Status: RATING CHANGED TO R FOR SAFETY! This story is Updated every Thursday and Friday.

Animagus Theory: The Descendants

Prologue: Snape’s Secret

Snape sat in his favourite dark corner in the Headmaster’s office. It was the annual back to school staff meeting; one of the only things that could still get the dark-haired Potions Master/current Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor to cringe.

“Severus, my dear boy,” the Headmaster said as he passed by the scowling man. “How was your summer?” He asked with that same damn knowing look his eyes that deepened the Professor’s scowl. Dumbledore wondered if the feature would eventually permanently etch into the younger wizard’s face.

Severus narrowed his eyes. “You know damn well how my summer went, old man,” he wanted to sneer. Instead however, Snape simply rolled his dark eyes at the old wizard. “Quite splendid Albus,” he said his voice dripping with sarcasm. “But you would know that… wouldn’t you? You always seemed to be there every time I turned around.”

The Headmaster smiled. “One would think that you didn’t like me, Severus,” he said with a small chuckle before moving further into the room to speak with his Deputy Head Mistress.

Severus shook his head. “What would ever give them that idea I wonder,” he said to himself.

Countless minutes later the Defense Professor looked somewhere between ready to kill and ready to die himself. He hated these yearly staff meetings more than he hated well… James Potter. Figuring that he had been there long enough he stood from his chair only to be caught by those wandering eyes of his boss. “I’ve just remembered Severus; don’t you have an announcement to make?”

Snape narrowed his eyes at the Headmaster once again. “No,” he bit out through clenched teeth.

“Nonsense!” Albus said a bit too jovially for Snape’s liking. “It’s such joyous news Severus, why don’t you share.”

The younger wizard knew enough to know that the man’s suggestion was actually an order. “My son will be attending Hogwarts this year,” he managed out without flinching. He eyed his colleagues cautiously as they took in the news. He could see the looks of shock all over their faces. Minerva opened her mouth and Severus held up a hand. “I was young Minerva. I didn’t know. So don’t go saying that I kept it from you. Now if you would excuse me I have to—“

Green flames filled the fireplace and a young man that strongly resembled the trying-to-flee-professor stepped out.
“Sorry I’m late Sir,” the boy said to Dumbledore before turning to see the gathered people. “Oh… Should I err— Should I come back Headmaster?”

Albus shook his head. “Of course not. What better time to be sorted than in front of your future Professors—and of course your father?”

Severus scowled before turning to face his son. “Hello Daemon,” Snape said slowly.

“Afternoon father,” Daemon said a bit stiffly.

Minerva was practically jumping out of her seat from the excitement. “Severus he looks so much like you!” she gushed.

It was the truth that the Transfiguration Professor spoke. Daemon Sebastian Snape looked strongly like his father. His hair was black as night and worn long, tied with a leather thong at the nape of his neck, making his dark eyes (black as well) stand out even more against his pale skin. His nose however, was less pronounced though it still had character and a slight kink to it that it had been broken and healed itself once upon a time.

Minerva looked between father and son noticing how the boy was a good inch taller than his father and held himself in the same manner as if he were trying to loom over those around him. To her amusement they were both dressed fully in black though Daemon’s outer robes had silver buttons where his father’s robes had nothing but black, not a single stitch of another shade on Severus’ clothing, other than the snake pin that clasped his cloak closed.

“His nose is smaller!” Flitwick pointed out from his seat.

Severus turned to glare at the smaller wizard. “I can step on you,” Severus snarled.

“Honestly Severus must you act childish? There will be no stepping on anyone.” Albus said before turning to Daemon. “If you would my boy take a seat there in that chair next to your father,” he said waving his hand. A chair soared into the room, seemingly out of nowhere and landed next to Snape. “And if you Severus could get the sorting hat from the Top shelf. I do believe you should do the honours of bestowing the hat on your son’s head.”

As Snape Senior meandered over to the hat he was once again scowling. His son sat down, catching the tail end of his father’s words. “I already can tell you where he will be placed,” Snaped was muttering to himself.

“Ah, but Severus you forget who his mother was…” Albus drawled casually. “He could after all end up in her house.”

Severus Snape brought the hat over with a roll to his eyes. The thing was talking already, something about being woken up prematurely and how no one was supposed to be sorted for another week and a half. He told the hat to “shut [it’s] annoying mouth and sort already”. For once the thing complied with Severus’ request.

Daemon’s scowl was identical to that of his father’s as he listened to the hat analyze his head. “Such strong houses your parents came from. You’d fit in nicely to both you know,” it said.

Daemon rolled his eyes. “Just put me where you will, will you? I have unpacking to do,” he said with a sneer.

The hat laughed. “Very well then. Enjoy the time you shall spend with your father… Slytherin!” it bellowed.

Sporting an arrogant smirk Snape took the hat off of his son’s head and brought it back over to its self. “What did I tell you Dumbledore?”

“Curious,” the older wizard said. “Very curious.” He steepled his fingers. “Meeting dismissed,” he said in a distracted tone. “Oh and no bothering Severus and his son. They have a lot of things to discuss and you can interrogate them during dinner,” he said waving his staff away.

Severus didn’t even bother waiting for his son before he billowed out of the room. It didn’t take much for Daemon to keep up right beside him and the two wizards soon found themselves in Severus’ private quarters. “Welcome home Daemon,” Snape said in the most polite voice he could muster. “Your room is through there,” he said before disappearing into his private potions lab.

Severus Snape had a feeling that this year would be the hardest and most trying yet.
♠ ♠ ♠
//Hi there! Names Kaitlyn but I write under the name bemusedkittykat. This will be an AU, OC centered Harry Potter fanfiction. For years I have been developing my own theories on the process behind animagi transformations and this fic. will mainly be focused around such.

I really hope you enjoy this fic.!

You can follow me on twitter at @bemusedkittykat. I'll answer all questions and comments there are in the comments on this website. However, I will be posting update notifications via twitter.

Happy Reading!