Status: On hold right now, please bare with me.

You Can't Fight the Devil Within


I sat outside on the ledge with my legs hanging over, the moon was high in the sky and the stars twinkled. I remember when I was younger and human, my brother and I would sit outside in the lawn and watch the stars. We would soon fall asleep under them and wake up in the house, my father must have been the ones to bring us inside every time. I always wondered how he got us both in the house, one by one or both at the same time; that would have been hard. I listened as Derek walked outside and stood next to me while looking at the moon.

"You're still that sad, broken little boy that I saw when I left." I didn't look at him when I said that, I kept my eyes on the stars.

"You don't know anything about me." I looked down at him as he spoke.

"That's not true."

"Everyone around me, everyone gets hurt." His voice was low as he spoke and I just watched him.

I softly placed my hand on his shoulder and looked back up at the stars, we stayed like that for a few minutes until he spoke again.

"I heard the last part of your conversation with Stiles." I looked down at him.

"Oh, about my acting skills?" Derek gave a soft smirk and nodded.

Derek was always one to be able to figure me out when he was younger, how ever I think over the years he let his wolf side go a bit. Sighing I stood up and jumped down onto the concrete floor, I felt short next to Derek; he was almost 6 foot and I was about 5'3. Placing my hand on his cheek I rubbed my thumb softly under his eye and then made my way inside.

They were my first victims, they were my first kills and they were the first taste of blood I had. They turned me into the monster that I am now, I had escaped from his grasp and made my way back home, it had been about two years since I saw my younger brother and I couldn't wait to see him again.

It was a full moon out as I walked up to the house, the lights were on in my old bedroom as well as the kitchen. My father must have been up or something, maybe my brother had a nightmare. Slowly I walked up to the door and knocked, I felt bad for waking them up so late but my revenge was going to happen. When the old wooden door opened I was met with my little brother, he had grown a little bit but he had a smile on his face while seeing me.

"Can I come in?" I knelt down to his level and smiled, I couldn't wait to hug him.

"Yes sis, of course you can silly." He sounded so happy after what happened that it broke my unbeating heart.

I stepped into the house and shut the door behind me, following him up the stairs and into our bedroom he pulled me to the bed with him. I was right about him having a nightmare, crawling into the bed I pulled him close and let him fall asleep in my arms. I could hear his heart beating and the blood pulsing through his veins into his heart, my whole body went crazy for the taste of him. But I controlled myself, If I was going to spill any blood; it would be theirs.

The next morning I laid in the bed with him sleeping on my chest, I didn't know how he slept like that seeing as I had no heart to listen to. I stared at the ceiling just waiting for him to wake up, just waiting to see him smile. But instead the door opened and my father walked into the room, the cup he held in his hand fell to the floor and shattered.

I slowly stood up from the bed as to not wake up my brother, I felt my face contort and my fangs grow. My father stood in fear as I slowly walked closer to him, with ever step I took, he took a step back. I narrowed my eyes at him as I sped to his face and held him by the scruff of his shirt.

"What I am...this, is your fucking fault. You made me this monster." I spoke as I heard his heart racing.

"I...I'm sorry Scarlet, Please forgive me." I smirked as he begged for his life.

"Monster." I heard my mother and I looked up at her, she was standing with a cross in her hand as if it would help her. Oh how wrong she was, looking back at my father I dug my fangs into the side of his neck and let the blood drip down my throat. Instead of killing him I let him fall to the floor as I made my way for my mother, I quickly grabbed her and slammed her into the wall.

"I was your daughter! How could you do this to me!?" I felt my fathers blood dripping down my chin as I yelled at her. she didn't say a single word, instead she pointed behind me. When I looked I saw a horrid sight, I saw my father with a knife to my brothers neck. I saw tears in my brothers eyes and I saw red in my own.

"Get out..." My father spoke as if he was a man.

"Not before I murder you both!" I snapped my mothers neck and sped over to him, but it was to late. He had jammed the knife into my brother heart and let him fall to floor, seconds later he himself was on the floor bleeding to death.

"No, Matthew." I held him in my arms as his heart beat become softer and softer.

"I...I still love you...Scar.." I held him close and let the tears flow as his heart beat stopped, my grip tightened on his clothes. "No! No!" I rocked back and forth with him still in my arms. This was all my fault, I should have never come back.

"Scarlet?" I blinked my eyes and looked at Derek, he was looking at my hands where my nails had dug into my skin causing the blood to drip.

"I never told you why I was, the way I was." I looked at my hands as they healed.

"No, you didn't." He stood in his place and just watched me.

"It was because of me that my little brother was killed, he died right in my arms. I had to bury him my self, it took all night but I buried him. Right under a weeping willow tree, death follows me Derek. People die around me." I looked at him and he just stared at me. "It's best that the pack think my humanity is off, they wont come to me for help. I wont be able to put them in harms way or be the cause of the harm."

Derek walked closer to me and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close I could hear his strong heart beat.

"If that's what you want to do, then fine. But when you see fit to step in and help, it would be a pack member move. You should let Scott in, he only wants to help. When there is no way to help and everything is failing, he will still find a way."

I sighed into his chest and took in his scent, it was strong and welcoming. It was odd that I felt safe in his arms, I never felt safe with anyone.