Status: Currently in the works.

Playing With Fire

Chapter Eight

The next few week or so went rather quickly, Paul and Embry were making amazing strides in their recovery. They were back up walking around. They still couldn’t phase safely back and forth but they would get there. Paul was struggling a bit with not being able to Phase, He fought with the ability to protect Kitten even though she didn’t really need his protection. He couldn’t let anything happen to her and that’s where his frustration came with not being able to phase back and forth. Jacob hadn’t left his house much and that was pretty much ok with everyone else on the reservation. No one wanted to deal with his moping because the original plan had involved Bella being changed on their honey moon.

It wasn’t until a week after they got home Kitten picked up on their being something wrong. Jacob had stormed off to visit the Cullen house hold to see if Bella had been changed after hearing from Charlie that Bella was “sick”. Paul was finishing up the school he’d missed when he’d ended up injured and missing the last test or so for graduation and Kitten had been sitting on his bed Princess by her side as Embry studied with Paul. It had been fairly quiet and neither girl was paying attention until they heard loud howls.

“What’s going on?” Kitten snapped her own head up as she listened to the howls hearing the pain in the tone of the noise. It was like someone was stabbing someone in the pack. She watched carefully as Paul closed his eyes and she did as well tuning into his thoughts needing to know what was going on. Only to be shocked and almost appalled by what she saw. Bella with a pregnant Belly, That didn’t even seem possible!

“Is that even possible?” Embry whipped around to look at Kitten as she continued to focus on Paul’s mind trying to hear the conversation between Edward and Jacob and then Jacob and Bella. But Jacobs thoughts were a mess. She attempted to focus on the protruding belly of Bella but even that was hard with how scattered Jacobs thoughts were. She opened her eyes and looked at Embry.

“No, there is nothing in the history of our time that suggests that’s a possibility,” Princess took her chance to pry into Kitten’s mind and listen to what was going on.

“That can’t be possible! My makers tried that and killed several women doing so,” Princess spat venomously because what she had to have gone through all the experiments done to her it had been awful and painful and for Bella to just be impregnated by Edward how as that even possible? And what was the thing in her stomach?

“She won’t survive,” Kitten shook her head, “Aro tried several times. Every women he impregnated died their body unable to carry whatever the thing growing inside them was. As a result all but one of the children ever died either because the mothers died so early before the …things could get the nutrition they needed or because they killed her by breaking all her bones and cutting off their nutrition,” Kitten explained looking to Princess and reaching up touching her cheek.

“What is it? The thing she’s carrying?” Paul asked looking at the two girls on the bed seeming to share a tender moment. Sometimes he really wished he could get inside their heads and see what they were seeing and just experience what it was like for them.

“No one knows, the only time it survived it had to be immediately destroyed because it was completely uncontrollable. Bit everything and everyone insight, couldn’t be trusted to keep our secret, Wasn’t safe, whatever it was, was evil and a danger to the human race and the vampire race,” Princess looked at Paul and then to kitten. This was news to even Princess. She didn’t know this history. No one really did. That had been something Aro had used Kitten’s powers to wipe the memory from everyone but her and him. They were the only ones that could be trusted with this information.

“So there’s a chance this thing could survive and potentially be a danger to everyone in Washington?” Kitten nodded

“It will kill Bella, It could be a threat to the wolves, It’s a threat to everyone. It must be destroyed,” Embry snapped and stood up. Princess swiftly stood up as well and shook her head.

“No, You can’t phase yet. It’s to dangerous for your health, let us take care of this. The wolves do not need to worry about this,” She added frowning because she didn’t want any more harm to come to her love.

“let us take care of this,” Kitten repeated looking at Princess holding her hand out as she climbed off the bed. “I do believe my love we have some business to tend to,” She nodded her eyes flaring a darker pink than usual. Princess nodded her green eyes shining brighter than usual as well.

“You tell Sam we’ve got this under control,” Princess pressed a kiss to Embry’s lips before taking Kitten’s hand and allowing Kitten to lead her out of the small cabin on the reservation. “What are we going to do Kitten? This is a mess she’s gotten herself into. Should we consult Aro?” The elder hybrid shook her head as she lead her across the reservation and towards the Cullen’s.

“No Aro’s being watch by Alice, they all are. However Alice can’t watch us. If it gets out of hand then we shall but I say we let this thing run it’s course and Kill Bella and if it survives we kill it,” Kitten hummed gently arriving at the Cullen’s door.

“I don’t relish the thought of destroying a child,” Princess added frowning and Kitten shook her head looking at Princess gently taking her cheeks into her hands and looking her in the eye.

“I love you my dear, but the right thing to do is to Kill it, unless it is good in nature and can be controlled it will need to be killed. That thing inside of her is not a child, Unless I can hear a heartbeat. Then I may reconsider. You and I will both attempt to get a view at the child, through my powers. We will decide then,” She reassured her. “I will not kill it if it is even part human but Aro’s had this happen before and the only time it survived was when it was full demon or whatever, Please do not stress my darling,” a soft kiss was dropped onto her lips and Princess nodded trusting that Kitten would do the right thing.

They didn’t even have to knock on the door, Carlisle seemed to be waiting for them. He opened the door and looked at the girls worry scribbled on his face. “maybe you can help us,” He had never seen something like this before and he was disturbed and worried as well. He wanted nothing more than to get that monster out of Bella, Kitten could feel his anger and distress at this thing growing inside Bella.

“I will do what I can Carlisle, But sometimes Human’s make stupid choices that result in their own deaths, there may be nothing I can do,” She frowned hugging him gently. “lead us to her yes?” Carlisle nodded taking them upstairs where everyone was gathered around surprisingly Jacob was standing in the room as well protectively in front of Bella.

“You shouldn’t be protecting that thing, Jacob, You don’t know what it can do,” Princess added softly. “your brothers are against this, shouldn’t you be as well? I heard Sam’s command to stay away from Bella until Kitten and I could figure out what was going on,” Shaking her head she looked around the room.

“I am no longer part of Sam’s pack. I was never meant to be a follower,” Jacob snapped. “it’s not a THING it’s a ..I don’t know but it’s not a thing!” he growled and Kitten rolled her eyes. Now they knew her frustration at being called a ‘thing’

“I do not care what you think it is,” she paused and scanned the minds of those around her. Most of them felt concern and fear for what was growing inside Bella. Then there was Rose and Esme who seemed to think it was an innocent being and because of their past with children wanted nothing more than for it to survive. It caused her great grief what had happened to Esme and Rose and she wouldn’t cause them pain if not absolutely needed.

“I can’t see her future anymore,” Alice nearly whispered and Kitten nodded looking towards Princess who immediately made her way over hugging Alice gently.

“That’s because she doesn’t have one as of now,” Kitten didn’t mean to come off as cold but she couldn’t lie to this family. “ Bella has made a choice to keep this thing inside her, whether it’s going to kill her or not and she’s essentially taken away her own future, now let me see this child, you and Esme are hoping that it is,” She spoke directly towards Rose who stepped out of the way knowing better than to get into Kitten’s way.

“It can’t be all bad can it?” Esme questioned quietly but Kitten didn’t bother to respond as she stepped in front of belle, Setting her hands On Bella’s stomach to focus on the fetus. It was strange but she could hear a heartbeat that wasn’t Bella’s. It was much to slow to be Bella’s. It sounded like Princess heartbeat.

“Princess, come here a moment,” princess quickly stepped next to her girlfriend and Kitten set a hand over Princess heart listening to the two heart beats. She compared and listened. “Amazing,” She pulled away from Bella and turned fully towards Princess showing her what she’d seen.

“Impossible!” Princess gasped but Kitten simply nodded turning to look at Bella.

“What is it?” Emmett pushed afraid they were thinking it was something awful ready to attack if they said Bella needed to be destroyed where she stood.

“It’s a hybrid, Like Princess. Part human, part vampire. The only problem is going to be it’s thirst if it survives,” The elder hybrid commented shaking her head.

“what about Bella,” Jacob snapped and Kitten turned to Princess wondering if she wanted to break the news to him.

“Bella will not survive. There is a very small chance the hybrid will survive but there is almost no chance that Bella will survive,” The green eyed hybrid concluded and everyone around the room looked at Bella then back at Kitten and Princess.

“What if she does though?” Edward questioned looking curiously at the two Volturi girls. “ what will be the consequences of what we’ve done?”

“if by some miracle both of them survive, when Aro finds out there will be dire consequences, I can convince him to save the hybrid growing inside her depending on the level of good it is or has or whatever. I do not think I could convince Aro to spare Bella or you for creating her,” Kitten added.

“you saved Princess, why wouldn’t you be able to spare Edward and Bella or this hybrid,” Carlisle questioned and Kitten sighed heavily at him because of course he’d only remember what he wanted to.

“I was able to save Princess because I was in love with her and she is powerful and I could prove she’d do no harm to our secret. I couldn’t save her creators for making her,” Kitten snapped. “Just like when Aro finds out that I’ve been hanging with werewolves I will be able to curb his urge to destroy them by proving that Bot Princess and I are in love with one and showing him just how strong the bond is,” She continued.

“You should have changed her while you have the chance, there are situations venom can’t overcome and this may be one of them,” The younger hybrid tried to frown but she couldn’t. She was a little pissed off with Bella. Because how dare she put her in this position. How dare she be so irresponsible?

“I don’t care, As long as he Survives,” Bella mentioned looking down at her belly and Princess rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“She, It’s a she, and I may not be able to save her,” Kitten snapped looking at the rest of the family. “I will not stand against my father if that hybrid is anything like the immortal children, if it is like Princess then I will make my decision then but until it is born and survives I will not be making any choices.” She said firmly.

“But you can keep the wolves away, Sam wants her destroyed,” Jacob argued and Kitten let out a bitter laugh shaking her head.

“Sam will not need to destroy her, she’s done that herself. I will make him aware that there is no reason to fight,” Princess shrugged. “Yet,” She added lacing warning into her tone to make sure they understood just what they were getting themselves into.