Holding Onto Nothing

"Lolita, get down from the tree."
I look down and smile. "Never."
"I'm being serious, it's going to storm."
A laugh escapes my lips as I focus my attention on the night sky. The moon shines brightly, breaking through the tree branches. Why would I want to leave this?
I feel the branch I'm on bend. Oh no. "What are you doing?" I yell, slowly turning to face him.
"I'm getting you down."
"This isn't going to--"
The branch snaps under our weight. I shriek, but manage to grab onto another branch to my right. His body crashes to the ground, and he twitches. No. No, no, no.
"Gregory!" I scream, quickly climbing down. I sit next to his body and shake him gently. "Gregory, please don't die. Please...."
A bottle is thrown at my head, and I cry. "It's your fault!" She screams, her eyes turning red, her claws coming out. "You killed him!"
I shake my head. "No, it was an accident! It was--"

I wake up drenched in sweat. Not again...Not more nightmares. I thought I was just getting over these....