Status: On hold right now, please bare with me.

You Can't Fight the Devil Within


We stood in the bathroom just staring at each other, I was leaning against the wall with my arms closed and watched his blue eyes stare at me. He was trying to be all dominant, he hasn't changed one fucking bit. My eyes darted over to the man in the stall, he was still under my compulsion. he wasn't moving and he wasn't making a single sound. I saw the blood dripping from the small cut I had given him, my eyes flickered back to Peter who allowed his wolf claws to extend. He was getting ready to put me in my place, I narrowed my eyes at him as I let my eyes wander back over to the man. I was going to suck him dry like I did the last guy.

"Scar, we have been through this before. What did Derek's mother tell you?" He cracked his knuckles and I didn't even flinch, the words he was telling me didn't even matter. I didn't care about what she had told me so many years ago, she was dead. So those words didn't even matter.

"Peter, go fuck yourself." I swirled past him and went to grab the man but a pair of arms wrapped around my wasted and threw my backwards, my body smashed against the hard wall and soon fell to the floor. Slowly I looked up to see him cracking his knuckles once more, he had become faster and stronger. Was he now an alpha?

"Now, like I said Scar; we have been through this before. Fix him and lets go see Derek." The smirk was pissing me off, I flashed my fangs at him as I lunged at his throat, his hands grabbed my waste once more and threw me into the other wall. Getting up from the floor I wiped away the blood from my lip and snarled, leaning against the wall I watched him with a smug look.

I snarled at him once more and lunged for his throat again, this time his hand grabbed my throat and his teeth flashed in my face; his eyes turned blue and the growl escaped from his throat.

"Enough Scarlet!" His grip tightened and I placed my hand on his wrist trying to pull free, it wasn't working. I flashed my teeth at him like he was doing to me but soon enough everything went dark when he snapped my neck.
"Where did you find her?" Spoken one voice.

"She was going to eat some guy at the bar...So I snapped her neck, I think her humanity is off again." I heard Peter talking.

My head was throbbing as I slowly sat up on the couch I was on, I groaned and rubbed my neck as I looked around. I was in a loft of some sort, Peter and some guy were standing by a table staring at me.

"Good morning sunshine." Peter walked over and took a seat next to me, he handed me the cup that was in his hand and I took it swiftly.

The dark thick fluid ran down my throat filling my small thirst, I looked at Peter and held the empty glass over his lap and squeezed my hand closed. The glass shattered and landed on his lap, the wounds I had gotten healed in seconds. Peter just watched me with a smirk on his face while standing up.

"Where am I?" I looked over to the other guy and narrowed my eyes at him, he was doing the same back.

"Oh, you don't remember little ole' Derek?" I looked at peter and then back at Derek, he had grown into a man. A handsome wolf actually, but he looked stressed and tired all at the same time. I blinked and pulled my gaze from his to look around the loft.

"Turn it back on Scarlet, you will end up dead with it off here. Its not the same like it was 25 years ago." I heard him talking but pushed him out of my thoughts, I walked over to the refrigerator and saw the stash of blood bags; I looked over at Peter who simply smiled and turned his back to me. I dug my hands into my back pocket and pulled out my cell phone to look at the time.

It was 3:30 in the morning.

Why were they not sleeping?

I slammed the fridge door closed and started walking to the nearest exit, this time Peter stopped me from leaving.

"You can't leave." His hand were placed gently on my shoulders.

"what are you going to snap my neck again if I try?" I shoved his hands off and he nodded.

"Yeah, I will." I groaned and turned back to where Derek was staring at the table, slowly I walked over and stood next to him. All of the papers where filled with names, possible suspects and two words. Oni and Nogitsune. I narrowed my eyes and looked at Derek.

"Why would the Oni be here and why would the word Nogitsune even be mentioned." Derek looked at me with his dark eyes.

"Like I said scarlet, nothing is the same. Beacon hills is a Beacon for the supernatural." He looked back down at the paper and I looked at the names.

Stiles had maybe next to it, Lydia had a no next to it, Scott had a no, Allison had a maybe, Kira had a maybe, Argent had a maybe. I shook my head and turned away from the paper, none of this concerned me. Walking to the couch I laid down and let my eyes close allowing me to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it isn't the best but I promise that it will get better.