Status: Ongoing

Cooler Rising

Chapter Twenty-two

Salza ran down the hallway with Cooler close behind him. After fifty metres, they stopped and looked back at the thousands of frozen Saiyans.

"How many of them are there?" Cooler said.

"Easily ten thousand or more," Salza said. "But surely there's no way any of them are powerful, my lord."

"Don't be so hasty, Salza," Cooler said. "We both know these Saiyans have hidden their power levels before."

A robot came running towards Cooler and Salza from three hundred feet up the hall. It was about five metres tall and had machine guns for hands. A rocket was strapped across its back.

"Damn it," Salza said as he assumed a fighting position.

"As I said," Cooler said, "don't be so hasty. Besides, this will be good training for you."

Salza ran towards the robot. The robot's machine guns fired down the hall, barely missing Salza's sides, but the pair continued running at each other. Once they met, Salza ran partway up the robot's leg and then jump kicked into its chest.

The robot stumbled back and jabbed its arm out. Salza prepared a ki blade around his hand and cut the robot's arm off with a single swift movement. The robot paused for a moment, and processed its hand for a moment.

After its momentary pause, the robot began to siren. "Intruder alert," it screeched. "Intruder alert, intruder alert."

"Fuck," Salza said, and began to fire ki blasts into the robot.

The robot fired its other arm at Salza. He barrel rolled under the robot and fired more ki blasts directly into its groin. None of his ki blasts were having any effect on the robot.

The robot turned slightly, and began firing in random directions in its attempt to find Salza. The alien lifted his arm and blasted off the robot's other gun from its shoulder.

It was only at this point that the robot found Salza. It turned around, and from its chest came a large cannon.