Status: Done.



It wasn't easy breaking his vows and leaving Castle Black. It wasn't easy leaving Sam behind, without so much as a letter or a kind word. It wasn't easy abandoning the only place that he could refer to as home now, or the people who endured there, his family. But what followed, was even harder.

Jon had passed by Winterfell in the dead of night, the sight brought tears to his eyes. Even in ruins, it was a fortress. Burnt and scorched, it was still standing, empty and formidable. Jon resisted the urge to pay a visit to his old quarters, and the quarters of his family members – There was no use, they were all lost to him, and they memories would only haunt him.

He continued on, passing through small villages and holdfasts, travelling mostly at night. The risk of the Night's Watch finding him and taking his head was still large. On the night of the tenth moon, he had reached The Vale. He knew his half sister Sansa was here, or so she had told him with a raven, it was written in her hand, and he had come, whether or not it was truly her and not a mummer's trick was something entirely different.

The road up to the Eyrie was dangerous, but worth it to lay his eyes upon his half sister again. She looked an absolute beauty, regal and womanly upon her Aunt's Weirwood chair.

“You are more than welcome in the Vale, Jon Snow”, she had declared, “The Night's Watch will find no easy beheading here, please enjoy our hospitality”.

Jon Snow had stayed in the castle, given chambers befit of nobleman – He was thankful for her generosity, but she waved it off, forever offering the excuse, 'You are my family'.

It was in the Vale, in his sister's castle, that he had found his lady love. A girl of eight and ten, beautiful and fierce. Valarei Stone, a bastard in Lady Stark's service as a handmaiden. Jon watched the girl for many more moons, before finally gaining the courage to speak with her.

“You look wonderful Lady Valarei”, He remarked.
“You look positively forlorn Lord Snow”, She replied.
“I am no Lord”, He replied. She smiled, a wicked smile.
“And I am no Lady”.

Jon finished reflecting on his memories, and returned to his reality.
His wife Valarei, was in his arms, holding him close for warmth. He slid out of her grip, to walk to the cradle in the corner of their quarters.
Their son, a boy of three was swaddled in a blanket made of Shadowcat fur, gifted by his half sister, Lady Stark. Jon watched the boy sucking in his thumb, and smiled. Lost in his own happiness, he didn't notice Valarei getting up and wrapping her arms around him, peering over his shoulder.

“Lord Snow, Your presence is required”, She whispered into his neck, kissing the skin softly and nuzzling her face in his hair. Jon turned to face her, and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

“I am no lord, and you are no lady”, He responded, smiling softly and kissing her forehead.

“Oh...But I am”, She smirked, “I am Lady Snow”

Jon took her back to bed, and did all the things that Lord's did to their Ladies in the dead of night. He held her afterwards, listening to her breathing and he was content. He could be Lord Snow forever, so long as Valarei could be his Lady Snow.

Maybe it was bastard love, but it was pure. So long as they stayed in the snows.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, there it is :) Comment's appreciated.