Status: Ongoing

Cooler Rising

Chapter Thirteen

Sauge and Susha walked into the observation chamber. Cooler looked at them with a look of absolute disgust.

"Now, I wonder," Cooler said. "Which one of you is going to explain to me why the Saibaimen can transform and I wasn't informed."

"The transformation is still in its developmental stages," Susha said. "We haven't had the time to develop them to the point where they transform at a stable power level..."

"Ah," Cooler said. "Then that's why a Saibaiman that was meant to be at 75,000 was instead at 83,000. But--how is it that Saiyan princes would allow themselves to be ruled by someone they would view as a lesser?"

"Lord Cooler, you've seen the strength of Oran," Susha said. "He's stronger than we are, even if we were to gang up on him--"

"No lies, Susha," Cooler said. "We both know you know how to hide your strength."

At that moment, Salza's scouter blinked. "Sir, Sauge's power just jumped to 112,000!"

"There we go," Cooler said. He walked over to Sauge. "I've struck a nerve, haven't I, Sauge? How far can you go?"

At that moment, Neiz and Dore ran into the room. "Sir, I read a power level going right up in here!" Neiz said.

"Our Saiyan friends have been keeping a secret from us," Cooler said. "Sauge and Susha are much stronger than they appear. What did you find in the ship?"

"There's thousands of Saiyans in suspended animation!" Dore said. "The monkeys--they must have had a whole colony happening here at one stage."

"The atmosphere outside the facility is breathable," Cooler said. "If you were going to have a contingency colony, here would be as good a place as any to have it."

Oran ran forward and struck Cooler in the face. "I can't let you complete the genocide Cooler started!" he shouted.

"Oh no," Cooler said. "I won't kill all of you. But the three of you? Well, you're more trouble than you're worth. Salza, Dore, Neiz. Kill the three monkeys."