Status: Hiatus

The Boys and Girls in the Cliques

The Answers To My Prayers

If you wanted to know how the Family Guy argument ended, I couldn't tell you. My mind was kinda busy. I wasn't really into the conversation, and I wasn't listening to it. Neither was Gerard as far as I could tell. I must admit, the majority of lunch was me staring at Ray, the new table gave me a better view than my old table with all the band geeks. All the while I was thinking how Ray couldn't possibly be gay or bisexual. It's just not possible, you know?

I was wondering about what had Frank had said. It made sense, Ray was the star quarterback, and people loved him. It would never cross their minds that he was homosexual. He could completely flaming, and nobody would know because they are ignorant. Would that make me ignorant also? I thought about this.

Lunch was over, I walked to my next class in a trance. I was still thinking about all of these things. I had completely blocked out the whole world.

I just wished I could talk to my grandfather about this.

I walked into the room. It was History. I was a bit late, and the seat next to Gerard was taken. The only open seat was next to (would you believe it?) Ray! Inside I was beaming and patting myself on the back for being slow. I was going to be breathing the same air that an incredibly hot guy is breathing! I never did that before!

God, I sound pathetic.

So I took my seat. Then, Ray did this one thing I would've never believed he'd do. He smiled at me. I melted. God, I melted inside. Outside I gave a really small smile (so small if you weren't paying attention you'd miss it) and nodded my head. Hell to-the-fucking Yes!

I sound like a lovesick pre-teen for god's sake. Gah!

The teacher, Mr. Drone (which is a totally appropriate name for him, since he drones on about things you could care less about) stood up to his full hight. We all settled down and comfortable in our seats, because it was expected to fall asleep without planning on it in this class.

How could I possibly sleep with this eye candy right beside me? It was impossible.

For half of the class he lectured about something in history, then he told us to read a few pages in our textbooks and take some notes. It was the same as any other day, extremely boring.

Time moved faster as we read and soon the class was over. I, for the first time in my life, didn't want it to end, I wanted to stay right here next to Ray!

"Mr. Toro, Mr. Bryar, please stay here," Mr. Drone said when we were close to the door.

Oh god, he knows I was checking Ray out.

I told myself that was absurd, like he would care.

"Raymond," he gave him a sad look, "You're grades are really slipping."

Ray looked down, ashamed and embarrassed. He nodded, "I know," he said softly.

"If you fail this next test, you won't be able to participate in sports," he told him. Oh, so this is what was going on.

"Yes, sir."

"Robert, you are one of my best students," Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that no matter how much I hated History, I was good at it, "Maybe you and Ray could get together and study."

Mr, Drone, you had me at "get together", "Sure, I have no life anyways," Ray laughed at this. I'm funny!

"Very well, you may go."

We were late for our next class, and we ended up sitting by each other again. I don't care if he's straight or not, today was awesome.

I was smiling the rest of the day.
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WOO! The big one-oh!
I wanted to make this longer, but I got stuck and couldn't, ya know?

So, I remember telling myself yesterday, "If I don't get at least ten comments I'm not going to update this, I don't care!"

Yeah, well I ended up getting about four or five comments, and I still updated! You're lucky I love you guys....

So... lets try to shoot for a little more than five comments, shall we?