Status: Currently in the works.

Playing With Fire

Chapter Seven

“What on earth?” Kitten could feel her anger rekindling because not only was Paul still in the damn hospital bed but he seemed to be puking his guts out and there was a strange man sitting next to him. “who the hell are you,”

“Billy Black, Jacob Black’s father” Kitten hissed as she looked around for Princess and Embry. Embry was pale and sitting up in his bed looking a little more sickly then yesterday and she could feel Princess concern radiating off of her.

“What’s going on?” Princess questioned as she rushed towards Embry’s side yet again setting her hands on his face. “you look worse than yesterday how is that possible?”

“it’s the venom,” Billy spoke up and Kitten looked at him questioning obviously he knew about the wolves and vampires Jacob was his son but what was he doing near her wolves.

“What’s the venom? What’s it doing?” Kitten took Paul’s hand setting her cooler hand on his forehead to try and give him some relief.

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen this happen, the venom appears to be eating at his immune system and stomach since that’s where the majority of the wound was near…” Billy looked up at her. “Embry’s got it still but he appears to be burning it off just very slowly he had a smaller amount introduced into his system. Edward spit was a concentrated amount of venom into the wound, it could kill Paul,”

“There has to be something I can do,” Kitten was practically pleading. Billy looked at Paul who seemed to be in amazing amounts of pain and suffering.

“you could try sucking the venom out. As long as you don’t let your venom get in his skin,” Kitten looked pained because she wasn’t sure she could do that.

“You can do it Kitten, You won’t hurt him. We don’t know what will happen to your body if you drink his blood. If I attempt to it could kill me,” She frowned she wanted to help but she didn’t know what the introduction of another animal’s blood would do to her fragile system after all she was part human and Part vampire both could be equally vulnerable. Kitten nodded she’d at least try it couldn’t Kill her, make her ill probably but kill her, impossible. Kitten was practically indestructible.

“I’ll try, his side right?” Kitten questioned looking at Paul in agony. Billy shook his head that was to large of a space. He pointed to a bite on Paul’s chest near his heart. Kitten simply nodded. “I’m sorry Paul, I’m going to fix this Ok? I’m going to make it ok,” She promised as she climbed onto the bed careful of his wounds and latched her mouth onto the bite careful to keep her teeth away from his skin.

Kitten could taste Edwards venom and nearly spit it back out but she remembered she needed to get it out of Paul’s body. She continued to drink until she could taste clean blood and then she pulled away her own face twisted. Edwards Venom doing absolutely nothing to her system but even the mild amount of wolf blood she’d just drank could have consequences on her system. Paul had stopped screaming as Kitten pulled away.

“now we wait and see,” Billy sighed, “Girls I ask you a favor, Please do not kill my son, I know he’s done this to your mates but please, he’s all I have. Him and his sisters,” Billy begged and Kitten felt a pang in her heart.

“If he gets in the way of me destroying Bella and Edward I’ll have no choice,” she frowned as she settled on the bed next to Paul stroking his chest feeling a little weak her self surprisingly though she didn’t seem to be affected by Paul’s blood because the affect should have been immediate. “but if I can avoid it, I promise to you I will not harm your son….too much,” She hoped that was a promise she could keep to this kind gentleman.

“Carlisle says not to let that…hybrid. Get near paul’s wounds her venom is to dangerous, plus it could seriously damage Her, which I could care less about,” Jacob busted in about ten minutes to late. Kitten looked over at him growling lowly in her throat only calmed by Paul’s arm wrapping around her waist protectively.

“What do you know? She just saved Paul’s life by sucking the venom out, besides being a little weak now his blood doesn’t seem to be effecting her in any way,” Princess spat irritated as she cuddled up to Embry who had also wrapped an arm protectively around her smaller body.

“You let her suck the venom out?!” Jacob looked to his father as if he’d done something awful. “her venom is more dangerous then Edwards! She WILL kill him!” He snarled looking ready to lunge at Kitten.

“Then explain to me why the color is returning to Paul’s face and his pulse has sped back up to where it needs to be, If she had done something to harm him he would be increasingly worse. Not getting better as he is,” Billy frowned wheeling his chair around to look at Jacob. “you’ve done a horrible thing here Jacob and for nothing. Bella isn’t yours and she never will be you attacked two of your brothers with out bothering to figure out what was going on for what? For some one who wants nothing more than to be one with the leeches,” He shook his head looking disappointedly at his son.

“I can’t believe you are taking their side! They are leeches too!” Jacob threw his hands up in the air and Paul snarled his body stating to shake.

“Paul, shh, Hey baby, Focus. Ignore him. You know I’m not a leech, it’s ok. I’m right here,” Kitten began to sooth in hopes of taming her boyfriend’s anger. He couldn’t afford to phase right now. He’d hurt himself too much.

“these ladies are far from the leeches like the Cullen’s,” Billy snapped looking at his son a certain hurt wrapped around Billy’s features. “They do not feed like the Cullen’s. They eat sugar and human food,”

“And they have done nothing but help the pack,” Sam added stepping into the room looking at Paul who finally had some color in his features and didn’t look like death warmed over. Embry was starting to look a tiny bit better as well. “They aren’t like the Cullen’s Jacob, all that fighting that you’ve done for nothing, She will be one of them and there is nothing you can do to stop that,” He walked over to check on Embry before making his way over to Paul.

“That THING is not helping the pack! She’s tearing us apart!” Jacob screamed and Normally Kitten would have lost it. She would have let Jacob have her screamers. She would have him on the floor but she couldn’t afford to take her attention off Paul.

“So Paul, When do you want to have our wedding,” She distracted the boy completely ignoring Jacob even though her own anger was bubbling in her throat she knew better than to act on it at this very moment and risk Paul getting upset.

“She is not a thing!” Paul was starting to shake as if he was going to phase so Kitten did the only thing she could think to stop him. She grabbed his face and pressed a kiss to his lips not needing to worry about her venom translating threw her saliva. She had to be intentionally using her venom not just kissing or anything of that sort. So Paul was completely safe. The kiss obviously caught Paul off guard but he immediately stopped shaking. This wasn’t their first kiss but it was one that was deeper than most of the others they’d shared. His hand found her cheek as he pulled her into the kiss holding it for a moment before allowing her to pull away and smile lazily at him.

“Are you calm again?” Kitten teased and pressed another gentle peck to his lips. “back to focusing on when we are going to get married. Are we going to wait until Bella and Edward have been destroyed or do you want me to start planning right away,” She questioned. She knew it was in their future. They were mates. Soul mates they would get married eventually it was just a matter of when. Paul had yet to actually ask her but that didn’t bother him. He didn’t think he had to ask he wasn’t sure how that worked after all.

“I don’t know, If I get upset are you going to kiss me again?” His eyes scanned over her as if he was tempted to get upset just to see if she would kiss him again.

“you don’t have to get upset for me to kiss you,” She giggled and pressed a kiss to his nose. “but If you do get upset again I may be forced to cause Jacob an injury or two,” She warned “You can’t afford to be phasing right now,” She stroked a hand down his chest.

“Yeah I’d like to see you hurt me,” Jacob snapped and Princess let out a soft laugh and shook her head because Jacob really didn’t understand how powerful kitten was did he? He was pushing the buttons as hard as he possibly could right now and that was dangerous.

“Billy, I respect you, but your son is pushing my limits,” Kitten warned getting ready to climb off the hospital bed with Paul and attack. She had enough of him pushing buttons and trying to get her not to attack. She would attack when she was damn good and ready and right now she was ready.

“Jacob that’s enough,” Billy attempted to get his son back under control but that didn’t appear to be doing much of anything just push Jacob further over the edge.

“no! it’s not! I’m sick of everyone taking their side! Because they are so fragile or whatever! They aren’t even real vampires! At least we KNOW AND CAN TRUST the Cullen’s. We can’t know or trust these things!” Jacob was purposefully pushing ever button he possibly could to irritate the girl calling not only her a thing but calling Princess a thing as well.

“Would someone like to stop him or should I?” Kitten questioned as she looked around the room slowly approaching Jacob pinning him to the wall a look of pure anger settled on her face. She wasn’t about to sit here and take this anymore.

“Jacob I’m ordering you to stop,” Sam spoke firmly and suddenly Jacob’s lips were seal as if some one had glued them shut. Jacob slipped out of the trap he seemed to be caught in before exiting rather quickly. He knew better than to mess with Sam’s orders. Kitten watched as he left before looking towards Princess and Embry who both seemed fast asleep.

“Come lay with me, he’s not important,” Paul hummed quietly scooting over on the bed to make room for his girlfriend. She sighed letting her anger dissipate before making her way back over to the bed and crawling up on the bed with him and setting her head down.

“Jacob’s lucky he’s part of the pack and I can’t hurt him without harming you,” she pouted pressing a kiss to Paul’s lips and he just smiled tugging her into his arms letting her know it was going to be ok.

“Let’s go back to planning this wedding, Even though I haven’t even proposed yet!” He teased and Kitten’s eyes lit up.