Status: Ongoing

Cooler Rising

Chapter Sixteen

Sauge landed on the side of a rock near the facility. Salza came after him and grabbed him by the throat. The Saiyan kicked Salza off him and sent a ki blast after him. Salza deflected it, and then Sauge sent out two Pepper Breath blasts.

Salza dodged the first and then deflected the second back at Sauge. The Saiyan flew out of the bedrock and flew at Salza, sending blast after blast at him. Salza deflected all of them.

When the Saiyan got close enough, Salza punched him in the jaw. Sauge backed off a little and then came back forward and sent a kick towards Salza's head. Salza grabbed Sauge's leg and then sent a blast through the Saiyan's head. The Saiyan's body went limp and Salza let it fall.

Salza turned and saw Dore's body falling from the sky. He checked his scouter--Neiz was at 318,000. Susha was at 470,000. He instantly thought "Shit!" and flew towards the battle.

"Neiz! Get down!" he shouted. "Susha is more powerful than you are!"

Neiz fell back. Susha looked over at Salza surprised. Salza stopped flying and then sent a multitude of ki blasts at the Saiyan. Neiz instantly followed suit.

Susha appeared just behind Neiz. Susha prepared an energy blast and Salza shouted, "Neiz! Look out!"

The energy blast went directly for Neiz's head. Neiz pulled his head into his torso and then let it back out. He hit the Saiyan twice in the face and then blasted himself away.

Susha followed Neiz up the stream of his ki blast. Neiz looked down in fear. Just as the Saiyan was reaching the end of the ki beam, Salza flew down to the side and blasted him away.

"So, the two of you really are quite the match," Susha said. "It's such a shame that soon enough that the two of you and your Lord Cooler will be dead."

"Shut up, monkey boy!" Salza said. "You might be strong, but you're not Super Saiyan strong!"

"I don't need to be," Susha said. "Look up. The cloud cover is almost gone. Soon enough I'll be able to turn into a Great Ape and kill both of you."

"Ha! But for now you're still weaker--"

"Oh no, Salza, I'm not done going up in power yet," Susha said. A ki aura appeared around him and Salza's scouter went off.

"Neiz! Are you getting this?" Salza shouted. "His power's at 480,000....490,000!"

"I've got it, sir!" Neiz said. "510,000!"

Neiz flew forward and began blasting at Susha. Susha blocked both the blasts and hit Neiz across the face, his power level still going up. Salza sent off a couple of his own ki blasts, but Susha was able to block both of those.

Neiz flew back after being hit, but came back in a matter of seconds. A ball of ki came around both his hands and he hit Susha with both, hard. Susha bent inwards and then hit Neiz across the back of the head with his fists clenched together.

When Neiz was flying down, Susha shouted "Meteor Shower!" and blasted Neiz. Neiz's body was impaled at several points, smoke coming through all of them, as he went directly to the ground.