at us, "We have a camp kinda thing a little further up,"
"That's great, I'm Nanette and this is Clayton, is it just the two of you?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry we haven't seen anyone else," She frowned,
"Oh," Nanette sighed worried for her little sister,
"Nanette hop on" Clayton muttered, bending down slightly for her to get.
The four of them set off back towards Jennifer's camp, Jennifer holding Brooklyn and the suitcase and Clayton with Nanette on his back.

Hours later and the group was sat around a fire, made by Nanette. Brooklyn was sleeping curled up in two jackets as the temperature decreased. They had looked through both suitcases giving Clayton and Jennifer a new set of clean clothes and found some first aid supplies meaning Nanette finally got her cuts cleaned. They had been out through the forest and collect fruit, coconuts, twigs, sticks, leaves, vines, anything that maybe useful. They've been trying to build a shelter for them all like a cover, during the day they had managed to construct a shape.
Clayton, Jennifer and Nanette sat around the fire coconuts in hand and their stomachs full of fruit,
"How old are you two then?" JJ spoke up after drinking her milk,
"I'm 17," Clayton spoke up, minutes passed without an answer from Nanette as she stared straight ahead, "She's 16,"
"I'm 24, er you lose anyone?"
"Yeah my step-dad, my mother is pregnant and I have two sisters back at home,"
"I was on my own but my grandparents are probably having heart attacks, but we'll get home,
"How an you be so sure?" Nanette all but hissed, "We are in the middle of no where with nothing but a fire for help. I lost my sister, she was 6 and now she's dead." Jennifer nodded sadly she didn't mean to provoke Nanette and she would bet her life that Nanette didn't mean to shout at her, the emotions were running wild in all of them and some couldn't control them. Getting up Jennifer muttered something about sleeping leaving Nanette in Clayton's arms slowly breaking down as tears came into her eyes and her sobs shook her body as Clayton hugged her trying to offer some sort of comfort.
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809 words | 4513 characters